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Posts posted by jadore

  1. 42 minutes ago, Rob I said:

    It does happen all the time. I agree that yours is from a flash sheet and I also agree that yours is the much better if the 2. Here is an example that I thought was just a bit much. Not that anyone owns the rose tattoo, but the timing / size / and placement seemed a little copy cat-ish.  Guess which one I like better?  



    Yeah... I guess tattoo is all about images circulation and taking examples and ideas from others and specific traditions or flash sheet from older artists. In this case it looks like they took the flash and just put it upside down. I guess that when you realize that someone has a tattoo like yours, you have that bitter sweet feeling of understanding that your piece must be good if someone got for himself the same, but at the same time you feel like: "daamn why did you do it so similar to mine, man!".

  2. Hi there,

    I recently had this woman tattooed on my calf by Dane Soos in Trieste (see second image with green flower). I was on instagram and  found this tattoo posted by another italian tattoer just a couple of weeks after mine. I was just wondering if do you guys know if my tattoo is taken from an old school flash and so both took the image from the same source or if I might think that the design was copied? I'm not claiming that mine is an original tattoo at all, it is an absolute classic but when the similarity of details is so striking sometimes you just wonder if at least the two guys had the same inspriation or flash book. What do you guys think? Personally I like mine better, the other one looks like she has no eyes... 




  3. 13 hours ago, Dan said:

    well I don't think you will find a "cultural reference: who invented this design" of it,the only thing I think you will find is examples of what other artists have drawn up & done in a tattoo,I don't think there is a "cultural reference",that's like asking for a "cultural reference" of a swallow or anchor tattoo,it's just art IMO.

    Yeah, I know I can't find a cultural reference, but I was meaning, do you know if one of the famous old school tattoo masters have this particular design in their flash sheets? Like let's say if you see some design you can tell is from Sailor Jerry or Amund Dietzel, I was asking if in this sense, this design can be attributed to someone in particular!

  4. 3 minutes ago, oboogie said:

    <iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fphoto.php%3Ffbid%3D1071258166263983%26set%3Da.1022439551145845.1073741826.100001394307876%26type%3D3&width=500" width="500" height="503" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>

    Yes, I was looking for something like this, I will add the spider hanging from the spiderweb and two flowers to balance the composition and make it look a little bit less, let's say "creepy". I'm really looking forward to this!

  5. I already have the appoinment and he did a quick sketch on paper just to see the size and the general composition, I already discussed with him the tattoo. Mine is more a cultural reference: who invented this design and where could I find images of this design. The only image similar to this is a tattoo I found by Olivia Dawn.

  6. Mine might be a stupid question,

    But I'm getting in less then a month an old school woman head surrounded by a spiderweb and a spider on my leg. I know this is a classic tattoo, but I'm wondering who created it first and where could I find example of it? I tried to look up for old school woman + spider web but couldn't find similar examples, all I found was a spider with a woman-head. Do you have any example of this design? thanks.

  7. Personally I'm not very into Disney and this kind of style and cartoons-like tattoos, but I think you should hear your artist's advice. I guess you might run the risk to end up with a bunch of different objects which don't relate to each other. Would you do the cloud and the baloon similar to the Disney style of drawing?

    I know that tattoo is a very personal and subjective thing, but I'm afraid it might end as one of those kind of tattoo you might not like in like 5 or 10 years...just my 2 cents on this topic!

  8. Ciao e benvenuto sul forum!

    I'm from Trieste and will get a tattoo from Dane at Inkamatic studio in like a month. I'm usper excited about it!

    I think that around the goofy image you should do something totally different like a mandala or an asian pattern in order to create a background to that tattoo.

  9. I like both the ideas. They are pretty unique and surreal which is always good in my book. But if you are going with Eterno I would consider going for some of his existing designs if you aren't sure what to go for. He's got a really strong style and the reason his stuff looks so great is he does a lot of his own designs and they are pretty uncompromising. If you are set on him, take a look at his designs, see what you are drawn to naturally and same with the placement.

    I agree with you byzantine, I think I will keep these design for other tattos and will choose something which suits better the artist style. I already booked flight and paid the deposit, so I will not wait more and get something.

  10. I know it's hard to enter in someone's mind and give advices on such a personal thing like a tattoo but I would need your advice regarding the design of my next tattoo which will be made by Eterno. I'm thinking about a three headed peacock like the one attached but not exactly like that, but still in black and white althoughnot loaded with so many details. I don't know if this tattoo would fit the artist style and I'm thinking about a redrawing of this design by the artist. The other option would be the representation of Babylon as a woman riding a monster. I'm also undecided about the position, was thinking on the rib cage but don't know if these design would fit there; other option would be the exterior side of the thigh/hip. If you guys can give me advices, it would me much appreciated!

  11. Just got thumbs up from ol' Rudy Fritsch about the Scottish Convention in march next year. Getting my second elbow tattooed. Iain Mullen did my right elbow more than three years ago, and him + Rudy finished my backpiece at the convention this year. So this feels just perfect. Looking forward a lot!

    That's so cool to hear. I live in the same city of Rudy and planning in the near future a tattoo by him, but still have to talk with him, I think I will do it in October 2016, because I have already a tattoo booked with another artist happening in March.

  12. Finally I got my first tattoo, (sorry for posting similar content in my initiation thread).

    The tattoo is a moka Bialetti, a pomegranate and a number one made by Luca Font in Milano.

    At the beginning I had the idea of putting a skull at the base of the moka too.

    We discussed with the artist and decided that another element such as as skull which is round would overcharge the image and putting two round element at the base of an object resembling a column would create the form of a penis. So he put a little number 1 at the base of the moka. I like this tattoo because it's simple, clean, well-placed, has the power of an advertisement being well balanced and reminds of Russian poster-avantgarde for the geometric aspect. I also like the fact that is not overcharged with colour but colour is placed only when it's needed, to emphasize the shape of an object: the metal glimpse of the light on the Moka and the shade of the pomegranate.

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