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Posts posted by ShawnPorter

  1. Ok. You don't HAVE to be a nerd.... but it helps.

    I just need a little transparent gif logo created to tag photos with. Something that will be instantly recognizable at any size, using the letters OV. Helps me figure out where my photos are going....

    The pay is AMAZING (ok.. it's not. At all) and I'm REALLY easy to work with (another lie)....

    So if you've made it this far and are DYING to help... [email protected]

  2. It's barely raining here at the moment. I haven't gone down to the convention yet, but I can't imagine the weather's affected it at all.

    It was considerably slower today than this time last year. Everyone who was staying at my place for the convention has canceled due to weather.

    Upside- Seeing Zeke Owen wandering around, Talking to Mr. Andy Perez, Jason Scott, Tron, Josh Hoffman, Eric Perfect, Schweigert... lots of decent tattooers this year.

  3. I have to go with Kari Barba. She tattooed a friend of mine back in the late eighties and besides being amazed by her work at how good tattoos could be, I was equally amazed that I'd actually seen a tattoo in real life by someone who's work I'd seen in magazines. It was like finding out Santa Claus is real for me.

    I have a lot of old documentary footage of Kari tattooing from the 80s- when I clear my hard drive or buy a new laptop (it's time) I'll add it to OV for ya'all.

  4. thanks. Pushead stuff tends to be elusive and expensive, so it's taken a lot to get the collection to where it is. Given that I started sending Pus letters when I was 11, and I'm 38 now.. this is sort of a life long hobby.

  5. i only do it if i'm at the gym; because i hate most people and it helps me block them out like white noise.

    My gym is a primarily gay gym in a primarily gay neighborhood, and they play intolerable dance remixes. I love the gym, some of the staff also work for me at the bar, love the people etc... but the music is horrid. I have to listen to music on my headphones to escape

  6. Oh. Im at 183# now. My low was 178, but building muscle has added weight.

    I eat mostly lean proteins and a LOT of cruciferous greens, peanut butter or spinach as treats. Lots of eggs, sardines, low sodium jerky.

    Once a week I treat myself to a sprite (gave up caffeine) and popcorn at the movies.

  7. Less than a year ago I was a passionate, immobile foodie who weighted almost 240 # and who never exercised. I took a great amount of pride in my belly. Still don't think there was anything wrong with that, but once the fitness bug bit me... it bit hard.

    My base caloric intake for the day is 1700.

    I usually average between 2500-2700 depending on how much exercise I do.

    I start every day with a bike ride. Rain, snow, heat... doesn't matter. I usually do 10-20 miles as a warmup before the gym.

    At the gym I do stretching for a little bit, then 30m-1hr on the elliptical. Depends on the day. That's mainly to tone not so much for aggressive cardio. After that I run a 3k on the treadmill.

    I alternate between arms and abs/core ever other day, with a free weight/machine workout depending on the day. I cool down (metaphorically) in the sauna, sweating it all out.

    Once a week I add a spinning class on top of all that, and twice a week I work back/chest.

    I take a men's multi vitamin, 1000mg of Vit C, garlic and fish oil capsules and a B complex every day. One of my bartenders has a boyfriend who teaches yoga, so I might take his beginners class soon.

    And I still occasionally have foie gras!

  8. @sboyer and his partner are about to drop another book via their Yellow Beak Press label- Born Weird.

    I figure he's been so damned busy working on it that he's forgotten to start a thread. Since I'm super excited about it, I'll jump in and start one up- hope you don't mind, Scott?

    I've been pretty vocal about my love for Higgs, Dave Lum and Scott Harrison's work in the 1990s- that "American Weirdo" style that Hardy talked about in Tattoo Time V. It really influenced how I got tattooed more than just about any other 'school' of tattooing save esoteric/occult stuff. I think it's fair to say that Weirdo stuff led me to where I am now.

    I just put a few teaser images up from the book on Occult Vibrations, and... it's just weird. So weird. Almost (blissfully) untattooably weird.

    It's going to be like the Zeis book- first 200 (of 2000) copies gets a watercolor print.

    I'm really geeked about this one.

    Were you BORN WEIRD? « Occult Vibrations

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