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Alright ladies... Bras with Tegaderm... Day 3 with Tegaderm after my Tattoo on wednesday! Got home... Let it breathe wed night for about 3 hours and then washed and slapped on the Tegaderm with my hubs help. Ice pack for 20 min. Put on a bra the next morning and although a little tender where the little plastic things of the bra are... the Tegaderm barrier kept it from hurting at all! Been able to wear a bra to work and everything the whole time with no issues. No weeping or mess underneath it either... looks like day one still. Taking the Tegaderm off tomorrow and switching to lotion. So far it's been wash once after getting home wed, slap it on and forget it for 3-4 days while wearing the bras/etc. Pretty great with a back/shoulder. I would recommend highly.

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I guess this isn't totally a ladies issue, technically speaking, but:

Have your wardrobes changed a little since you started getting visible tattoos, for those who have? I'm going to my first really formal function since I started my arm -- a friend's wedding, cocktail attire -- and it was funny to me, trying stuff on in my closet, how fussy I've gotten about patterns and colors. I still wear all kinds of colors when I dress casually, but now I'm preoccupied with making my tattoos look good!

Thank god for little black dresses.

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@sophistre Good timing on this question, this same topic came up in the Your overall look as a tatooed person thread.

I did stress over clashing prints and colours, but kept wearing them anyway as couldn't afford to replace my wardrobe and realised it wasn't actually such a big deal. I can honestly say that I don't dress to match my tattoos and it's nice to just chuck on what makes me feel good and not be stressing.

Example: I'm getting married in March and even though I know a white dress would make my arms really pop, I've opted for a very non-traditional floral dress and there will no doubt be lots of clashing. But I don't care, I love the dress and that to me is more important than being matchy matchy with my skin. :-)

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Yeahhhhh, I don't think I would ever try to match, exactly. I don't even think that's possible. It's just weird to have it on my radar at all, because I've always been one of those people who'll try anything on, in any color or pattern! I guess it's not helped by the fact that I HAVE to buy new clothes, since I'm changing sizes pretty steadily. I've never had to do the formal-wear thing with tattoos before. I did concede to a shawl to cover my arms in the chapel though. Can't be scandalizing the natives, I suppose. :o

I love non-traditional wedding dresses, and tattoos and floral sound pretty rad to me, honestly. And also congratulations!!

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Congratulations @Breakme! And @sophistre too on decreasing sizes (I'm assuming that's a good thing.)

Mine is the opposite - I don't want tattoos showing at work, and the sides of my backpiece stick out the edges of sleeveless dresses. Which I love to wear. UGH! There are so many beautiful dresses, but very few that have a cap sleeve, which works a bit better. So, I now have to wear little sweaters. In the summer.

But there are a couple of my dresses that come close to matching the tattoo in color and almost design (darker, sort of abstract color changes) so I can make sweaterless dashes to the bathroom and cafeteria if I stand up straight, push my shoulders back and don't cross my arms. Kinda funny, I think.

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Thanks @sophistre and @SeeSea. We have been engaged for coming up 6 years so I thought it was time to get my arse into gear and make it happen. ha!

I don't like to have my tattoos showing at work either and stick to long sleeve shirts and blouses year round. Also helps to keep the sun off them when I walk home in summer.

I do love a cap sleeve dress, have you checked out modcloth? Cute Cap-Sleeve Dresses | ModCloth

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@SeeSea What about a cotton/linen shawl to cover the edges of the tattoo? Linen seems to be everywhere at the moment.

Also liking how elbow-length sleeves seem to be a thing right now. Whatever corporate entity decides on clothing trends for women has come up with a lot of work-friendly tattoo covering solutions this year. (The bookstore where I work is surrounded by clothing stores for women.)

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@SeeSea - I love sleeveless dresses too and plan to have this taken into consideration with my backpiece (whenever that starts happening)! Macy's has some cute elbow length lightweight boleros right now, might be something to consider. Or, you can have frilly laces or cap-sleeves added by your tailor onto all of your work dresses ;)
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That's a good idea. I'd like to just stuff the edge of something into the sleeves like a Batman Cape!

That's it! A cape! Brilliant! (BTW, I have seen several nice cap and quarter sleeve dresses on Chicstar, where I have purchased surprises for the wife).

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[MENTION=39806]Also liking how elbow-length sleeves seem to be a thing right now. Whatever corporate entity decides on clothing trends for women has come up with a lot of work-friendly tattoo covering solutions this year.QUOTE]

I'm a public middle school teacher with half sleeves on both arms (one is currently in the works) and I have a closet full of elbow-length sleeved shirts. While my tattoos do sometimes peak out when I reach up, it's never been an issue. There are a lot of stores that make them in a light cotton - like a t-shirt, so I'm never too hot.

There are male teachers at my school who have tattoos on their arms and they wear short sleeves (i.e. showing their tattoos). For some reason, they're almost all Special Ed teachers... hmmmmm, not sure what the connection is. I often think about going to work with my tattoos showing, but I never have and probably never will since one of mine is a quite buxom pinup-esque model and just wouldn't be middle school co-ed appropriate.

Apparently I have no idea how "Reply with a Quote" - oops!

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@SeeSea What about a cotton/linen shawl to cover the edges of the tattoo? Linen seems to be everywhere at the moment.

Also liking how elbow-length sleeves seem to be a thing right now. Whatever corporate entity decides on clothing trends for women has come up with a lot of work-friendly tattoo covering solutions this year. (The bookstore where I work is surrounded by clothing stores for women.)

