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Posts posted by abees

  1. With permission from Curly, i'm posting the direct links as it's easier that way..

    Tattoos & photographs by Curly..



    Tattoos by Curly - Lionel's Tattoo Studio (Tattoo Club of Great Britain), Oxford, England.





    Curly Tattoomonger

    Lionel's Tattoo Studio - Oxford

  2. There was a feature on Alan Titchmarsh's show on Monday about tattooing. It features (amongst other things) Nikole Lowe being interviewed briefly, and then Curly and his partner Jacqui show their tattoos, as well as another person called Leeva (?)

    Unless you want to watch Louis Spence doing a dancing introduction to the show, skip to around 02:00, or 5:25.

    https://www.itv.com/itvplayer/the-alan-titchmarsh-show/04-03-2013 (this will probably only be viewable in the U.K.)

  3. i don't think ed sheeran has been mentioned yet has he? he has/had a 'half sleeve' which is wrist to elbow, which looks stupid enough to begin with.. but he also has his own signature tattooed on his arm (which is upside down)... well, everything he has is upside down actually. and it all looks like hell.

    also attached, some of the junk he had added to his upper arm. and him tattooing harry styles from one direction :confused:

  4. I used to live in Oxford, which is a really beautiful place worth exploring, and it is just over an hour trip from central London with buses and trains running there every 15 minutes or so. It, and many other similarly gorgeous historic towns close to London, is really worth the day trip.

    I live in Oxford, and it's definitely worth a visit if you're able. We have some really great museums, and really beautiful buildings around the place (the Sheldonian, the Radcliffe Camera amongst many others).

    And like @Pugilist said, you can get there easily and quickly. If you're into black tattoo's, Curly works at Lionel's Tattoo Studio (the Tattoo Club of Great Britain).. he has a nine month waiting list.. but you could give the shop a call.

    And with London, other people have already made the recommendations that i would have :)

  5. i went to see Curly this morning. i'm getting pretty much the whole of the back of my leg done.. similar to this Leo Zulueta back piece attached. i took in Modern Primitives as an example as it was easier than trying to explain. he then showed me something very similar that he tattooed on the inside of someones forearm, looked incredible. it'll be two sittings in July.

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