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Posts posted by Dan

  1. Yeah I tried it out Saniderm healing for the first time two months ago - I have nothing but good things to say about it, it was used on me by Jess Yen - he says he uses it on all his clients nowadays, .

    that's who first introduced it & used on me for the first time this august.

    @Dan does this do anything along the lines of easy the craptastic feeling of jeans sliding on fresh tattos? Now that I am getting all types of awkward areas done, it seems my pants can sometimes "rub out" areas of ink. (Think hip, knee cap, etc).

    If this stuff is as good as it sounds, I am going to get very excited!

    it is as good as it sounds,and yes it does help a bit with clothing rubbing on the area IMO,also it was great to sleep in any position and without worrying about staining the bedding !

  2. It seems so strange that if 1) it has already been done by others with unanimous success and 2) it's backed by science in how your body heals... That it's not done more in tattooing. Is it just a situation of people are used to doing their old school process and are scared to try something else?

    it's relatively new to the tattoo world,most people still haven't heard of it yet.

  3. Ah I gotcha. So it's never really exposed on either side. If you wanted to be super cautious you could also cut the leading inch of material before using the product I suppose

    well yes,I cut it so it is a couple inches bigger on the surrounding edge away from the tattoo so it seals up really good,and it also helps to round off the corners of the film with scissors so it does'nt peel up at all.

    also on my knees,it helped me to use strips about 3 " X 10" wide and overlap the pieces,it was easier to apply on the knee.

  4. Thanks for that info stinkybutt... If you have it in a large role, don't you lose out ion having an actually sterile bandage? Since it's not individually wrapped? Or is that just being to particular?

    I picked up some Bronners peppermint soap and a couple sheets of Tegaderm and will use them to heal a small piece first, then we will see about doing a large piece this way

    both sides of the saniderm have a sanitary peel off sheet,one side peels off and is sticky to apply to the skin,and once it's applied then you peel off the outer sanitary backing sheet.

    and then you barely know it's there, How to care for a new Tattoo using Saniderm - YouTube ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


    How To Use Saniderm | | SanidermSaniderm

    this is my right knee,


    F.A.Q. | | SanidermSaniderm

    "How does Saniderm work?

    In layman’s terms, Saniderm locks in the body’s natural moisture and healing enzymes, allowing the body to heal itself in the most efficient manner possible.

    After tissue has been injured the body goes through autolytic debridement – a big word for the body’s natural process of removing dead and dying tissue. During this process moisture and enzymes are produced to help break down dead tissue and, in normal circumstances, they dry up and evaporative which reduces their effectiveness. When this happens, longer healing times are required and scabbing and scarring may occur.

    Saniderm locks in these healing enzymes, called autolysins, and allows the skin to continue to function as normal because the bandage is permeable to oxygen and water vapor (breathable). In addition, Saniderm protects against dirt and germs while eliminating friction and other irritations that might further interfere with the healing process.

    How will it affect my ink?

    Saniderm’s adhesive will not attach to the weeping area of a tattoo, therefore it can never damage or pull out ink. In fact, customers report that the colors of their tattoo remain more vibrant after using Saniderm, compared to tattoos that have healed by other aftercare products."

    and it was used on both my knee pieces and they healed perfectly,and even on a tough to heal body joint like the knee.


    I also used it on this large piece



    and it was so easy and healed so well and so fast I couldn't believe it,non of these 3 ever scabbed at all !


  5. Hey everybody, been doing plenty of searching on this. I tend to heal a little on th erougher side sometimes when i get tattooed. I stumbled upon Tegaderm while searching some other aftercare stuff... I see a spattering of shops, artists, tattoo collectors, mention of Tegaderm sprinkled around the internet, etc. but nothing real definitive on it.

    Can any of you with actual first-hand experience with one of the -derm products share your experience, tattoo pics, your specific aftercare process, etc. ? I am hoping to see pros and cons from people who have actual used the products. I know, i know, some guys are gonna say dry is better, using curel, using aquaphor.... i know, there are plenty of schools of thought on this. Not looking for a X is better than Y conversation, just personal experiences, especially if you are an artist who uses this method exclusively for your clients.

    Since I have tried dry healing, aquaphor, curel type lotions, etc. and had mixed results, I am thinking this may be next on the schedule (unless my artist objects)

    I have had experience with Saniderm on 3 tattoos in the last few months,2 medium & one large,

    I have the artist clean the tattoo right when it's done and apply it then ,with nothing on the tattoo except the saniderm,

    & like was said I keep it on for at least 3 days,on my knee it was on for 4 days,the shit works great,I remove the film and use aquafor for a few days,then go to fragrance free lubriderm,

    a day or 2 after I remove the film it's already doing the main peel,

    I buy it directly from Saniderm | Keep it Clean. Keep it Simple. ,I get the 10" by 2 yards roll,it's $16.95 + $7 shipping for me(central cal),that way it covers large or whatever size pieces,I love the stuff !

