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Posts posted by Transplant

  1. not a stupid question at all.


    looks like you picked a tattoo studio already, you may do well to get an appointment on a sunday though.


    nobody can answer whether the artist will want to do it, you would have to ask them, thats also where you will get the best advice as to the best solution.


    with regards to picking he artist, why don't you go in the shop and ask the receptionists advice?

  2. 1 hour ago, marfil98 said:

    Hello everyone, I'm posting here because it looks like I need to make 10 good, informed posts elsewhere before starting a general topic discussion. I got my first tattoo a week ago, and it's healed nicely. The thing is, while it looked perfect at the shop, once healed up (and after hours of staring at it in the mirror) I've noticed a few things. Mainly three instances where the artist's hand slipped when doing shading/linework, and some blowout around some lines, which I understand is caused by the needle going too deep. My question is, should I go back to the same artist to have it touched up or should I go elsewhere? Is the overall quality of the work good? Despite these (possible non) issues I would like to continue getting tattoed by the same artist. Also it should be noted that this is based off of some Sailor Jerry flash I've liked for a while.


    EDIT: While the placement may look wonky in some pictures that's just due to my awful posture. It's actually dead-on.






    i would be patient until your tattoo is healed, sometime blow out and stuff can die down when your healing process is complete!

  3. On 9/8/2016 at 10:27 AM, Kate1939 said:


    I'm American but used to live in the UK (Buxton, Derbyshire).  Fell in love with E45 when I lived there and it's been my go-to moisturizer ever since.  I was wondering if it would be a good maintenance moisturizer over the long term for my tattoos.  I ask because it has lanolin in it, and I've read in a few places online that lanolin fades tattoos.  

    Any thoughts or opinions on E45?

    Thanks :)

    I have been told not to use E45 for tattoo healing, can't recall what the reason was.


    I used El Gato Negro for the last few pieces, much easier healing process. I sometimes struggle with ingrowing hairs in and around new tattoos, this seems to help out quite a lot.

  4. 4 hours ago, bongsau said:

    but i think this is the original image you are looking for


    I recently read about this white tiger,. His name is Kenny and he's an inbred, he also has an inbred brother called Willie.


    Search for Kenny the inbred, its a good read if you are interested in animal rescue etc.

  5. On 8/30/2016 at 1:44 PM, Gareth98 said:



    So I was wanting to get a Celtic themed Japanese style 1/4 sleeve. 

    I approached an artist called DVZ for a design, and they created this, free of charge.


    I have selected the artist in which i am getting it done by and the overall design will be altered probably quite significantly. 

    I am wanting opinions of the concept, thanks :)

    Edited Friday at 02:21 PM by Gareth98

    Which part of your body is this going to be placed? it doesnt look the right shape for any part of the body, unless its for your shoulder in which case there is too much going on and everything is too small.

    @Gareth98 heres my opinion...

    centre piece is too small, skull should be larger.

    Too much background, maybe flowers could be larger and more involved.

    The main piece appears to sit on top of the background.


    You could make a good tattoo using these elements though. its by no means a bad starting point but you have to get this right, you will be stuck with it 'til you die!

  6. i have had a similar experience to this. also its common for people to have an allergy to red inks.


    hopefully this isn't the case for you, but the red on my shoulder didn't really heal. for around a year the skin was swollen and puffy, eventually the swelling went down but the red ink has completely gone. luckily its a really small area.


    all other red ink around my body has been fine though. i hope yours heals up ok!

  7. 2 hours ago, a_beukeveld said:

    Next week is the Moncton Hub City con and it turns out John Gray (@sourjohn) is going with Sailor Jerry Swallow. Super stoked.

    Going to get him to put this rad Spaulding geisha in my forarm, a diamond girl on my bicep, and hopefully this german skull guy on my arm somewhere. (off his coworker Dave's sheet)




    will he do a tattoo off somebody else flash?

  8. 7 hours ago, Synesthesia said:

    I guess this could either be an awesome or shitty thing depending on how you look at it, I'm choosing to look at the positive side: I'm quitting my full time job (with benefits, gulp) in social work and taking a part time job at a copying and printing center, with plans to go back to school for graphic design ASAP.

    It's fucking scary to lose all this pay and my insurance and all that but something needed to change. My co-workers suck (there's a rumor I've been dealing with for months that I'm an alcoholic and come in to work drunk all the time), my bosses suck, and our schedules are about to start sucking when they make us all work 12.5 hour shifts starting at the end of this month. I knew I needed to get out because this place was going to drive me crazy.

