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I can't stop myself. I watch it every week and just rage afterwards. Can't help it.

It helps if you watch a Tattoo Age afterwards.

Sort of helped with the traditional episode anyway.

Okay, didn't help at all.

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Like I said in the OV writeup- at LEAST the Inked shows- scripted reality or not- feature mostly decent (not stellar. decent) tattooers doing ok tattoos.

Ink Master gets people who they think will be dynamic on a game show. No one is looking at Al Fliction or Kay Kutta to do good TATTOOS- they're looking for a good reality show villain. And people are walking away with bad tattoos because of it. I don't care how nice Navarro is (my NYC friends who interact with him defend him nonstop- I think it's starfuckery... "he's so nice to us!") they're ALLOWING BAD TATTOOING TO HAPPEN FOR RATINGS.

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Ink Master gets people who they think will be dynamic on a game show. No one is looking at Al Fliction or Kay Kutta to do good TATTOOS- they're looking for a good reality show villain. And people are walking away with bad tattoos because of it. I don't care how nice Navarro is (my NYC friends who interact with him defend him nonstop- I think it's starfuckery... "he's so nice to us!") they're ALLOWING BAD TATTOOING TO HAPPEN FOR RATINGS.

well said. this is one of my biggest problems with this (and other) shows; if someone fucks up a dress for a fashion reality show, big deal. if someone fucks up a batch of cupcakes for a bake-off show, oh well not anything to lose sleep over.

there is no excuse for this behavior with tattooing.

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this. oliver peck and chris nunez watch these folks do really awful fucking tattoos. I understand they’re doing what they’re supposed to in terms of the confines of the show, but fuck.


Wanted to... I mean it's caused a couple of marital spats to put it lightly... Yeah we're a passionate couple, we throw down about tattooing, and taste... Thank you, it was really hard to deal with, the last day, kinda like watching someone get raped (for lack of a better), I didn't go to the set the final day... it was a rough weekend, and that convention was one of the hardest I think I ever worked, and I have even had a miscarriage at a convention before during a pageant I was throwing...

We are both going to actively try to do more good to help offset the bad, tattooing takes care of us, we need to take better care of it... More now then ever.

AS FAR AS THE TATTOO COPY RIGHT THING..... Don't take this the wrong way, but fucking get over it. SERIOUSLY it's all copying. EVERYONE STEALS: It's a matter of who you're stealing from if you have taste and you're stealing from Hardy, Roberts, Jerry, Malone, ETC... You're following tradition.

I haven't even seen the episode, don't care, I'm so sick of all the under twenties, and tens and five year old tattooers acting like they were the first person to come up with a design, it's all been done before.

I have seen close friends and artist straight rip off Richards original paintings tattoos I have posted up online, here, instagram, twitter, tumbler, and then no reference credit, or original design cred was given... then seeing all the killer remarks, etc... And each time I get all pissy about it Richard says... Can't get mad, if you put it out there someone is going to use it. , seen people rip off blackhearts shit, seen em rip off Major TM Logos, I have even ripped on Stella Artois Logo.

Mike Roper is the only artist I know that is like a mystery. You know his work is amazing. Don't see a lot of it... Because he doesn't make that stuff easily available. ShawnPorter, I haven't been able to check the video out you posted, I will when I get a good inet connection.

BTW, you coming to Richmond?

New School is bullshit. I'm sorry, it is. until I start seeing new school water color flash sheets rolling around all over, not oils or acrylics, then I will acknowledge it as a "dance" until then, all I see is some idiot that doesn't want to learn the footwork to even two step...Lazy.

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Also what was with that dipshit in the last episode talking about how to increase the pain of tattooing on annoying clients? Motherfucker, the only purpose of your being on that show is for self-promotion and you're too fucking stupid to even manage that. Same with that mohawk idiot talking shit about every tattoo he has to do.

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Also what was with that dipshit in the last episode talking about how to increase the pain of tattooing on annoying clients? Motherfucker, the only purpose of your being on that show is for self-promotion and you're too fucking stupid to even manage that. Same with that mohawk idiot talking shit about every tattoo he has to do.

