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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/19/2014 in Posts

  1. Got this from Steve Byrne yesterday, super excited about it: Based on this World War I German propaganda poster about the dangers of Bolshevism that I saw earlier that day in a World War I exhibit in town.
    13 points
  2. Had franz stefanik put me through some pain yesterday, he was really fast and just a really nice bloke to get tattooed by, very happy with it and it dosnt look out of place next to my Santoro gorilla, he also did a butterfly on my girlfriends leg which I got her as a birthday present, which is always a win win I get a girlfriend with tattoos n she gets a new tattoo Obviously stolen from his Instagram, we all know how hard knee pics are to take
    8 points
  3. posted this in the backpiece thread but i'm gonna give it a shot in here as well. finished yesterday thanks to Max Kuhn.
    7 points
  4. wrapped my back up yesterday with max kuhn and it is a great feeling. 4 sessions total, around 13 hours.
    5 points
  5. 9Years

    Upcoming Tattoos

    I've had the itch real bad lately...my last appointment was in April and next week is one of the busiest/most stressful weeks of the year for me at work. But the light at the end of the tunnel is the week after that: Back to Back appointments at Spider Murphy's for me (1 Part El Monga + 1 Part Theo Mindell) + My friend from NY is staying with us for the week + He and my wife also have appts on the second day at SM's (Monga and Paul Dobleman) TATTOOPARTY!!!!!!111!!
    5 points
  6. A rose and a horseshoe. From Sukre One, in Superfly tattoo, Leon Guanajuato Mexico.
    5 points
  7. Shaggy

    Full Back Piece Thread

    I thought it was about time I posted my recently in progress backpiece, started end of Feb this year. This pic is about 36 hours in progress. I am quite tall and also have a bit of extra meat around the "love handle" area so is a big amount of skin to cover. I have been doing constant 3 hour sessions every 2-3 weeks with 2 x 6 hour sessions thrown in. Generally have been pretty good with each session but I have to say left thigh background shading for some reason sucked incredibly, probably one of the least favourite sessions of all my new work. Strange thing was the right thigh shading a week later (not shown in pic) was easy. I just noticed btw the snakes body going across my arse does line up, it looks like it doesn't but must have been the way I was standing in the pic. It was taken after the left thigh shading session and I was not a happy camper. :) Also just attached the outline after the 1st 6 hour session.
    4 points
  8. dirbab

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    haven't posted in a while. my bad, dudes! hope you are all doing well. I recently got this guy from jason ochoa: and here's a healed photo of a higgs design I got from mark cross not too long ago:
    3 points
  9. I'm going to go for a bulldog right on the kneecap.
    2 points
  10. CShaw

    *non-creepy wave*

    Hey guys, I've been perving through your forums and galleries for a few days, and thought I better fight my lurker nature and at least introduce myself and say hi :) Also I am really bad at this kind of thing, so... Hi.
    1 point
  11. Nice I'd been considering a bulldog 4 a while. Please say it's going to be wearing a army helmet
    1 point
  12. Looks great @Rikhall, you got a damn fine collection man!
    1 point
  13. From the Needles and Sins blog, a short video from TED. Really neat! Needles and Sins Tattoo Blog | Tattoo 101: What makes tattoos permanent?
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. @Cork, is that a PR for diapered front squats? Also, those bumpers fooled me into thinking you'd front squatted 315. ;)
    1 point
  16. CShaw

    *non-creepy wave*

    Hi, Exume, I'm in the midst of getting bats and peonies down my back. Five bats, topmost one on my left shoulder, bottom-most on my right butt cheek. I think my artist wants to put in a rope cord winding through the flowers in the next session, too. Here's a shot from my first session.
    1 point
  17. Oh man @heathenist, that is just so so good! Got a spot with him at the London convention in September, seeing this makes me all the more excited! Congratulations on such an amazing tattoo.
    1 point
  18. This thread needs more tattoo movement for it being a thread about lifting. I had to stick it in quotes so that the video didn't embed itself in the box and display my big ass. Now you have to click through to see it for those who are squeamish. If you happen to peruse my channel, you can see me from a couple years ago, tattoo free.
    1 point
  19. SWEET!!! You're a lucky guy.
    1 point
  20. It rules that he has lots of empty space on his chest but none on his face.
    1 point
  21. MrToby

