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Posts posted by irezumi

  1. I made a halfass bs promise to not add more tattoos to my neck shortly after starting to date this girl, not really meaning it because I thought it was just pillow talk ("I love your neck, let me just have that one spot" "Sure babe"). Lesson learned about how serious that promise was, I figured it was fairly obvious I'd get more eventually.

    When I said I was about to do that (phone call, naturally) I got the DONT YOU FUCKING DARE DO THAT and after some bickering I got the FINE GO AHEAD AND DO IT (which never really means 'fine' but we all know that, I just heard all I wanted to hear)and never lived it down. Years later even after we aren't together if it comes up she'll still say how much she hates that bird hahah

  2. My pleasure. If I have something interesting to share I'm glad to do so. With luck it piques the interest enough to make people here buy some books, find and buy old magazines, dig through old articles, go to art shows, go to a museum, etc. Basically to do the research and contribute back. The process of finding the information used to be much more difficult and/or time consuming but is still so much more rewarding. The internet is a super helpful tool but I find that I absorb the material if I see and hold a book, venture to the library to request old/rare books that are unaffordable or too rare to buy, or take the time to show up in front of a painting and stand in front if it for a few minutes without talking or even thinking, just looking and soaking it in, or bringing a sketchbook to a museum and study/draw from a sculpture or a skull or even a dead stuffed animal (Thanks Teddy Roosevelt).

    'in real life' information. Granted, I approach all of this as an artist and/or as a tattooer so perhaps my level of interest might be different than a civilian, but the desire to learn more about a passion is shared by all not just this side of the counter.

  3. And in an instant this becomes the advice column.


    Wisdom doesn't automatically come with old age. Nothing does

    - except wrinkles. It's true, some wines improve with age. But

    only if the grapes were good in the first place.


    A word to the wise ain't necessary - it's the stupid ones that need the advice.

    Bill Cosby


    Don't accept your dog's admiration as conclusive evidence that you are wonderful.

  4. I was 17 when I got my first real crush on an unobtainable woman, her name was Alex Herman and she was the hottest punk rock girl/woman I had ever seen. She was also the first really heavily tattooed woman I had seen with amazing work, way cooler than the less than mediocre black and grey punk tattoos I had seen on friends and at shows. She had a cheetah print forearm and for some reason is still ingrained in my mind. Therefor I have a slight bias and don't mind cheetah print all that much.

  5. I've always found this to be a very interesting viewpoint on biting. Steven Powers has been out of the graff scene for a while (so have I) but still inspires the new generations. This was originally printed in an old magazine called On The Go, and later reprinted in one of his own books 'The Art of Getting Over'. A side by side comparison doesn't exactly line up 100%, but in idea it's not real far off in some ways.


    - - - Updated - - -

    I have to to type this whole thing and I am a pointing finger Plunker so you damn well better appreciate it. Filip Leu said this in his TAM interview;

    TAM comments on his style growing, and his reply is

    my view of my own progression is that my work keeps changing not because I think that what I'm doing is not good but in order to maintain an interest. You have to evolve a bit and try things differently; otherwise it gets boring right? So if people are copying something you're doing now by next year you should be doing something else already anyway, hopefully.

    I also think about it another way. Let's say I am working on a water style and I'm trying to crack something and I'm having a hard time with it, but a bunch of other guys pick up the same kind of water and they crack it and they figure out how to put it on the arm all perfectly. When I see it, the first thing I do is rip them off and use what they figured out because I didn't manage to do it on my own.

    TAM - yes, but you're not going to take their tattoo or their style and redo it, you'll apply it what you see to your own work, that's different.

    Leu - I know, but I'm as guilty as anyone of having gone through a period of redrawing everything I like that I saw any photo. I drew it to learn it and I tattooed a couple of them. It wasn't any fun for me though; the fun part is learning how to do it and making your own design.

    Later in the interview he also makes this comment in a different question

    Leu - I guess I've never worried about it because it's been more important to me to produce and put out than to watch what other people are doing. If I see it copied and picked up, I think I'm on the right track and that's all I need to know about it. I go back to producing and putting out. That's the thing to concentrate on. It's funny that the question comes up so often. Do I think that people should copy other peoples tattoos? I think it's lame, but it's not a problem for me if people copy my work, I will keep working

  6. I just booked my lodging for the week. It's right next to Potrero del Sol, which appears to be a rad skatepark. Next up is booking an appointment with a squid.

    It is! I took a couple of runs there this weekend. The Familia mural in the same park by Reyes is pretty killer.

    Also nearby where you'll be is Dynamo Donuts, a friend took me to a small little place owned by a really rad lady and makes awesome donuts. Prepare to spend $3. It'll be worth it.

  7. Just an idea to consider; it's impossible to tell what the scar looks like without being up close on it. It's possible/likely you will be told by a tattooer that any more ink on top of that just won't take and scar heavier. Option/idea; leave the current part alone and make a 'stone' looking piece by using the area around it to look like the scarred part is carved out of a block of rock. Tattooer with better skills can make a nice black & grey wash tattoo around it, adding some cracks and chips, and I bet you'll like it a lot better than you do now.

  8. Yeah, those are pretty rad. Have a couple of sets of his older flash like the 10 page oversize set and the Seth/Matt split.

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    @irezumi I just got in touch with Dave for when he is at Classic Electric in Fredneck. Now I just need to figure out what I am going to get.

    Just talked to him this morning; his road trip tales are pretty good.

    Bow-fishing like Rambo.

  9. @irezumi those are so good! A big regret is throwing out heaps of old tattoo magazines I'd bought up when I was like 16-18.. And totally looks like Rudy's doing some kind of hermetic something-or-other haahaa

    I'm a magazine hoarder. I have kept practically every interesting mag ever since I was 14. The amount and weight of books is absurd. Even after donating boxes and boxes of books to the public library I still fill over 2 huge bookcases.

    My friends hate helping me move.

  10. Is anyone interested in the lineage and family tree of tattooers as much as I am? Maybe I think about it because I like seeing the connection to myself. The person who is teaching me was taught by someone else, and that in turn bonds us on some metaphysical level. I think it could yield some fascinating discussion.

    Yes, I co-sign 100%. This same line of thinking and appreciation of tat family lineage is how I got meet Thom, Higgs and Bubash, and was lucky enough to get tattoos from Thom and Dan. I'm hoping to get the time & money to get something from Nick as well this year.

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    Not precisely 'lineage' but more like crew/family pictures from a 20 year old magazine. Close enough to be post-worthy. I'm sure some of you have seen it but I'm fairly positive plenty of you haven't.

    Horiwaka family, no names were listed or mentioned.







    TC picture and GTC pictures are definitely my favorites, especially with Harrison throwing what looks like mystical esoteric gang signs.

    Kind of wandering off from the thread title so here's this, from a different 20 year old mag.. I posted it somewhere else a few months ago, so if you've seen it already then yeah whatever.

    Ed, Nick, Thom & Tux


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