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Posts posted by ShawnPorter

  1. For those of you who care and don't already know, I post shop pics under the handle acmetattooco I have a personal one misterdflores, but don't use it and there is only one picture of me singing Karaoke, under a disco ball thing. Tattoos and tattoo people just seem to be the only thing that interests me on instagram. I have already started following people on here as I find them.

    I'm going to follow misterdflores just to always have access to you singing karaoke, under a disco ball thing.

  2. Yeah, I did, thanks. It was a while ago, before I had a digital camera. If I still have a photo, it's in the bottom of a box somewhere. I dont think it was technically accomplished though.

    I only got to do it because someone saw a set of 20th Century occult flash I did and picked the portrait of AOS. I've tattooed sections of his automatic drawings and some of his sigils too.

    I thought it was cool too (except the sigils, that seemed to defeat the purpose)

    As a geek note to the mystical/occult interested: Frith Street Tattoo is within 15 minutes walk of the birthplace of Austin Osman Spare and around 5 minutes walk from the birthplace of William Blake. Crowley lived in various locations a further 20 mins walk west. (I use walking times because in central London driving takes longer)

    Very cool man.

    When I first started getting into reading about the turn of the century Occult stuff Spare was one of my favorites. Until I started reading about Parsons in the 1940s... Still need to get a Parsons tattoo.

  3. Personally I don't like being given "total freedom". Some days that may mean a portrait of Austin Osman Spare, other days it may mean a Baku backpiece or dagger and rose. I guess if your chosen tattooer is known for a specific set of subjects, it's a no-brainer, but it's something to consider. A couple of alternatives won't hurt either.

    Have you actually done a portrait of Austin Osman Spare?

    Cause that would be incredibly rad.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Yeah, the only time I don't respond at all is if I know who it is and deliberately don't respond... which there are only two people in the world that would be. And I doubt they have the balls to get tattooed by Richard.

    I email Jennifer on average 40 times a day with design ideas, looking to get advice about dating and sending her 'tonz of nudez'. Weirdly enough, it takes me an average of three minutes to get a response.

  4. True, any art is up for grabs once it hits the internets. A continuation of the guy who invented the wheel.. still getting fucked in any way imagineable.


    I keep seeing people say that... Once it's on the internet, it's up for grabs, people steal it all the time, etc. Always about tattoos. Lets see the same people be that accepting when bootleg PRINTS of their stuff start getting sold. I doubt these artists would be as charitable and accepting. I don't see the difference.

  5. I have enjoyed all of the Tattoo Age episodes, but for me this is the one I have looked most forward to watching.

    - - - Updated - - -

    How about the backpiece line-up at around 1:55 in the trailer? Mike Malone by Ed Hardy, Mike Brown by Mike Malone, Thom Devita by Huck Spaulding. Does anyone know who the other two guys are? I would guess that their backpieces are by Ed Hardy, and I assume that they are probably tattooers as well. Does anyone on here know for sure?

    Look forward to FIVE DeVita episodes then.

    They're going long for Thom.

  6. US flags have to be dead-on, no room for creative interpretation there. And they all blew it to varying extents.


    I'll say this-

    One of the artists who screwed up the American flag tattoo... copied it from Old School flash. Not directly, I don't think. But the whole 'red touching the blue' was in the flash he copied. He pleaded his case with the judges and they condensed it down on the show to him shrugging his shoulders.

    As much as I hate the show, realize the ultimately it's the editor/producer's job to build drama and tension. Why have him explain that he used a reference when you can show him HATIN' 'MERICA!

  7. Also what was with that dipshit in the last episode talking about how to increase the pain of tattooing on annoying clients? Motherfucker, the only purpose of your being on that show is for self-promotion and you're too fucking stupid to even manage that. Same with that mohawk idiot talking shit about every tattoo he has to do.

    They'll be booked solid. Yeah what he said was douchey, but he said it ON THE TV. That'll guarantee him some appointments.

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