    I've wanted to do graphic design since I was in high school but I let various people (guidance counselors, my parents, myself) tell me I wasn't good enough for it, so I chased all these other career paths and now I'm thinking "Fuck it, I should have done this in the first place." So this copying and printing center gives me some entry level graphic design experience, gives me a chance to network with local businesses that might use us, and gives me the time to go back to school and work on an art portfolio. In the short term, it's going to be financially tight and more stressful, but in the long run, I really need this. I'm just glad my boyfriend is doing really well at his job and can help with rent and bills, he's also thrilled I'm quitting because he knows how much of a toll this job has taken on me over the years.

    Big decision! Too many people get stuck in a rut, waste their lives doing what they are told is the right thing to do!

  9. 5 minutes ago, Haarup said:

    Thanks for the reply guys and Dan hope you are OK! That looks rough!

    By the sound of it, hit/blows cant damage a tattoo, i just still cant wrap my head around it. How so much brute force cant, in some ways, affect a tattoo.  

    i think to summarise, if it would scar untattooed skin it would probably fuck up your tattoo.

  10. On 18 September 2016 at 11:02 AM, Devious6 said:

    I've now lost 33 pounds and stabilized around my goal weight. I may try for another 5 pounds but, who knows? All of the college social functions make eating healthy difficult...but I'm determined to hold the line. I've learned that I can have a splurge from time to time, and then just get back to my routine. I am feeling so much better - but now need to buy some new clothes including 34" waist pants....which I have not worn since high school.

    The weight loss and tattoos have made me much more confident to wear sleeveless shirts and tank shirts..something I've never done before. Why did I wait until I was 61 to do this? Ugh.

    By the way, did I tell you how much I love this new tattoo? :17_heart_eyes:


    Well done on the weight loss, you look in good shape! 

  11. 4 hours ago, sighthound said:

    Hey all, so whether it's just one arm or both arms, what is your favorite iteration of the Japanese sleeve?

    Half, full, 3/4, with or without the chest panel? Half with chest panel? Built into a backpiece or standalone? Just one arm or two matching arms? Let's discuss what you like to see, or personally have, or wish you had gotten, etc. 

    Personally, I have a half sleeve and about to expand it onto my chest. Wish I had gotten it all planned out and done at once instead of piecing it together, but oh well - live and learn!

    @sighthound, i have 3/4 sleeves on both arms, then on the torso it gets a bit crazy.

    Tried to post some pictures but not having much luck tonight!

  12. @pidjones sounds like it couldn't have worked out any better for you.


    i had a similar experience recently, although unfortunately I'm not ready to retire!


    everyone at my site was told in a group meeting they were going to be made redundant, i was  nearly in tears.

    as soon as thee meeting was over my MD said he needed a word with me, i was expecting something even worse.

    luckily he said that he was making my position a work from home role, if i was happy with that it would be couple with a wage increase and a new company car. so I'm over the moon.

    can't help but feel sorry for all colleagues who are losing their jobs though :( 

  13. i get a few awkward looks, i work in an industry dominated by the older generation.


    Once at an exhibition a guy came up to me and said i could never be successful at my job because tattooed arms. After some conversation he warmed to me, opened an account with my company and now trades with me monthly. He has since tried to poach me from my current employer. I like to think he takes a different view on people with tattoos now.

  14. 4 hours ago, Morrigan said:

    So I got another tattoo the other day. Seventh one, all of my tattoos can be covered for work and are beautiful and tasteful in my eyes. I love all of them. Mother saw the photo on facebook and wrote a couple of message to me, saying that she is in shock, trembling and doesn't want to live anymore, since I am mutilating the body she gave me and I must be psychically damaged if I do so. Also, she mentioned she would rather die before seeing yet another tattoo on me. I tried to explain my view on body art, that I actually quite like my body and love to get it decorated, but she wouldn't hear of it and requested that I promise I will not get any further tattoos until she dies, which, she emphasized, will be soon anyway (she does have some health issues now).

    After days, I still can't believe this discussion really happened. In my eyes, my mother is manipulating and emotionally blackmailing me. I can't believe she would do this to me. Maybe I'm wrong or I don't have the right perspective?

    I am 36, a mother myself. My husband and my 3 year old daughter love my tattoos.

    I am independent of my mother, have my own life, carreer. I serve as Chief Legal Counsel for a major international holding operating in Central Eastern Europe.

    Just needed to write this somewhere. Perhaps some of you have a similar experience and would like to share it.

    every time i get a new tattoo my mum says she isn't going to talk to me ever again because she is too disappointed in me, so we agree to never speak again (this isn't an argument by the way). She always rings me a couple of days later too invite me for tea.


    we must have bene through the exact same process at least 15 times.


    At the end of the day its only because mothers care, they just have outdated views!

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