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real meta

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Posts posted by real meta

  1. Something that bums me out sometimes about the culture of tattoo "collectors" is a preoccupation with being a "cool" client, i.e. someone who seems "down" and who the tattooer hits it off with. I wonder if this is maybe where these kinds of anxieties come from. Fuck that. You sound polite and respectful, which is probably how most of us aim to be in most customer service situations. That is how I try to behave in most of my day-to-day dealings too. Beyond that, I try not to worry about whether or not I am "cool", or anyone's fave. That shit gets a bit too high school for me. Also I am not cool.

    Funny, I was just thinking about this recently. I have a bit of social anxiety, and am pretty awkward in general, so I think when I started getting tattooed by more widely known people I cared about them really liking me more than I should have. Because they were people that I really admired, you know? I don't recall resorting to overly blatant name dropping or anything desperate like that, but I definitely remember their opinion of me being a concern in my mind.

    I use past tense here because I'd like to think I've moved past that--as long as I'm courteous, I'll sit in silence if that's how I feel, IDGAF.

  2. @cltattooing humility is a great thing, but from what I've seen, you're killing it too and should be included here. That Pharoah's Horses you posted in the tattoo of the month contest this month is a great tattoo period, not just great for a young tattooer.

    I definitely agree. You are nailing it, Carolyn.

    Richard Smith did this cool ass reaper on my thigh, and he can't be older than 25 or 26. As a 24 year old, I enjoy getting tattooed by people close to my age. When he put this on me he said he had been tattooing for two and a half years.


  3. Question for everyone: I've seen a design similar to the hand holding the club from Higgs' flash, except it was a hand holding a flower. Is that also Higgs flash, or was it someone's flip on the club design?

    EDIT: Nevermind, answered my own question. Turns out I had a picture on my phone of a Higgs flash sheet with that very design on it. I'm thinking about having Mario Desa put it on me at the Philly convention in a couple months.

  4. Hey Mat, awesome to see you join the forum. I've been following you on IG for a while and absolutely love your work. If I'm not mistaken, someone else who posts here got an awesome dagger through the neck from you. I think that's what turned me on to you, actually. I look forward to seeing what you have to contribute!

  5. Actually, I also just booked with Ron Henry Wells for February at the Philly convention. He's going to be filling in the gap between my Grez and Scott Sylvia pieces. I can't wait.

    Ahhhh! I was literally looking at his IG yesterday to see if he'd announced he was coming to the Philly convention, but somehow missed the post where he did exactly that. I emailed him, fingers crossed...

  6. I love the logic where you're like...well, I don't really need a tattoo, but it would be irresponsible for me to not get one given this opportunity. I'm jealous, I'd love to get tattooed by El Monga. One day, I hope.

    That's pretty much it. My desire to take advantage of the opportunity far outweighs any worries about "moving too fast" or whatever. As far as I'm concerned, he owns my whole lower left leg.

    I hope you get a chance to get a Monga tattoo, too. I can't recommend it enough. Come to Philadelphia.

    Writing this also reminded me that my one year tattoo anniversary is coming up in a couple weeks. It's been very little time but a very long time, if you know what I mean.

  7. Grrrrroooaaan...

    What exactly do you mean by "special" and "not wrong"?! I'm planning my next tattoos to be on both my feet. You two scare me given all the tattoo experiences you've had. Mind you absolutely wonderful ones at that!

    Knock on wood, I'm hoping for Horitomo cats. Just praying, sacrificing the neighbor's goats, reading some KFC chicken bone messages and sorta patiently waiting for that special phone call asking when I'd be able to set up an appointment. Fingers crossed.

    If it's any consolation, the foot wasn't too bad for me personally. The bony bits close to the toes were certainly interesting, but I didn't think it was too terrible. Of course, I've had spots where I had the complete opposite experience—i.e., you don't hear them mentioned as being particularly awful, but I thought they were. Everyone's different, etc., etc.

    Good luck on getting in with Horitomo, I'm pulling for you.

  8. I really wasn't trying to start any sort of serious debate/argument, which is why I started that post off with a hedge. I assume that everyone who's into good tattoos is a decent human being. I'm a big Death in June fan, who a lot of people take issue with, although I don't think Douglas P. and Skrewdriver are exactly on the same level. I was really just wondering how a place of business managed to get away with playing something so objectionable, but I actually didn't even realize that their first album predated their questionable politics. Perhaps that makes me the ignorant one.

  9. @suburbanxcore I got it under/next to my other one from him. It wraps around the back of my ankle, and then comes up the outer side of my calf a bit. I love having the two right next to each other, but now all I can focus on is the expanse of blank space that is the rest of my lower leg.

    He was just in Philly for that one day, but I gather that he plans on coming back at some point—I believe I heard him say he was thinking in a year or so. Regardless of the exact timing, I think you and/or your buddy will get another shot to get tattooed by him. Which I of course recommend.

  10. I'm really enjoying seeing the results of the Montreal convention. So happy for all of you.

    I got a really incredible tattoo from El Monga on Friday. The magic is strong with this one. I didn't get any pictures of it when it was fresh, so I'm waiting to see if he posts one to his IG so I can pilfer it. Otherwise I'll wait 'til it's healed to get a picture. I know, I know, I hate to keep you all in suspense.

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