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Symbolic pictures for a car accident

Thotties keep walking

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Hey everyone, I got into a bad car accident a couple years ago and I plan on getting a picture with the date and a couple of quotes on my back shoulder. The only problem I'm having is I can't think of anything great!, I was going to bring in a picture of the car but with how bad it looked I'm not sure if it would look as detailed as I would like. If anyone can think of anything basic I could start with and make my changes and advancements on it would be extremely helpful!! Thanks and happy tatting

~~no Thotties~~

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If there's one thing I've learned from here, it's that tattoos like this don't need a bunch of banners with script/quotes/sayings. Good solid imagery can do the same thing for minus the daily questions behind it's meaning etc.

I have a remembrance tattoo and if I were to do it over I'd drop the banners and script.

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what about the the crash do you want to remember when you look at the tattoo?

the near death experience? maybe a grim reaper

the violent twisted metal? maybe bio mech

how lucky you were to survive? a traditional horse shoe, four leaf clover, or other lucky symbols

the unlucky Friday the 13th date? lots of traditional Friday the 13th tattoo designs to choose from

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I agree with @BrianH - think about why you want this tattoo, and what about the experience you want to commemorate? What do you want this tattoo to do for you? Sometimes choosing non-literal imagery that symbolizes the feeling you are going for is a lot more successful than going for a very literal image. For example, if you want to commemorate survival, I think a phoenix could be cool. Or if it's about luck, see the suggestions above. Or if it's about a near-death experience, I like the reaper idea above, or even something like a skull, which to me is the most classic memento mori. There are a lot of amazing options if you think outside of the box a bit and go for the thing that feels right rather than what represents it most obviously.

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