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  1. Julio Avila

    Owl with keys?

    maybe it doesnt have ANY meaning. keys are cool, owls are cool. on the other hand...... owls are seen as "wise" creatures. keys are used to open doors. wise one holds keys to open doors? doors that are either literal or figureative. is that stretching it too far? im sticking with my first theory.
    3 points
  2. tammy

    hello from sweden

    welcome robin AND iwar. great to have you guys on here all the way from norway. our boys have norwegian royalty in their lineage ;)
    2 points
  3. 2 points
  4. Here are some of our Favorite Tattoo Websites. Check them out! SHOPS New York Adorned Tattoo Shop (NY, NY) Spotlight Tattoo (Hollywood, CA) Temple Tattoo Shop (Oakland, CA) Blackheart Tattoo Shop (San Francisco, CA) Elm Street Tattoo Shop (Dallas, TX) Jinx Proof Tattoo Shop (Washington DC) Perfection Tattoo Shop (Austin, TX) Inksmith & Rogers Tattoo Shops (Florida) Immaculate Tattoo Shop (Mesa, AZ) Goldrush Tattoo Shop (Costa Mesa, CA) Love Hate Tattoo Shop (Miami Beach, FL) Kings Avenue Tattoo Shop (Massapequa, NY) Frith Street Tattoo Shop (SoHo, London) The Family Business Tattoo Shop (London) Tattoo 13 Tattoo Shop (Oakland, CA) Ink Addiction Tattoo Shop (Verona, Italy) Horitaka, State of Grace Tattoo Shop (San Jose, CA) Chicago Tattoo Company (Chicago, IL) Three Kings Tattoo Shop (Brooklyn, NY) Smith Street Tattoo Parlor (Brooklyn, NY) Aloha Monkey Tattoo Shop (Burnsville, MN) Three Tides Tattoo (Japan) Two Roses Inc. Tattoo Shop (San Diego, CA) Lucky's Tattoo Parlor (San Diego, CA) Mark Mahoney's Shamrock Social Club (Hollywood, CA) Speakeasy Tattoo Shop (Toronto, Canada) Tattoo Paradise (Washington DC & Wheaton, MD) Conspiracy Inc. Tattoo Shop (Copenhagen, Denmark) ARTISTS Juan Puente Blog Juan Puente Website Thomas Hooper Blog Chris Garver Website Grime Website Tim Hendricks Website Luke Wessman Website Eddy Deutsche Website Nick Rodin Website Hector Fong Website Mister Cartoon Nick Colella Blog Julio Avila Blog Mario Desa Blog Bryan Burk Website Jill "Horiyuki" Bonny Website Jill "Horiyuki" Bonny Blog Chad Koeplinger Blog Valerie Vargas Blog Stewart Robson Blog Ross Nagle Blog Jeff Rassier Blog Jun Cha Blog Tim Lehi Blog Dan Higgs Blog Jondix Blog Blackheart Tattoo Blog Tomas Tomas Blog Kore Flatmo Website SUPPLIES Dringenberg Tattoo Company Lucky Supply Waverly Color Co. RANDOM Tattoo Elite International Anchor Screen Printing [/url] MAGAZINES Tattoo Artist Magazine
    1 point
  5. Rebushido

