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Posts posted by hogg

  1. It's kinda sad. She is a smart woman but I sense that she's waiting for a tattoo idea with meaning to come to her so she can get over that hump of feeling like she should do what everyone else is doing.

    I see this all the time. I wanna scream, "Tattoos don't have to mean anything!" but there's no use with some people. And I don't mean for that to sound harsh. I just mean that some people have their minds made up and nothing I could say would change that.

  2. I would think the quality of the tattoos counts for something as well as the subject matter. A flower or a mandala is bound to be seen differently than a shrieking zombie dripping with blood and gore -- especially for a schoolteacher. Don't want to scare the kids.

    I respectfully disagree. To non-initiates, a tattoo's a tattoo. They just see that someone is tattooed--not what they have. I have to remind myself of that from time to time. I once asked a non-tattooed coworker to describe 3 of my tattoos. This was a job where I wore T-shirts every day, and he and I were friends. He remembered my kid's name, but admitted that he was stumped beyond that.

  3. In the States he has tattooed at Diamond Club in San Fran. He probably has the lightest hand of anyone that has tattooed me yet! Very pleased.

    Did you get that at Roses and Panthers? And I agree with you about his hand. He tattooed a collar rocker on my at Diamond Club years ago. I was a little nervous beforehand, but he said, "I'm angel soft." I thought he was being a smartass, but it was true!

  4. My tattoo peeled normally with a few scabs over the first week, and now appears to be rather smooth and slightly tender. Today is day 8 since it was done. It looks like it is going to peel a second time, this time just small white colored flakes. Is a secondary peeling normal?

    Perfectly normal. And on the topic of imperfect tattoos, I like what Thom DeVita says. Something like "any imperfections only add to its beauty." It's a human-applied art form. Consider those human touches. And welcome to LST!

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