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Posts posted by Hollie

  1. 38 minutes ago, shaunp94 said:

    I’ve applied a small coating, tattoo feels a bit greasy and shiny. Also applied to flaking areas is this good or bad?

    Hustle butter is amazing shit, I used it for the first time with the second session of my sleeve and it’s so moisturising and lasts for hours. If it’s greasy, I’d still be washing it 2-3 times a day. Shiny is normal... apply all over the tattoo (including flaking areas - totally normal). Don’t use a lot as mentioned by @oboogie that stuff, once warmed up in your hands, goes on like butter. 

    when I used hustle butter I washed my hands thoroughly and then rubbed it in the palm of my hand and gently applied it to the tattoo. If you feel there’s excess, use a paper towel and dab it. 

  2. 1 hour ago, 1esotericguy said:

    Saniderm is my hero.  Luckily I don't seem to be allergic to the adhesive.  It's just so handy to not worry about bumping into stuff or pets etc.  I had a few healing blems on tattoos before I caught wind of this stuff; never going back to the old way. 

    Amen to the pets lol. I have two very hyper active golden doodles, one is 75 pounds and thinks he’s a lapdog and is so clumsy with his giraffe legs it’s not funny LOL. 

  3. 4 hours ago, Snick said:

    Went to the er and they put me under observation for a night and some, ending up being ca-mrsa :(. Pumped antibiotics thru an iv and gave me oral antibiotics to take when discharged. Hoping this medication kills it! Thanks for checking up! ❤️

    Holy potatoes Batman. That’s bloody terrible! I’d highly suggest you let the artist know also... who knows if it was picked up there or during the mending process. Either way, it’s good to inform them. I’m so sorry to that you’ve had such a rough time. I hope you heal up ASAP and you’re able to enjoy your tattoo, finally. 

  4. 5 hours ago, Marciyah D said:

    Yes lol that easy to tell huh thank you so much should I give it a break from the ointment after I wash it off if so how long @Gingerninja

    Goodluck with your healing. The first one is always a little scary! Lol. How long ago did you have it done? I’m with the others on this, definitely stop using ointment. It needs to dry up and breathe, right now it looks like it’s suffocating. You’ll be right tho. Give it a few days without anything on it and it should dry up nicely. 

  5. It’s pretty well done in my opinion. Definitely don’t see a swastika and honestly I think your “friend” probably doesn’t realise how much damage that comment has done. It definitely looks like a 4 and I never would have thought otherwise. I think it’s easy for people to criticise someone because 1. They’re jealous 2. They’re insecure or 3. They’re just an outright asshole. 
    it’s been a year in the making, don’t let a stupid untrue comment like that, prevent you from enjoying it. 

  6. That looks super painful! Goodluck. Hope it heals up ASAP.

    As previously mentioned it does look like it’s been smothered which isn’t allowing the tattoo to dry out. I’m not sure what kind of cream you’re using but it almost looks like you’re using petroleum jelly/Vaseline and used FAR too much, and that stuffs the worst as it doesn’t allow your tattoo to breathe.... 

    Did the doctor take any samples from it? It could be the anti biotics that were prescribed weren’t correct for the bacteria. I hope you manage to get some answers. Keep us posted. 

  7. 3 hours ago, oboogie said:

    He doesn't have to play nice. 😂 The same questions over and over get a little draining. And newbies always think we're meanies. Nah. Just sick of the same newbie questions over and over and over and over. Search works really well in here. Every question has been answered two or three time over.

    I know. I’m a decent newbie myself lol. 

  8. 11 minutes ago, Hogrider said:

    Go forth and whine no more

    Play nice lol. You crack me up, I’ve seen so many of your posts and can’t help but giggle BUT some are sensitive. I feel there are two kinds of people who get tattoos (and this is me generalising)... ones who panic and worry, and ones who don’t give a shit and appreciate it for what it is. 

  9. 4 minutes ago, Hogrider said:

    I know you can't tell me anything until it's healed, but what can you tell me?



    I'm with you on the no anxiety after getting a tattoo. I read about it and understand it, but I've never felt it. Probably because I waited so long, researched it so thoroughly, and took my time finding the right artist.

    LMFAO @ that GIF 🤣🤣 

    that cracked me up!

    honestly I think most people just want some kind of reassurance in most aspects with their questions. I know the main reason I joined initially was cause I had a crack on the inside of my ditch (little did I know there was a thread from years ago about healing ditches etc). Then I got paranoid about infection because I just lost my job and don’t have health insurance and you know the funniest thing? This is the first tattoo I can actually see, and saw during the healing process. The rest of mine are shoulder, collarbone, back. I mean I can see my collarbone in the mirror but not infront of my face like my arm...

    I honestly think that’s partly the issue, if you can see it, you can dwell on imperfections, how it’s healing etc etc. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  10. 24 minutes ago, Subzino said:

    Switched it up slightly so the clouds were on the outside - I’ll update once healed too


    Holy cow dude. That’s sweet! How many hours did it go be up taking? Did around your nipples suck!? I feel like that would be really tender lol

  11. 3 minutes ago, oboogie said:

    Nah. He just speaks the truth. And people ask the same questions over and over a lot here instead of doing a quick search.

    Oh I know. I’ve been going back to a few years and there’s loads of the same stuff. Especially around Tattoo anxiety! I was actually surprised.. now maybe I’m weird because I never went through any of that...only type of anxiety I get is when I’m sitting there waiting for the artist to stab me with needles for hours LOL. 

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