Agreed! I am trying to stock up on the elbow sleeve thing while it is still trendy! It is so helpful.

Congratulations @Breakme !

I have a bunch of really lightweight, mid-sleeve type cargidans that I can throw over anything for the office in warm weather. If you poke around this kind of thing is pretty easy to find, and really comfortable in the summer. It is a bummer that getting work on my arms disqualified a bunch of my dresses/tops as work appropriate in and of themselves, but now I am just becoming a cardigan/blazer hound.

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I am really relating to this right now - am scheduled in August for my first upper extremity tattoo, on my shoulder cap. There is no question the tattoo must go exactly there, strong inclination about the location of this, but I'm in the medical management field, and though tattoos and piercings are not exactly shunned, it isn't the thing that will rocket me to the top of my field! Sometimes I wonder if my tiny nose stud has kept me back a bit.

I've been thinking about the times recently I've worn sleeveless tops, as the weather has warmed dramatically, and wonder how this will affect my wardrobe in the future after my work is done. Cap sleeves and 3/4 length lightweight sweater type shrugs for me!

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I have a couple of beautiful elbow length thin knit cardi's which I sadly can't wear as work attire anymore due to lower arm tattoos. But I agree with everyone who has mentioned the half and 3/4 sleeve tops around at the moment, they are really flattering and perfect for upper arm coverage.

I also second the shawl suggestion. There is a young lady in my team who rocks a shawl at work (not for covering tattoos) and it looks great.

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One of my work shirts is three-quarter length size, I have no upper arm tattooes but it is very flattering! Mostnof my tattoos are on my legs so I haven't ran into an issue with those yet. I have to wear three-quarter pants to my other job, but my boss wasn't worried by my visible ankle tattoo; given the casual nature of the pants and the fact my lower body is stuck behind a counter most of the day haha. Both jobs are pretty strict about piercings though, and there is a no visable tattoo policy at the aformentioned long-pants job. I can wear 'sleepers' at both, and I'm stretching my ears very slowly with captive bead rings at the moment so we'll see how long that goes unnoticed haha.

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I guess this isn't totally a ladies issue, technically speaking, but:

Have your wardrobes changed a little since you started getting visible tattoos, for those who have? I'm going to my first really formal function since I started my arm -- a friend's wedding, cocktail attire -- and it was funny to me, trying stuff on in my closet, how fussy I've gotten about patterns and colors. I still wear all kinds of colors when I dress casually, but now I'm preoccupied with making my tattoos look good!

Thank god for little black dresses.

I actually simplified my wardrobe completely after starting to get more coverage. Mostly black, and all basics. Letting my tattoos shine haha. Also started dressing more comfortable as I am healing most of the time anyway. It is interesting how this happens.

I am always on the lookout for soft flowy pants and long sleeve anythings now that its getting warmer.

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I have been following Megan Jean Morris on Instagram for a while and I am completely blown away by her recent piece titled "Rough Tuesdays". It's posted on her Instagram (dated May 4). Her write-up about it just made me more interested, but I read through some of the responses and some people are calling it a rape tattoo (it looks as if those comments got deleted though). It's such a disturbing image, which is only accentuated by her incredible talent. What do you gals think about it?

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@ElizabethBee I had a look through her instagram, and saw that much of her work follows similar themes, one im particular of a girl with some kind of air vent tube down her throat which seems to suggest rape more steongly than the one you mentioned; I wonder why the more recent piece was specifically targeted.

Her work is highly realistic and reflects an oil painting style: many famous artists throughout history explored similar themes and worse. Its an exploration of dark themes, emotions and imagery, which she details under her work. Personally her style is not something I would get tattooed on me, but I appreciate her art and don't think she's just some kind of internet perv.

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Just a head's up, there are a bunch of work-appropriate (unless your workplace is very formal) cap-sleeve dresses at Uniqlo right now. (No white leggings, though...guess everyone else had the same summer leg-covering idea.)

As for the Megan Jean Morris tattoo above, not my style at all but who really cares. It seems to imply rape to me, though the other one with the air vent reminds me of tentacle hentai. Insert long and tedious conversation about fantasy and BDSM and feminism here.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Few months ago, by a fluke, managed to get a little black dress from Dorothy Perkins. It's skater style and has black lace on front. Always wear a hoodie over it, cause would be too cold otherwise. Aside from really showing off my leg tattoos, it also makes my cleavage look fucking amazing!! Lol got it, flaunt it right?

Though little black dress in question is stupid short at the back, but I wear home-made cut off denim hot pants underneath, maintain some modesty lol

If didn't wear hoodie over the dress, it would also show off some of top of arm tattoos, as it's got cap sleeves. But, doubt that'll ever happen.

Though it made me laugh, yesterday on way to get tattooed, I passed a girl wearing a little black dress. But she was pulling it down at the front. Anyone else notice women that do this? If you're that uncomfortable wearing a short dress then why wear one? I don't understand it.

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Insert long and tedious conversation about fantasy and BDSM and feminism here.

Also one about art and censorship from me.

In the more recent 'clothes for tattoos and the workplace' vein, somebody reminded me about eshakti recently. I ordered some shirts from them for a family reunion coming up. You can get stuff made to your personal measurements, which is cool in the first place just on its own (a little over $7 to do so), and you can also specify on most garments what kind of sleeve you want. Useful!

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