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    trixie_faux reacted to David Flores in Dumb Hipster Tattoos   
    I will take animals in top hats riding unicycles smoking pipes with monocles and mustaches over people coming in with pictures of the cast of Jersey Shore as reference material. I am just saying things could be worse.
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    trixie_faux reacted to ShawnPorter in Dumb Hipster Tattoos   
    Love away.
    I find them annoying. It's what people in my age group do; hate people younger than us and thinking their trends are stupid.
    And sure- I had said before that at some point people in this thread would get butthurt because something would hit too close to home.
    I ride a track bike. I LOVE my track bike. It's really light, was cheap and gets me where I'm going.
    I wear the same outfit literally every day. (black logo-less tshirt, jeans, new balance sneakers; when I dress in the morning I don't have to think about it; I just grab a clean shirt and pair of jeans and cut out the entire decision making process.)
    I have a beard.
    Some, if not most, of my tattoos make no sense.
    So sure, someone could call me a hipster. that's fine. As long as I'm washing my hair every day and not dressing like a total ironic douche, I don't mind.
    I still hate hipsters.
  3. Like
    trixie_faux reacted to Avery Taylor in Dumb Hipster Tattoos   
    I am with you on this. Hating hipsters has become more annoying than being one. I can't join in with the hipster loving or with the two bearded idiots being cute, but I agree with the rest of it.
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    trixie_faux reacted to JAllen in Dumb Hipster Tattoos   
    hipster can't ever ruin something, you can tell a poser when you see them. i will continue to like what i like, never gave a shit if it was popular before and i'm not going to start caring now. but i don't go out and hang out with people so if i do drink a pbr it will be at home...cheaper and away from the hipster crowd!
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    trixie_faux reacted to kirkson in Dumb Hipster Tattoos   
    but it did give us the brilliant and hilarious Portlandia
  6. Like
    trixie_faux reacted to Tight-Lines in Louie CK   
    There needs to be a thread dedicated to one of the greatest comedians of all time.
    His new show has trumped the old one (which I never thought was possible.)
    Who the hell else feels this way?
  7. Like
    trixie_faux reacted to Duffa in Pin Up Girls   
    There can't be a pinup thread without something from my home girl Lina Stigsson! :cool:

    There are more on her website:
    Lina Stigsson
  8. Like
    trixie_faux reacted to briankelly in Trash Polka?   
    i was riding the tram the other day with a guy who had two full sleeves of this sort of thing. i think it looks good if the style is adhered to for the whole body, while it is not my thing and i did sit there being very critical of it in my own head. i was thinking things like, that red will never hold up, but he did have a portrait of a womans face in the work that did look quite nice in a technically well done way, and i am of the belief that all tattoos are going to look like complete shit in the future anyway. i try not to bash the work of other's who styles i dislike, because opinions are like assholes. i really don't like noon's work, but i shared an apartment with him and his son in new york for a few days, years ago, and he is a nice guy.
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    trixie_faux reacted to Tight-Lines in yelp & tattoo shops   
    Sometimes I yelp shit I have never gone to and just make stuff up.
    Just to have a lolz.
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    trixie_faux reacted to dari in Relationships and tattoos   
    Stitch626, how lucky for you to not be in a relationship with a fickle, small minded little man anymore.
    Sounds like he just released you from what could've been a long and lengthy suppression of your true self, I'm willing to bet he was vacillating and thoughtless in other areas as well.
    Maybe you should send him a thank you card every year on the anniversary of your independence?
  11. Like
    trixie_faux reacted to dari in Blackheart Tattoo Scab-Free Art Show   
    Hello all,
    A few days before the show comes down, Space Gallery has posted photos from the Blackheart Show. I'm sure that whatever doesn't sell in the gallery can be bought from the artists themselves post show:
    Black Heart Tattoo SCAB-FREE : Space Gallery
  12. Like
    trixie_faux reacted to Shannon Shirley in Does My Tattoo Look Bad?   
    I have some pretty bad ones I will never mess with ,because of association. one of them is by the late Eric Hogan. he was by no means a great friend , more like someone I knew, But I will always remember him, His mother would probably appreciate this. During these times that seem sometimes like a "cool" race, we need to remember the whys and hows people have always gotten tattooed. As a tattooer/ist we ,especially street shops, face it everyday. those silly reasons mean something to those not in the know. your Moms love, your children's love, you went somewhere, you freed yourself, don't forget. They aren't just cool. Last evening I put stick figures holding balloons on a woman's foot, I tried to put them on with all the professionalism that i could. If those don't meet anyone's ideas about what good art is or what a cool tattoo is,it doesn't matter. she talked about how she went to a different shop and they were rude about it. I did a good job, she was happy, I got to eat dinner doing something I want to do,not something i have to do, Im not cleaning toilets ,Im not a Walmart greeter. not that good hard work isn't respectful , Its that I'm lucky and hopeful today. And yes I will try and give them the best stick figures they need. I do love me some "regular people".
  13. Like
    trixie_faux reacted to mama neta in good client behavior   
    I consider myself a respectful and well-behaved client. I tip generously and I've been known to bring baked goods and Virgin Mary statuettes to artists as "thank you"s. But I admit I have used an iPod and iPhone (Words With Friends, checking email, texting my husband, never any phone calls) during recent appointments. I never thought of this as rude behavior. I figured as long as my devices were silenced and I wasn't squirming to use them, it was perfectly acceptable client behavior, especially since it helps distract me from the pain. I also assumed most tattoo artists prefer not to chat it up with customers, so I thought if I entertained myself they'd be happier. I do talk with an artist if they engage me, but I try my best to allow them to focus.
    The original member who suggested this was bad behavior, I think, admitted he wasn't an artist. So I'm curious what the artists on the board think about this.
    In related news, I will from now on ask an artist for permission to use listen to an iPod or to text.
  14. Like
    trixie_faux reacted to ian in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Just got a portrait of my pup from Ben Grillo...

