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Posts posted by chrisnoluck

  1. Yesterday morning at 7 AM my girlfriend, my cousin, and myself drove down to Richmond to get tattooed by Max Kuhn. It was my 3rd session on my back and we got about 4 more hours in on it.


    My girlfriend got her stomach finished


    My cousin came along and got his 3rd tattoo. I just took him to get his first back in June or July from Shrewsbury, then he got tattooed by Lowercase J last month.


  2. I am hesitant to even type this, but I think I need to start slowing down. I believe I've gotten 11 tattoos this year, and I'd like to get 2 more to make an even 13 for 2013, but I'm also not a very large person. I've only been getting tattooed for about 4 years and probably have 25% coverage. I'd like to get tattooed for many years to come and I know my tastes are going to change. What's probably going to happen is I'm going to stop getting tattooed for a little while, save up a bunch of money, and then start working on the really big pieces.

    Honestly, I'm starting to feel the same.. After having trouble finding a spot for a palm sized tattoo when I was in SF it really hit me. Since January 1st I have been tattooed 10 times (and got tattooed 2 days before new years this year). I also am getting tattooed on Friday and then again on December 4th. So that will make it 13 before New Years again. Last year I got tattooed around 15 times. As much as I say I want to slow down a bit, I love traveling and I love tattoos and getting them. I'm already planning to go to the Philly convention in February and then getting tattooed by Rob Ryan the day before the convention.. Also planning a trip to Ann Arbor in April to get tattooed by Jeff Zuck & Cole Dunn.. maybe after then I will take a little break :rolleyes:

  3. It's undeniable men have faced discrimination, but in my experience, people are more comfortable being nasty to women. These are mostly the type of people too cowardly to confront someone who might fight back, and in a culture where girls are raised to be sweet and demure, we're not expected to say anything in these sorts of situations. ;)

    Israel is conservative in some aspects, so those reactions don't surprise me.

    I definitely agree with this. My girlfriend works as a bartender/server in an Outback restaurant, she ALWAYS gets comments from people. A lot of people will flat out tell her that "tattoos are ugly, why would you do that to yourself?". I, on the other hand have not ever once received a comment from someone being rude. I get the "where do you get your ink?" questions a lot and "doesn't that hurt?" but other than nice comments I've never come across anybody being rude. I'm not even sure how I would react to a rude comment about them.

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