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Eyeball Tattoos

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I don't know a whole lot about this and I'm not sure I would really consider it a tattoo as my definition of a tattoo would be putting ink in skin... BUT it is being called "eyeball tattooing" and I'm totally intrigued by it. I first saw it in an interview with a couple of inmates on one of those prison shows like "Lock Up". They injected ink into the whites of their eyes and one dude had blue and the other had red. I find it grotesque and extreme and it kinda makes me cringe. But then so does tongue splitting and dermal implants and all sorts of other body mod that I think is rad but would never ever do to myself.

Thoughts? Opinions?



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I don't know a whole lot about this and I'm not sure I would really consider it a tattoo as my definition of a tattoo would be putting ink in skin... BUT it is being called "eyeball tattooing" and I'm totally intrigued by it. I first saw it in an interview with a couple of inmates on one of those prison shows like "Lock Up". They injected ink into the whites of their eyes and one dude had blue and the other had red. I find it grotesque and extreme and it kinda makes me cringe. But then so does tongue splitting and dermal implants and all sorts of other body mod that I think is rad but would never ever do to myself.

Thoughts? Opinions?



i saw this on TV a few years ago, but had no idea that Shannon Larratt had it done. the tattoo is white ink if i remember correctly. i remember when he got it done in 2000 (i think, maybe 2001?).

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Honestly, whatever floats yer boat but the yellow eyes may have yer Doctor checking for Hep.

I've always hated the opinionated ladies who didn't need the breast implants of silicone or saline that for some reason just can't figure out how others get tattooed, the same kind of ladies who prefer to call it "Permanent eyeliner" instead of having "tattooed eyeliner" and refer to our kind as "Those people". Ashes to ashes and dust to dust but reach deep down and you'll find her bust, ha! Crazy thing when somebody can ID a headless body from the serial numbers from the implants (remember to burn the sacks guys). Jebus, it just occurred to me that there are cases of people doing life in prison who had breast implants purchased by the taxpayer, wow! Too Much Information! I guess that trumps a blue eye any day.

Sailor Sid was very proud to have a pic of a dick in his ear, what a guy, he was posing like holding a candlestick phone up to his ear, hell he was a happy guy who had a ball (no pun intended) so who am I to judge.

Seeing some crazy stuff out there in the body mod dept. but it begs the question asking if there may ever be a profit to be had in "Ritualistic Tribal Castration", may just be the easiest buck to ever make, set up a spring loaded meat cleaver bolted to a butcher block board, get a tribal tape to play, "Umballa! UmBalla! Shooom!" Funds up front of course.

If it makes ya feel good then do it!

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