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To laser or not..


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So now that the picoway is here and operates at those wavelengths, will you be purchasing it? I read it just got FDA approved.

I have no intentions of purchasing it, no. As a rule in my life, I rarely ever purchase first gen anything. Cars, phones, computers, etc. With this technology the initial cost is unfathomable for many people, that is to say these things cost a small fortune.

My interests are there, however I know someone who has first hand knowledge of the Picoway and was not overly impressed with its operation or progress compared to the 1064nm wavelength of a Q-Switch Nd:YAG.

I'll be very blunt here. If I buy a Picosure my prices will increase between 25-50% per treatment to offset the new overhead, if I'm only seeing 5-15% better fading, I can't justify that price increase to my clients, nor will my clients pay that.

The Picosure has only been out in the wild for about 3 years now, and we're just finally starting to see people with 7-12 treatments with it. Meanwhile, the procedure protocols are still being established for Picosure lasers, so there's been a lot of inconstant results across the board, world wide, by users. I'm not in a position to gamble with the integrity of my client's skin until I know things work.

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Thanks for responding Mike! Always interested in hearing your feedback. I'm currently undergoing laser treatment via picosure at clean slate ny. There aren't any picoway's around the area yet so this is my only option currently.

You're right about the inconsistent results. I am two treatments in for a forearm sleeve and have seen my sleeve lighten up a lot but I am not seeing results like everyone else who has had picosure. Albeit my sleeve is only a few months old and all of the ink is still very dark and saturated. Blues and Greens were the first to go but they aren't completely gone (they have turned a very faded grayish olive color). I haven't seen much ink breaking up but everything is getting lighter as a whole. I hope I can achieve complete removal.

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Hey bro, I have done laser before... I have not had great results. I just cover them up with more tats lol. There is a cream out there that is support to get rid of tattoos that have showed good results, i forget what it was called


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  • 3 weeks later...

Im getting both arms lasered. One with pico and other arm with q switch.

pico arm has had 3 treatments and I have a 15% fade. Not impressive. It has green in it also need hasn't moved much either.

The other arm with q switch after 5 treatments on black tribal has been poor. Hardly any real fading. Thinking of giving it a go with pico now to see if it will give better results.

Anyone else had poor results with laser

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  • 3 months later...

I had some good results with the Picosure laser with purple, although I wonder if it's just all marketing. The blisters are pretty...uhm...interesting.

I would love to completely remove the darn thing, but thinking it would be better just to lighten for a cover-up.

I was told usually "4-8 sessions" to lighten for a cover-up. Is there any truth to this? :confused:

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I had some good results with the Picosure laser with purple, although I wonder if it's just all marketing. The blisters are pretty...uhm...interesting.

I would love to completely remove the darn thing, but thinking it would be better just to lighten for a cover-up.

I was told usually "4-8 sessions" to lighten for a cover-up. Is there any truth to this? :confused:

Picosure destroys purple, there's no doubt about that, but blisters are not normal. Did you contact your clinic?

Regarding a cover up, I do laser for a living, not tattoo. It's not my place to tell you / your artist when it's faded enough to be covered. Honestly, that's part of the reason I started my business, to work with tattoo artists not against them, and to get clients in the best possible place by working together with everyone for the cover up they want.

Odd they told you 4-8, because most people who own a Picosure, and Cynosure themselves lay claims that the process is 30-50% faster than Q-Switch Nd:YAG, and by 8, according to their marketing, it should be gone. Anyway, I'd say the best thing you could do is 2-3 treatments, wait a month and talk to your tattoo artist about what it is exactly that you will be going over it with. From there the two of you can figure out if you need more laser treatments or if you should start planning out the cover-up.

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I did consult with two places and one place told me "4-8 sessions" to lighten enough to do a cover-up, and the other place said they couldn't give me an accurate number due to the many variables of the session. Both use the Picosure.

When I had the first treatment done, I was told to expect blisters since my ink is so dense in certain spots (cover-up) and it should get better the further along I am in treatments.

Yes, that is exactly what I think I'm going to do - get some laser sessions than consult with a tattoo artist to see if my cover-up idea is even possible. Such a long process...........boo.

Thanks again :)

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  • 1 year later...

@pidjones The frosting is normal, and what you explained is very typical in how it appears then fades, usually in 10-20 minutes.  To do a second pass over it is referred to as the R20 method, and it's cloaked in some smoke and mirrors for sure. 

I'd worry less about the methods used and focus on the results, that's what really matter at the end of the day; Be aware though, since you brought up FDA, no tattoo ink on the market is FDA approved and very few cities in America have any health board / health control over what happens inside a tattoo shop, as long as they have a business license and a tax ID. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

When laser removing a tattoo always start a heavy metal detox, because otherwise stable tattoo ink, is broken down by the laser and become super toxic small particles that are released into your blood. Our bodies basic process for removing the unwanted particles from our body, expose you to harmful toxins, the way around it, if you are set on the laser treatment is to start a heavy metal detox cycle and clean that stuff out before it hurts you.

Methods which cause the ink to come straight out of the skin the reverse of the path the ink went in is safer, in my view.

Cover-up is the best possible situation though because everything is relatively stable under the skin.


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58 minutes ago, Charles.M said:

When laser removing a tattoo always start a heavy metal detox, because otherwise stable tattoo ink, is broken down by the laser and become super toxic small particles that are released into your blood. Our bodies basic process for removing the unwanted particles from our body, expose you to harmful toxins, the way around it, if you are set on the laser treatment is to start a heavy metal detox cycle and clean that stuff out before it hurts you.

Methods which cause the ink to come straight out of the skin the reverse of the path the ink went in is safer, in my view.

Cover-up is the best possible situation though because everything is relatively stable under the skin.


he's not a doctor...but he did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night

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Do not know where your coming from by that comment... if purely humor or something else, but the information is sound, google, tattoo ink laser removal side effects and start reading the horror stories... my caution warning is sincere. If you were being light all is good and I have just read too much on the subject.

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@Charles.M just playing man - but listen - you're new to the forum and jumping in and giving medical advice about laser treatment - cmon brotha - you're opening yourself up for a little jab - anyway - its a great site - check out the interviews - check out the latest lowdown thread - laser...meh - not so much a big topic here my man

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1 hour ago, marley mission said:

@Charles.M just playing man - but listen - you're new to the forum and jumping in and giving medical advice about laser treatment - cmon brotha - you're opening yourself up for a little jab - anyway - its a great site - check out the interviews - check out the latest lowdown thread - laser...meh - not so much a big topic here my man


thank you for your mercy

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