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Posts posted by JAC1961

  1. No need to get upset.  Just try to put it out of your mind for a week or so and think of other things.  Take pride in doing something many want, but aren't brave enough to do.  Concentrate on liking it and try to avoid the "what-ifs".

    If worse came to worse, you could have it covered with a design you like better or have it removed.

    Relax and breath, it'll be fine.  Welcome btw.

  2. @Danlovin' yours man, especially the devil and pumpkin!

    @GingerninjaI suggest we change your name to pinchusion 😉🤣

    This was only my second year of getting tattooed, but I was very happy with what I got.

    The beginning of 2018 was 3 sessions to get this:


    Fall of 2018 was a family tribute that may not be the very best tattoo in the world, but makes me smile every time I look at it.


    For the coming year, I already have an email in requesting a consult for a traditional mom/dad tribute piece.  Looking forward to that and more!

  3. I got a 14 hour 1/2 sleeve on my upper arm in 3 sessions, a month between each.  The timing was my artist's choice, not mine and I'm glad.  4 hours at at time was enough for me.  Not entirely the pain involved, sitting/laying for long periods, being tensed, etc.  I just find it to be more enjoyable to do shorter sittings, I have nothing to prove.  Also, some tattooers have a heavier hand than others.

    Couple things that I'd add to Dan's list.  No ibuprofen, aspirin or other blood thinners before (of course unless it's something very necessary and then I'd run it by you doc and/or let your artist know.)  If you're traveling very far right after, I'd suggest stopping for a quick meal.  Even with a snack during the tattoo I felt much better refueling before the drive home.

    Best of luck and let us see how it turns out.

  4. I shoot for 15% to 20% based on the estimated cost of the tattoo.  I don't usually carry much cash, so I hit the ATM before my appointment.  I also always tip in cash so it's their choice whether they report it.

    When I was getting my half sleeve I was making a set of wooden toys for my grandson and knew my artist had a son of about the same age, so I made a second set for him.  Gave it to him at my last appointment... it was a hit.  🚚

  5. 2 hours ago, Dan said:

    IMO Aveeno is hands down the best,

    I used to use and think Lubriderm was the best, but Aveeno blows it away for an everyday moisturizer,Aveeno lasts all day. Lubriderm lasts about 25 minutes. 

    I use Aveeno "daily Fragrance  Free". (green label)

    I've been using Lubriderm, but maybe I'll give Aveeno a try for the next bottle.

  6. No one can answer that for you. You have to decide for yourself. If you need help deciding, then to me you're not ready. There's no time limit, you can wait as long as needed to be sure that you're making the right decision. If I were you I would identify the specific things that are making you anxious and unsure.

    Also, welcome.

  7. I got my third tattoo last Wednesday... the tattoo I always thought would be my first, a family tribute.

    I asked for suggestions on it here a while back and tried to put them to good use.  I stayed away from heavy on text and went with something more graphic and symbolic.  We all like the Pixar movie "Up" so I used that as a theme and added my wife's, daughter's and grandkids' first initials in heart shaped balloons with their birth stone colors.  It was done by Jaimi Mullholand at Broad Wing Tattoo in Bowling Green, OH.  I'm super pleased with it and ready for my next.



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