  15. Like
    trixie_faux reacted to slayer9019 in Whitest Kids, tattoo   
    My friends and I always thought it was funny, just sharing!
  16. Like
    trixie_faux reacted to Paulywhore in Who do you think deserves some recognition?   
    Im not sure how much exposure he has had but ~ Tom Moser - at Goldrush, wow is all I can say, all the pics of his work are insane but a few that stand out to me are the blue yellow and red cobra that goes from the guys waist line to his chest, tiger head on the guys hand, panther on the hand, and the tiger at the end on his portfolio.
    I looked at most of the other guys pics at gold rush and they are all incredible, looks like these dudes are top of the food chain.
  17. Like
    trixie_faux reacted to Lochlan in Tattoos and the workplace   
    I always enjoy these kind of conversations so thanks everyone for partaking and thanks in advance to those who will continue to. This topic has come up a few times on the site and this one is one of the more engaging times.
    With that being said, I work as a consultant mainly in the world of psychology and have a fair amount of tattoos including hands and neck which can not be covered up easily. Up until more recently some psychologist used tattoos as a way of pathologizing and potentially distributing possible diagnoses to clients. Some may still do it and I know there are several research studies always going on looking for associations between tattoos and various diagnoses. But thank god more and more people are not relying so heavily on pathologies but rather more on the individual(s). And many of these individuals who rely on pathologies (fifty to seventy percent I believe) will be retiring within the next five years so us in the next generation get to really change how historically psychology has not been used in the best client centered, guided, and driven manner(s). So we get to infiltrate the system and change how services are delivered from the face-to-face work to policies to education to ???????
    This I believe can translate to many other professions as we enter these trades or whatever linguistical word fancy's your excitement to work hard and get rid of various pathologies, stigmas, 'isms' and what have yous. The work we do is what matters but at first the older generation and maybe even our own generation are going to judge us so rather than kick in the front doors why don't we lead by the quality of our work and come in through the side door..... We are at a cool spot in history where we can potentially shape things in a much more inclusive and positive way for the future. This all includes pulling the strengths from the old and combining it with the strengths of the new creating a tailor made worker for these days. Anyways, I could go on and on, on this conversation but will cut it short with this.....I wear a suit to ninety percent of my contracts with hand and neck tattoos showing while traveling around from; speaking with agencies (non-profit and for-profit), students, colleges, politicians, doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, to what-have-yous. I get various looks and some comments on them but try not to talk too much about them and let my work speak for itself. Sure it may help when I am face-to-face with a youth or someone where it could improve the rapport but most of my days are spent with people where it could jeopardize the rapport as well. The flip side is, I get the opportunity to prove the people who could/would judge me wrong if I don't fall into their stereotypes of tattooed people. I do my job and stay respectful. If they want to be disrespectful that's their choice and if by the end of the contract they are still being disrespectful I don't do another contract with them. But my retention rate is good for contracts so I would draw the conclusion, quality of work and respect are speaking louder than tattoos these days.
  18. Like
    trixie_faux reacted to Ursula in suggestions for aiding newcomers   
    I thought some of you might like this

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    trixie_faux reacted to Perez in Visual tattoo opinions....   
    I'm just too goddamned handsome to fuck it up with a face tattoo!
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    trixie_faux reacted to gougetheeyes in Tattoo age on VBS   
    HAHA best intro to a video.. "it says you fucking like bluegrass, you don't mind amphibians and you definitely get high."
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