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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/03/2020 in all areas

  1. Gingerninja


    My advice: sit well, tip well and don't bring drama (no micromanaging). See how it goes. Good luck!
    1 point
  2. Thats right, I like it I dont care if people say its not beautiful or that 'I shouldve done flowers... not that!' or if there is rules that you should be having sleeves before getting hands done. But I do agree with originality. And the only thing we changed about the dice is the number of dots, that was the most imortant thing to me at the time! Maybe its different enough then... 🤔 I see it is freaking annoying. I should wrap it up.
    1 point
  3. Virtualanimegf


    You’re absolutely right. I’m all for asking politely, but even if I’m respectful about it I don’t want to cause any headaches w my requests. Although I really do think you’re right in that it’ll probably be just fine - I’m likely overthinking a simple question. Oh, well that’s very good to know. Thanks 🙂
    1 point
  4. Virtualanimegf


    Well thank you 🙂 ah, okay. That sounds good. I don’t mind being told no, it’s just that I haven’t worked w her before and I don’t want her to not want to work with me in the future because I ask for too much. I do trust her though, she’s been nice and honest so far and her lettering looks good to me! I’m glad I’m not alone! They’re a good ice breaker that’s for sure lol
    1 point
  5. I do agree that you’re worrying too much! Honestly, if you like it you don’t need to mess w it. my favorite and most well done tattoos are song lyrics that are actually slightly incorrect (because I got them wrong) and a flower that happens to be a logo lol but I cherish them because they are mine, they’re pretty and I like them - not because they are perfect or completely original. I also have a couple very poorly done tattoos - one of which I’m covering tomorrow, one I’m gonna try to get fixed up and one I’m leaving just the way it is. They just are what they are and honestly I probably wouldn’t change getting them although I’m changing parts of them now because I’m just not happy with them. Whenever I see any of them though, whether I got them for a specific reason or not, I can always see that time in my life through them. That’s a little cheesy I know, but seriously. If you like it, that’s okay, you’re allowed to like it. And if not you can change it - just remember that comes w it’s own set of risks too! Good luck.
    1 point
  6. How dare you? Really? Hahaha. You came here asking a completely obsessive question AFTER you got tattooed. That is obsessive behavior. We see it here A LOT. As for help to get over it, we can't help you with that. It's flash. It's fine. Just enjoy it.
    1 point
  7. Hands On

    Red lips

    once it's healed, try coloring it in with a marker and see if you dig it. if you dig it enough to make it permanent, make an appointment and go for it.
    1 point
  8. You are the exact kind of person who should not get tattoos. You can't obsess over them. Just leave it and move on.
    1 point
  9. so me and my wife met with Oliver at the Feather Falls Tattoo expo and I got the horseshoe on my left knee ditch and she got the turtle on her left leg to go with a mermaid and octopus that he did a couple years ago.
    1 point
  10. Hygge.

    post your 2019 tattoos

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  11. What part monkeying with it will make it worse is confusing you? Educate yourself on laser removal. There is no guarantee, or expectation, that the entire tattoo will fade at the exact same rate. You will find someone that will claim they can do what you want, even though they can’t, and then you’ll be back here asking how to fix the mess you caused. Quit obsessing over this and just enjoy your nice tattoo.
    1 point
  12. you're overthinking: it's really common for ppl to get upset when they first see it after its done. I wasn't panicked, but when I first saw a DUDE on my back... it took a minute. you'll grow to love it.
    1 point
  13. I'll share mine! Finished up my sleeve a few months ago
    1 point
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