    hello from sweden

    hello Last Sparrow! just came across this site a week ago ore something.. and i have to say that these interviews Scott makes are really awesome! and it seems that that the skill and knowledge here is more "true" in a way.. and like there is more respect for tradition and the history of it all. Im a Swedish 29 year old guy now living in Norway and the capital Oslo to be exact. got in to tattoos maybe 5 years ago starting out small with some tacky red stars on my arms hehe and then gradually getting more of an obsessed fanatic that i am now maybe a year ago. Marius Meyer of invictus oslo is doing a massive koi backpiece for me right now but other then that im trying to get around as much as i can and spend all my money on new tattoos. some of the lists ive seen on this forum really impress me and fucking makes me jealous haha but in my short time as a "real" collector i feel i have a small but solid list of tattooers on my skin.. these guys to me are some of the very best and i have massive respect and feel truely blessed to get the chance to get tattoed by them. Jim Miner (owl on my lower arm) Yutaro Sakai (dragon on lower arm) Seth Ciferri (small skull,arm) Scott Sylvia (snake thru neck) Jeff Rassier (owl,heart chestpiece) GRIME (skulls, both hands) Phil Holt (on going gipsy lady inner arm) George Campise (Seamonster thingy, shinleg) Steve Boltz (dagger,arm) Marius Meyer (koi fish,backpiece on going) also old stuff from Morten Enger (R.I.P),Morten Overlie and Pero all from Oslo and Ricky Larsson from sweden. also planning my next trip to the states.. only have Mike Roper booked so far.. hoping too find more good artist here on this forum to add too my growing wishlist.. its alot of namedroping but i would love the get tattooed by. filip leu Mick tattoo Matt shamah Ichibay Hunter Bailey Robinson Bert krak Eli quinters Chad Koeplinger Mario Desa Isaac Fainkujen Mike Shea Seth Wood Uncle Allan and many many more! ok enough now. have a nice day folks! cheers Robin
    1 point
  6. I don't have a decent picture of the tattoo, but here's the watercolor (By Rick Lohm of HALO in Syracuse, who also did the tattoo) that spawned it. Story- Once the big owl trend really started hitting hard, I decided it was time for the noble Turkey to be the next "It" tattoo bird. Eagles, Owls, Swallows.... they've all had their turn. So every time Rick would post a tattoo of an eagle on his facebook, I'd comment that it didn't really look like a turkey and that he should try harder. Habitually harassing him until he finally painted this to shut me up- A portrait of me as the devil Turkey. The milk was because Rick likes milk- we didn't even get the "cry over spilt milk" thing until after he tattooed it on me. The turkey has yet to get it's turn, but it's coming.
    1 point
  7. My first tattoo wasn't what I hid from my mom. Actually I asked her if I could get one (I was just 18 at the time), she said no way. A week or so later I asked her if I could get my labret pierced, she said hell no, I said ok, what if I got a small tattoo that is hidden by my short sleeve, she begrudgingly said "well, I guess", she didn't know my friends were waiting in the car in the driveway, I said thanks, and ran out to hop in the car and we went and got my tattoo (tribal arm band!!). She demanded to see it when I got home, so I showed her, she just rolled her eyes. My old man (who was tattooless, but was in the navy for 25 years at this point), said that I better not go below the sleeve until I was independently wealthy (this was '98). I started my first sleeve in '01, I lived with a roommate in an apartment, it was around late July, so I just waited to come over to their place until night and wore longsleeves. It was still so hot, and I was sweating, but I'd just stay outside and then say I have to run, and take off haha. For some reason, I decided to show it to my mom when I took her to dinner for her bday (maybe the worst day to do it in hindsight). I had my sleeve pulled up a little, hoping she'd see it (she didn't), so I just bit the bullet and showed her. She just said "Oh Daniel, what am I going to do with you". I never talked to my old man about it. For years, she would be like, are you done yet? everytime I got tattooed again, I moved to CA in 2004, so when we would go visit her in Indiana, she would make me show off my new tattoos to everyone and called me her "tattooed wonder", although I have a little brother who has a dreamcatcher, wolfhead, and kanji tattoos, and little sister that has lower back dolphin jumping tattoo. It always made me laugh. In 2007, my daughter was born, Eli Quinters was in town, so I was going to get a tattoo from him at Tattoo 13. My mom was in town to visit her granddaughter, and decided she wanted to get tattooed ha. I called Eli, he had space, so I got tattooed, then she got a yellow rose with an american flag draped around it. It was so wild to me, her first tattoo, which was for her dad (died in 06 in a motorcycle accident). Last year, I wake up to a picture message of a tattoo that was on my Grandmother (mom's mom). I had previously been weary about showing her my tattoos, and when she finally saw them, she said "well at least when you die, we'll know it was you" haha. Her tattoo was her first and also for her husband (my grandfather). Wild. Sorry for the lengthy story haha.
    1 point
  8. Deb, first off, yes big weight lifted and i feel so much better! i told him about the 2 that i already have, but i failed to mention anything about future tattoos, is it too much to hope that he will put 2 and 2 together and assume that since i started getting tattoos that im just going to keep going?! i am hoping that the response i got last night was kind of his way of saying that im an adult now and no amount words that he could say would change my mind, so he just didnt use any at all! he raised me to be a very responsible person and i think really hard and research things really well that i want to do before jumping into them.
    1 point
  9. sboyer

    Panther Tattoos

    on my partner kayla. done by scott harrison.
    1 point
  10. Dammit! It's impossible not to be trendy, just got an outline on my solar plexus/bottom ribs. Guess I should've kept with my original idea, microscopic text in the shape of a robot behind my ear.
    1 point
  11. just for the recored devo crack that wip BETTER be played at mine..dare you not to laugh.. at our shop i work with 5 other assholes who think they are the only one with good musical taste and your just a dick for playing anything, so lets say it gets tricky..we listen to an ass load of sabath which i use to love. a bunch of shit like tom petty, zep,van halen,high on fire, sleep, waylon, if it was up to me i would listen to a combo of sleep and country that would be the perfect mix. i agree leatherface is amazing. i love oi and older punk/hard core not the shit when everyone heard slayer for the first time that can blow me. all of the crap about music at our shop and how some people take what you want to hear as a personal attack has led to" music free mondays"..where im the only boss that works and you, meaning the co workers can play what ever the fuck they want. smiths, dance hall, rap, whatever it rules..when customers complain, if its not black metal playing cuz i dont know why any one would want to get tattooed to that unless your trying to find a spine to sit good? if its not that i tell them they get a pick when they pay the rent, or i give them "oh you didnt pick this? wierd?" they usually get it. i do however think that customers should NEVER be offended as in nigger or faggot crap, they are paying me for god sake they shoildnt be miss treated by there suroundings,oh and yes i like the smiths just hate the fans....so sensitive.haha
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. I have done this many many times, Between VH1, VH2, Fair Warning, 1984, Diver Down, and Women and Children First that's enough to fill a whole day with awesome. (Not to mention the WB demos if you want to get REALLY crazy) I can never get sick of VH ever. I could be at a fucking funeral and if "Unchained" came on I'd be like "Ok! Guess we're partying!" Greatest Rock and Roll band of all time. (and Yes I have a Van Halen tattoo)
    1 point
  14. I find myself liking tattoos that are bad more than tattoos that are good. Handpoked stuff (Fuk it, Michelles A Bitch), weed leaves, reapers, decks of cards, wolves. Stuff like that. Names. Punkrock stuff. Poorly rendered, badly healed, impulsive physical graffiti. I think it says more about a person that really deeply considered, high end tattoos. I think tattoos have become so good that its refreshing to see someone sporting really shitty homemade stuff. Catches my eye.
    1 point
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