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Posts posted by chrisnoluck

  1. max kuhn tattooed my whole back in around 12 hours total. it didn't seem to be going by quick while i was getting done but thinking about over it now that it is finished i think i lucked out.

    mario desa is super quick too. outlined a scimitar on my stomach in literally 10 minutes around 2 years ago. the whole thing took about an hour and 20 minutes which again i'm grateful for because it was pretty awful. timmy tatts & lowercase j are both very fast too. timmy outlined a friends rock of ages backpiece is 45 minutes!

  2. i agree with everyone recommending you to wait & get some smaller tattoos first. i just finished my back up a few weeks ago, i know damn well if i would have jumped in the deep end and got my back tattooed first, i probably never would have finished it or even finished the lines. back tattoos are no joke; they're a very big commitment between you and the tattooer, your pain tolerance, and of course your wallet. nothing ever works out well when it's rushed!

  3. Traveled from NY to SF this past weekend to skull and sword. Hungout with some of my favorite artists and what happened next is pure magic that only a stellar human by the name of Yutaro can provide. This is my Baku!

    wow man that is real nice. makes me want to get my head tattooed even more :rolleyes:

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