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The ladies thread


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That segment on Sunrise disappointed me on a number of levels. Not only do we live in a patriarchal society and have to field comments like that from men, we still have a number of woman who sprout off the same ignorant remarks which only serves to re-inforce these archaic views of how woman should look and live in society.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but she could've worded her response in such a better way. No one would begrudge her for saying that tattoos weren't her cup of tea and leaving it at that, but she had to take it further with her message that woman with tattoos aren't attractive and that men don't find us attractive either. Because we all live our lives just to make ourselves more attractive to men, right?

I also find it amusing that someone with no tattoos can make such a blanket statement that everyone will regret their tattoos at some stage in their life. If people do regret their tattoos, how in any way is that affecting her? What ever happened to live and let live? Why wasn't there a woman on that panel with a sleeve or a gorgeous chest piece?

I hope that Anna Musson doesn't have a daughter, as we don't need any more woman growing up hearing and believing that self expression is viewed negatively and is ugly.

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I have yet to hear an older woman with badass tattoos state that she regrets them. Therefore, I don't bother with this uninformed BS. If someone with tattoos done by a reputable, professional tattooer told me she regretted getting tattooed and sat me down and explained why, I would listen and consider her reasons. But those "plainskinned" bitches better shut the hell up about MY body and MY choices...

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I think you mean those Basic Bitches.. (Yes, I learned a new slang term recently. That is so.. so apt.)

Wait wait wait. What does Basic Bitch mean? Because I've been seeing it everywhere but have no idea what the hell anyone is talking about.

Now I feel less of a loser for being out of the loop if you only recently learned what they are. Kids these days...

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hahahaha wow being out in the Iowa boonies means I'm pretty out of the loop I gotta say. Basic will probably hit us ohhhh what, next year maybe? Not worried, 4 out of 119.

i kicked your ass. I'm 7 out of 119.

Does having a back piece count has having a tattoo on your lower back? :cool::D:cool:

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Ok I took the freakin' thing. I got 7 too! But...

Hell yeah I LOVE brunch. And bagels. Why is that on there? What's not to love about those two things? I married a nice Jewish boy. Bagels are a way of life over here.


Actually, a ton of those things reminded me of a younger co-worker of mine who I actually love. She would probably check off 100 of those things but I don't care because she is fun and one of the few with a good sense of humor that I work with so whatever.

Think I may have to start talking about Chipotle more but start calling it Chipot because that shit was funny.

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Ok, update for you ladies re our discussion a while back about getting tattooed at that time of the month.

Just had my second thigh done, same size and placement, same artist, and "not that time of the month" and it hurt more than the first one! I found my left side that was done today had a few more involuntary twitches than my right side, and seemed to have a lot more nerve clusters and more sensitivity.

Has anyone noticed that one side of their body is more sensitive than the other?

I think I'm done with thighs for now, they well and truly suck with their little twitchy movements you can't control.

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Has anyone noticed that one side of their body is more sensitive than the other?

Yes, but I'm not sure if it's a left/right thing or how comfortable or mentally ready I was on a particular day. My guy did mention one side can hurt worse than the other, but I can't remember which he said is which! I seem to think my non-dominant side hurt a little less. Both both have sucked (all on my back).

I think a truer test would be a tattoo that is worked on on both sides in the same session.

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Yes, but I'm not sure if it's a left/right thing or how comfortable or mentally ready I was on a particular day. My guy did mention one side can hurt worse than the other, but I can't remember which he said is which! I seem to think my non-dominant side hurt a little less. Both both have sucked (all on my back).

I think a truer test would be a tattoo that is worked on on both sides in the same session.

My left arm hurt way more than my right - done about two + weeks apart.

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My left arm hurt way more than my right - done about two + weeks apart.

Just out of curiosity, are you left or right handed? I'm a righty but yet to start on my right arm (next on the list), have only done the left inner forearm which took around 4.5 hours but could've easily sat for longer.

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Have any of you lovely ladies heard of The Modified Dolls?

No. Then I looked them up. Not really for me.

The "About":

We are the Modified Dolls, the Different making a Difference. We seek to demolish stereotypes and open minds to what a modified woman is and should be!

The requirements:

STEP ONE: Determining whether you qualify. You MUST be at least 18 years old and a female. You MUST have at least 5 VISIBLE modifications OR a LARGE tattoo piece that covers an ample area..we MUST be able to look at you and tell you are "Modified"!

Why must my tattoos be visible, and why 5? My big freaking back piece, which is NOT visible unless I am in a swim suit, doesn't count? I'll put my square footage up against your 5 infinity/quote/mustache/star/feathers any day. (Ooo, ooo, speaking of feathers, look who has her feathers all in a dander this morning :cool:)

I get that they want people to link tattoos to charity in order to (I think) give tattoos a better rap, but really? They want to demolish stereotypes, but create their own with a silly definition about what "modified" means and what a modified woman "should be." I never thought of myself as a modified woman and I never associated tattoos with being "modified" so I guess it's a wash.

:: pins on race bib to raise more $$ for charity ::

My $0.02. Maybe I just need more caffeine.

And sorry if you are a Doll or are looking for members. No offense intended.

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I agree with you, @SeeSea ! I also kind of can't imagine doing any kind of activity solely under the banner of "modified". That's not enough to unite a bunch of disparate people. And weirdly, despite the fact that I of course don't think people should judge one unfairly based on being tattooed, I also find these self-conscious attempts to make tattoos/mods seem more "acceptable" kind of annoying. I feel like this stuff actually exaggerates how "hard" it is to be tattooed, when I don't really think it is in this day and age. (And to me, a lot of the shit I DO get as a tattooed women has more to do with misogyny than tattoos.)

Also I am not a doll! My dog is, and she has two visible tattoos, so maybe she can join. :)

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Hello Ladies (and Gents!), I havent posted in absolutely ages but i've been reading with interest ! I'm getting my sternum tattooed tomorrow and i have to admit i'm pretty nervous... Generally i've found being tattooed ok so far however my partner has a relatively small tattoo on his sternum and he really really struggled with it!

I'm planning to wear a crop top kind of sports bra that is now too big for me (one of the downsides of any type of weight loss for me!) and also a vest top which im going to pull down around my waist. I'm really really self conscious about my lower tummy area after having carried two single pregnancies and one twin pregnancy!

This thread has been incredibly useful in the run up to this tattoo so thanks folks!

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Have any of you lovely ladies heard of The Modified Dolls?

Yes I have..........and it's a group that is totally unnecessary!!!

I have been a tattooed woman (I prefer to say "person" though) for 30 years now and the one thing I have learned is that if you want people to accept you then just be yourself and do the same things you would do if you weren't tattooed!

If you want to be treated the same as everyone else then why would you walk around with a banner saying that you aren't like everyone else??? And then on top of it discriminate against people who are like you by putting a limit on the number of mods they need to have???

All these groups popped up right about the time the tattoo shows hit the air! Some to try to capitalize financially off of the "new tattoo craze"......some just so people could stroke their own egos in the name of "doing good" for animals, etc!

The best way to show the world that you are no different is to go out in the world and live a day to day boring existence of a life and show the world that you didn't get tattooed to try to be different and draw attention to you!

I am not saying that some good may not be getting done by these groups BUT in my opinion it does as much harm to the mod community by sectioning yourselves off and claiming you are different....and it cancels out any good that is being done!

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