    Full Back Piece Thread

    So Monday was the second session on my dragon back piece. There were definitely some interesting moments in it that were less than fun, but I am very happy with the progress and can't wait for the next session at the start of September.
    1 point
  22. Sometimes I think it's the opposite - that they frown on people with tattoos, but YOUR tattoo is okay in their book so you are somehow the exception to their negative opinion.
    1 point
    1 point
  24. I found some in Danville around Memorial Day 2012. Full selection just like this. I ended purchasing a big bottle of the "Red" (notice the flavor is only listed as "Red"). After a long night of drinking while the wife was out of town, I opened her up and figured "what could it hurt?". I can tell you, it hurt.
    1 point
  25. MACROPHAGE - "Me Again!" Cracks me up every time :-)
    1 point
  26. Chad Koeplinger eagle? Aaron Coleman Panther? Stewart Robson Pharaoh's Horses? SO GOOD!! All the rest are great too - a great month and we're only halfway finished.
    1 point
  27. I did! Kind of. I made it to Three Tides in Tokyo where I had a wonder experience all around and ended up with a nice little dragon head by Ganji. [/img]
    1 point
  28. Graeme

    Hotel healing

    Hotel sheets have probably had a lot worse on them than leaky fresh tattoos, I don't worry about it that much. I think the gory bandage in the bathroom garbage can is a lot grosser, personally.
    1 point
  29. phickey

    Full Back Piece Thread

    Started my back with Aaron Coleman last weekend.....shit hurts so bad haha. Got through 4 hours of lining the back and butt, next session lining the thighs and hopefully some background.
    1 point
  30. I'm putting this in because I've had good feedback :) Rose morph done by Nick Agnew at Kingsland Ink, Auckland, NZ
    1 point
  31. This is a really terrible picture but I got this cigar smoking frog from El Monga at Aloha Tattoo Barcelona yesterday. I am super stoked that he decided to attach himself to my leg because I think we're going to have some good adventures together. @bongsau Really sorry for your loss, and my deepest condolences. Sometimes it's the silly little tattoos that have the deepest significance.
    1 point
  32. well. i did not get my touchups. but i did get a new tattoo which did involve a tear-out: My pug. Winston. Riding the red rocket. Which was really hilarious. Until I got a call 3/4 of the way through the tattoo that my mother passed away. Shout out to my pal Ollie for working like lightning to finish the tattoo before my ride showed up to go see my family. So some more to add to the arguement that a tattoo is more than just a silly picture on your skin. It's not just about "what" the tattoo is of or the "why"...but the "where" and "when" and "who" of the experience is of equal importance. A colourful timestamp for this lifetime. And now I'm left with a lot of sorrow to deal with, a good laugh and a great tattoo. Laughter is the best medicine. And my Mom really loved my idiot pug. But I think my next tattoo will be little more serious and carry a lot more weight. Peace.
    1 point
  33. Thought I'd throw this in. I hope no one minds as I've not posted too much on here. Done by Stewart Robson - Frith Street Tattoo
    1 point
  34. People think the same about people from Wyoming.
    1 point
  35. Can't remember if I posted this here Sundancer but Valerie Vargas, Frith Street Tattoo
    1 point
  36. Tough competition this month, but I guess I'll throw my hat in the ring. Panther from Aaron Coleman. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  37. I'll enter this one because I love my eagle. Happy to see her every day, and she has a name :o By Chad Koeplinger at Congress St. Photo from his Instagram.
    1 point
  38. This is happening. That beer is Bee Tea from Night Shift. I don't usually go for spiced beers, but this is nice. Ignore my big stupid face; drinking it from a Wonder Woman tumbler makes it better
    1 point
  39. I love this- all of it. But especially 3 and 6.
    1 point
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