They'll be booked solid. Yeah what he said was douchey, but he said it ON THE TV. That'll guarantee him some appointments.

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Also what was with that dipshit in the last episode talking about how to increase the pain of tattooing on annoying clients? Motherfucker, the only purpose of your being on that show is for self-promotion and you're too fucking stupid to even manage that. Same with that mohawk idiot talking shit about every tattoo he has to do.

Like with the first season, you know early on who is the cream of the crop and who is the cream of the crap. They won't be in the final four.


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this. oliver peck and chris nunez watch these folks do really awful fucking tattoos. I understand they’re doing what they’re supposed to in terms of the confines of the show, but fuck.

Any artist I've discussed the show with said its not doing the tattoo industry any good. Some artists have their own niche and that's what they do. Forcing them out of that with lots of pressure behind it isn't good for tattooing. Getting a couple of tattoo artists to back that up, they've sold themselves out. But, hey, they're TV stars now...


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A few weeks ago one of the challenges was to cut hair...somehow this was supposed to indicate if a tattoo artist could execute solid line work or not. I'm not an artist but I just didn't get it at all and turned me off even more. I prefer the show that focuses on tattoo cover ups although I can do without all the damn crying.

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I can't help myself. It's like watching a two-headed bug. As much as you want to step on it, you have to look. I couldn't believe Nunez watching people fuck up the flags and just shake his head and say he couldn't do anything. These people have to wear this shit for life. I don't care about the rules or the contest; you're supposed to be a professional tattooer - you can't just stand there and let someone do a fucked-up tattoo if you could prevent it.

- - - Updated - - -

I prefer the show that focuses on tattoo cover ups although I can do without all the damn crying.

I agree. Like that marine that waited 27 years to finish his tattoo. I'm sitting there thinking, there's a tattoo shop on every corner from New York to LA and it took you 27 years to find someone to do the Marine's Logo??? Are you fucking stupid????

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.... I couldn't believe Nunez watching people fuck up the flags and just shake his head and say he couldn't do anything. These people have to wear this shit for life. I don't care about the rules or the contest; you're supposed to be a professional tattooer - you can't just stand there and let someone do a fucked-up tattoo if you could prevent it....

US flags have to be dead-on, no room for creative interpretation there. And they all blew it to varying extents.


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US flags have to be dead-on, no room for creative interpretation there. And they all blew it to varying extents.


I'll say this-

One of the artists who screwed up the American flag tattoo... copied it from Old School flash. Not directly, I don't think. But the whole 'red touching the blue' was in the flash he copied. He pleaded his case with the judges and they condensed it down on the show to him shrugging his shoulders.

As much as I hate the show, realize the ultimately it's the editor/producer's job to build drama and tension. Why have him explain that he used a reference when you can show him HATIN' 'MERICA!

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Nope, I've watched every episode. It's like a train wreck. I can't stop watching. That being said I haven't liked a single tattoo on the show. I feel really bad for the "canvases."

The first season none of the canvases knew what they were getting in to. After seeing B-Tat and All Fiction putting their crap on people, they should know better. I have a hard time feeling too much sympathy for people that will put any shit on their bodies just because it's free.

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A few weeks ago one of the challenges was to cut hair...somehow this was supposed to indicate if a tattoo artist could execute solid line work or not. I'm not an artist but I just didn't get it at all and turned me off even more. I prefer the show that focuses on tattoo cover ups although I can do without all the damn crying.

I watched a couple episodes of that show and the concept is okay, but not really a fan of any of the coverups. The EGA that guy got, looked horrible. It's hard to really see a tattoo on tv, but it didn't even look like there was any black shading, or any contrast to the shading in the eagle at all, it just looked like a bunch of grey wash. I don't get how you coverup this stuff and not use bold imagery, not white highlights and soft grey shading, or color with no outlines. Yeah the coverup makes it look better, but how could it not, with the shit they are covering.

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