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Posts posted by jade1955

  1. @Ursula I must admit I don't like the idea of wild animals being used for entertainment. If they are being filmed in their natural environment and its not intrusive thats ok in my book. For most of the time the bears owned by this guy seem to spend a lot of their time in solitude in a cage. No wonder they go postal.

    In stark contrast I watched a couple of episodes of the Dog Whisperer. That Cesar Millan guy is incredible.

    As usual its about training dumb peope not so called dumb animals.

    Weeks holiday from work this week.:D

  2. I'm watching a program on the National Geographic Wild Chanel Called Hollywoods Killer bear. They showed the incident where he killed the owners best friend. The grizzly was only in contact with the man he killed for 8 seconds. The speed and ferocity of the attack is incredible. The bear just pinned this guy down by the throat and shook him like a rag doll. There was a police investigation afterwards and it was deemed to be an accident rather than a mauling, so luckily the bear was not destroyed afterwards.

    The bear was born in captivity. The owner had raised the bear since it was a cub and the guy who was killed was the owners best friend.

    Of course its not the first time something like this has happened and no doubt it won't be the last.

    The attack footage is on YouTube. Search Bear kills man.

  3. Something similar happened to me a while back. I had booked a tattooer for 2 sessions and had paid a £200 deposit. Anyway the tattoo was completed in one session but I thought I would still use the second appointment as I really liked his work and he has quite a waiting list. So I paid in full for the work done with the deposit being carried forward for the next sitting. After the second tattoo was done I went to settle up with the shop manager and he said that’s £400 for the work today minus £100 deposit. Now I was pretty sure I had paid in full for the last one carrying the £200 deposit forward. Anyway he was ok about it and said he would check his books. When I got home I checked my money and it appeared I might have had more than I could account for. Anyway I gave him the benefit of the doubt. Was it worth ruining my chances of ever getting tattooed there again for the cost of a night out? I popped by the shop a week later with the disputed £100 and a lesson learned. Always get a receipt.

    A while later I booked at the same shop with another tattooer. About a month before the tattoo my wife took a phone call from the same shop manager. He says he has been checking his records and was asking if I paid a deposit and if I had when. My wife was a bit curt with him and replied yes and that I had a receipt in my wallet.

    Now this guy either doesn’t now his arse from his elbow or there’s another explanation. I got a really great tattoo but it makes me feel a little bit wary going back there again.

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