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Posts posted by CultExciter

  1. @chrisnoluck, something that you have to keep in mind is that tattoos are hand-made and so many variables are put into play. some of the best tattooers, robert ryan included, understand and embrace it. if you want something "perfect" then get a robot to tattoo you, but don't forget to never let yourself get old, to wrinkle, to fade. i fully understand what you're saying, but i personally love seeing the human element in my work.
  2. Yeah, I thought it was pretty awesome that he kept his word. When we both got out at the same subway stop he asked me my name and said, "your name is on top of the list" smiling. I stopped by Adorned and spoke with the duchebag hipster guy in the front almost a week ago. Shinji wasn't in, but I left my name and told him that I had a booked consult with Shinji 3 weeks earlier and wanted to set up the date for the outline. This front desk guy acted like I was bothering him so I don't know if he passed along the message. I told Shinji that I would let him know about doing the outline in December, cause he was going away in January. My only hesitation, is that I didn't realize he does the outline with machine and shading tebori. I don't have money saved for that long of a commitment but I could probably swing it and come in when I can. Shinji gave me a rough estimate of completing in 8 or 9 months.

    Sell everything!

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