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Posts posted by JAC1961

  1. Everyone has told you that it looks nice and it really does. Look thru some of the other threads, people here will tell you when they think your artist didn't do a good job. You just have to relax and stop second guessing everything.  It's as realistic as a tattoo of a rose can get.  Chill out and try to enjoy it.

  2. You've got this, piece of cake.

    I was taught several years ago the technique of "belly breathing". On the inhale you push your stomach outward fully. The idea being that your diaphragm drops further, pulling air more deeply into your lungs. It seems odd at first, but is easy to get the hang of. It really helps relieve stress. Do it slowly, concentrating on each breathe.

    Good luck! 👍

  3. Not quite sure what you're asking about, it looks like it's healing fine to me. Using scented soap at 4 weeks shouldn't be a problem. I stop worrying about that at 2 weeks or even slightly less.

  4. Ummm... nope and nope.  Your eyes are just way too precious to take any chance with something like that.  Besides, the appearance just creeps me the hell out.  To me, some of the main reasons for getting tattoos is the the art, beauty and the individualism and blackout tattoos has none of that.  I of course don't care if others get them, but just find no appeal in them.

  5. You can't let others run your life. If you like it and/or want others, do what makes you happy and ignore the people that try to bring you down.

    My getting tattooed was my statement that after way too many years I'm no longer let others make me feel bad for my choices. It can be tough, but it's well worth it.

  6. 10 hours ago, scottyg said:

    Everything's down to finding the right artist though.

    Definitely! And it won't be cheap to get it done well either.  Take your time and do lots of research on possible artists.  Make sure that they have examples in their portfolios of similar work.  Done right it could be outstanding, or done poorly a disaster.

  7. 1 hour ago, VenomX said:

    Getting another tattoo soon, however on my forearm I have two tiny moles which I want to avoid.

    My question is, will my artist be able to see them under the stencil he puts on before he starts inking, or will the stencil have to go around it ?

    I'd just point them out to your artist and tell them you want them avoided. I'm sure they probably see thousands and know perfectly well what to do.

  8. I believe that mostly has to do with the artist, being "heavy handed" or not. My last tattoo never itched or peeled to speak of. Neither have the other two they did. My other tattoos, done by other artists, have itched and the skin pealed.

    The just wonder if the ones that are more "heavy handed" will last better because the ink is deeper.

  9. I started using A&D then switched to Aquaphor because it's easier to get a thin layer, and we'll, I don't smell like a baby's butt either. lol

    Use it the first 3 days then go to Aveeno or Lubriderm.

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