  6. That's what myself and many others are very afraid of. I've already spoke to many professionals in the UK who face this problem on a regular, cheap, unregulated lasers and improper technique are scarring people. There's such a violent price-war going on right now in the UK over laser removal that quality is taking a back seat.

    Old saying, Pick two of the following 3:

    * Cheap

    * Fast

    * Good

    but you can never have all 3

    great info you have posted in this thread,thanks :)

  7. Hello there!

    My name is Cherie and I am new here. I will do a point form intro on myself- cant wait o dive into this site :)

    1. I am from Australia

    2. I stumbled across this site only yesterday while googling annoyances Tattoo artists have (laughed so hard reading through them!!)

    3. Mum of 4 crazy kids and I work at our local preschool.

    4. first Tattoo was a trail of 7 butterflies on my hip ( starts on hip bone and goes up around my side)- got it to mark a moment in my life where I was leaving a really shit situation. Next I got my three girls' first initial with stars on my back then later added my son and more stars and a bit of a star trail and colour. Am next getting thigh pieces. raccoon on my right and Owl on my left.

    5. Not really sure where my initial interest in tattoos came from but I remember as a little kid being in awe of them and wanting them- and I didn't know anyone with ink as a kid- the only person I saw in the media would have been Angry Anderson I Guess.

    6. Cant stand scratchers - nor the idiots who promote their crap as decent work.

    7. cant stand people that think they are bad ass just because they have a tattoo.

    8. cant help but chuckle when I see a white man with tribal. sorry. I just cant help it. To me tribal is for people with a connection to that tribe some how- one article I read that I felt good with was a white bloke did a sailing trip through the Polynesian islands and had a traditional tribal tattoo done by a local using their symbols etc. that told the story of his trip. brilliant! :) I get that some tattoos are for aesthetic purposes only etc. but for some reason generic tribal just irks me.

    9. am yet to attend a tattoo convention but it is on my to do list!! there is one in Melbourne I really want to go to ( rites of passage) and one in Sydney that actually falls close to my birthday (Australian tattoo and body art expo)

    10. no I don't have a pet kangaroo.

    welcome to these fun forums !

    Australia is so cool,I would love to vacation there sometime,

    I have a friend that lives in Adelaide,

    him & his wife have been asking me to come visit for a while,I can stay with them, :)

    I would love to see the beaches there,

    do you have to cover your tattoos at work ?

    preschool kids can be a handful !

    do you have a pet Kangaroo ? Scratch-head02-idea-animated-animation-smiley-emoticon-000415-large.gif

  8. I met him today, he was tattooing a sick ass parrot on another guy in the shop where my sister got her chest tattoo. I've seen his flash before on the internet, and I gather he must be at least somewhat known... Very cool guy and very talented.

    I found this in a search here,I have a friend in Tracy I am staying with in nor cali for a minute and I will be at Quarter Horse for an appt with Dave Gibson this sunday(10/20),I am excited about it.

  9. Seeing the movie Gravity in IMAX 3D is an absolute must. Not only is it a great film but it is visually stunning and the soundtrack is great to boot.

    sounds like it will look & sound good on BR too then !

    and I saw Iron Man 3 lastnight,and it's not nearly as good IMO as the first 2.


    2.5 out of 5 for me.

  10. So I know many of us are aiming for the full body look. I was curious what parts of your body you wouldn't tattoo?

    For me it's my face, throat and breasts. I don't think it's stupid for other people to tattoo these areas, it's just not for me.

    How about you?

    I'm with you on the face,no face for me,my neck is cool IMO,

    but not my penis for sure,and I would probably not do palms or armpits either.

  11. The Panther Tattoos thread is going greatand some of the past few responses have been including tiger tattoos so thought I would start a tiger tattoos thread:

    Who does/did the best tiger flash and why?

    Who does/did the best tiger tattoos and why?

    Is your preference a tiger head or whole tiger tattoo?

    How about some tiger tattoo pictures?

    What makes or breaks a good tiger tattoo?

    I got this in aug of this year,I like this style a lot.

    I got this from Jess Yen,until I got to the show,I did'nt even know what it was going to look like,I told him to do what he wanted.

    there are also a lot of other styles of tiger tattoos that I like as well though.

    I am very happy with this one.






  12. We needed a new thread to get back to talking about what matters. I would say this is pretty dang close to "Latest Tattoo Lowdown" so mods, feel free to adjust accordingly. Bubble-berries need not apply.

    What is your next planned tattoo? When? And what?

    I'll go first (even though most of you all know):

    Working on my Fenris-Wolf by Chris O'Donnell. Next appointment is at the end of September.

    I have a consult with Dave Gibson this Sunday for a piece on my left knee at Quarter Horse Tattoo in Stockton,ca.

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