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Posts posted by Dan

  1. 10 hours ago, Haarup said:

    Hi guys

    So, something I have been wondering about for some time;

    Ive got two fulls sleeves on both of my arms. People are always talking about how cuts, scraps etc can damage a tatto but can tattooes be damaged by blows, hits smacks etc? So not talking about cuts and scars but physical damages.

    Can the ink fade, disperse, get dislocated somehow? Last night my girlfriend hit me with her elbow really really hard because she fell onto our couch. She hit me right on my bicep and it is really sore today.

    Another time i walked into a frame with my arm first, hitting an edge of a door, stopping my whole body weight on such a small place on my arm. No skin breaking but a really hard blow to a tattoed area.

    Hope someone will chip in :-)

    Have a pleasant day

    cuts,deep scrapes,surgery,yes,can possibly damage tattoos,

    but getting slugged with a fist or running into a door,no,it will not affect a tattoo IMO,it's just gonna hurt.



    I had broke my wrist a several years ago and had surgery and the scar fucked up a little part of my tattoo,but a little touch-up and it was fine.(see below)


  2. 1 hour ago, Devious6 said:

    Yup, I understand. There are lost of areas where the colors are muted by "onion skin" and I know those will settle out as the healing process continues. But, there are some places where the ink just isn't there - mostly in areas on the red flag stripes and the sun rays. It could just be that it was hard for the artist to see well since I know the skin got irritated and red. My first one needed just a little touch up as well. I fully expected it.


    And, I agree....it is an awesome tattoo! :1_grinning:

    "onion skin" ????

  3. 1 hour ago, Synesthesia said:

    Sorry if pics are huge (although I don't think dog pictures could ever be a problem), but my boyfriend and I adopted a dog recently! Her name is Maggie, she's a terrier mix. Her owner was going into a nursing home and had to surrender her to a rescue. She's very sweet and very lazy.

    she is super cute,and thank you for adopting !


    .and the pic sizes are fine :) I believe this forum software resizes pics automatically anyway

  4. 1 hour ago, BrokenTV said:

    I just did tagaderm from walgreens for two days. It didnt quite fit on one of them so I doubled up and it was a bother.

    I had the Aquafor unscented for babies stuff and just a generic sanitizer I used on it once after the padding from the tattoo shop was off. 

    If a watched pot never boils, does a watched tattoo never scab? Food for thought, maybe. 

    edit: not sure how relevant, but it was done with a rotary tattoo and some say that it does less scabbing than mechanical coiled machines or so I read today.

    I have had many tattoos applied with both types of machines and I have never noticed a difference in healing.IMO it depends more on the artist's style and our bodies and where on our body the tattoo is,and how we handle the aftercare.


  5. 2 hours ago, AverageJer said:

    My favorite thing to bring is my wife. Even better if she is getting tattoed the same day- but sometimes we alternate. Outside of that, freshly showered and a solid meal. Sometimes I will have a beer with the meal, but I've never had two. I've never had a tattoo session long enough that it required snacks. If I did, I'd think something easy and protieny would be good- cheese and crackers maybe? 

    my wife and myself got tattooed by Oliver Peck in consecutive appointments at a Fresno show last February and it was a super great experience,we had a amazing day together,

    so much so we booked 2 appointments again with Oliver Peck at the SFO october show,pretty excited about it.

    I know it might sound silly,but it was a "bonding" day together,really fun.

    I have been to several shows alone,but it is way more fun with her,and especially if we are both getting tattooed.

  6. 13 minutes ago, DJDeepFried said:

    I've seen some mediocre to bad tattoos in the lowdown but nobody talking shit just crickets. On the other hand if you ask for an honest opinion you just might get it. That's the internet for ya

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

     fried crickets ?




  7. 33 minutes ago, mmmsarah said:

    I don't think it's starting shit to say it's rude to dump on people's new tattoos. It's too late to change anything, why are you gonna make someone feel bad? It happens so much on initiation posts. But anyway doesn't matter, I've realised this forum is not for me. You guys do your thing, I wish lots of awesome tattoos in your futures!

    when people come here and ask for comments on my new first tattoo,what do they expect ? we are all adults here,this isn't a "Hallmark" forum,

    if it's a crappy tattoo, should we lie to sugar coat it so people feel better ?  NO !  IMO


    "It's too late to change anything, why are you gonna make someone feel bad?"

    nobody here is trying to make anyone feel bad about their tattoo,if it's a crappy design or applied badly,as hard as that is to hear,the biggest thing is hopefully we can help people get a better tattoo on their next tattoo.


    it's that simple,

    and yes,our types of replies will vary just as us humans are all different.

    there are rules in place here and most people adhere to them pretty well.the moderators do a pretty good job here.compared to many online discussion forums this place stays very civil and friendly.

  8. so I just now got confirmed for my wife and myself  at the SFO show in October(on 10/22) 11AM for both of us to get more from Oliver Peck, http://bayareatattooconvention.com/ anyone else from here going ? PM me , we might bring our son (30yo)

    I might try and get a little banger for my bday(10/13)


    plus we have Alycia Harr confirmed  for my wife on 10/10 in Grass Valley,and a show in Sacramento on 10/16 for the "ink & art expo",no app set yet for that one. https://city-of-trees.com/ I will be at this one on the 16th,



    october will be a busy month,

  9. I used to scab a little,the last two tattoos I have had done I used cocoa butter and anti-microbial washing several times  a day,but I kept the butter on lightly 24/7 for the first 5 or 6 days,and they healed perfectly,no scabbing,I get peeling,but no scabbing,after the  first 5 or 6 days I go to Aveeno.


    at night I lightly saran wrap the area and tape when sleeping so it would stay on and not soil the sheets.


    I use small towels on my armchair to watch TV,etc,etc


    I agree the color does tend to scab more than  black/gray

  10. 14 minutes ago, Gingerninja said:

    I'm sure that this is barbeque sacrilege but I did baby back ribs in the slow cooker the other day. I made a spice rub, baked them for a bit before tossing them in the cooker then finished them under the broiler. Stupid easy and seriously yummy.  

    I've done that before,it turns out pretty good ! super tender.


  11. 1 hour ago, PinkUnicorn said:

    Not sure that lots of perfume/cologne would be appreciated...

    LOL  well I didn't mean over do it,all I was trying to say was that getting tattooed is a very intimate experience and we shouldn't  stink of body odor and should have good personal hygiene,no I don't glob on the cologne,but a quick spritz of AXE is a good thing IMO.

    not sure about you,but I like the "you smell good" compliments from hair cutters and tattooers that I get.

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