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Patrick Bateman

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  1. Like
    Patrick Bateman reacted to MrToby in Full Back Piece Thread   
    I always look forward to the start of the month because it means another 3 hours of work on my back, and another step closer to completion. This session I just could not zone out at all. The whole thing just hurt. On the other hand we have now basically finished the background and I'm stoked with how it's looking.
  2. Like
    Patrick Bateman reacted to Cork in Upcoming Tattoos   
    This guy who used to work in my building had both sleeves done by Jose. They were real smooth.
  3. Like
    Patrick Bateman got a reaction from xcom in Upcoming Tattoos   
    this guy!!!! definitely a great choice man. considered trying for the next time me and my family go to PR.
  4. Like
    Patrick Bateman got a reaction from joakim urma in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    Awesome and wish me luck people.
    Just applied on becoming an Adjunct (Part-Time) College Professor. Hoping things work out so I can quit my current job and focus on getting my MBA degree.
  5. Like
    Patrick Bateman reacted to Sean Sinha in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Today I found out I am having a boy and I want to get a tattoo to celebrate the moment. I was thinking of a traditional elephant and baby elephant? Something classic and simple.

  6. Like
    Patrick Bateman got a reaction from MoistTowelette in just posting a pic of my torso.   
    That is awesome @MoistTowelette
  7. Like
    Patrick Bateman reacted to Wilhell in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Eddy Deutsche cover/blastover from a couple of weeks ago in Oslo (Marius Meyer studio). It was such a fun day, so cool! Also met the legend Carson Vester. He told us some crazy stories!
    Who said he had lost it?


  8. Like
    Patrick Bateman reacted to Flo Ania in Full Back Piece Thread   
    Yeah! It was so great being tattooed by Chad! I had a lot of fun! Looking forward to the next session!

  9. Like
    Patrick Bateman reacted to Flo Ania in Full Back Piece Thread   
    Some more pics!
  10. Like
    Patrick Bateman got a reaction from hogg in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    Awesome and wish me luck people.
    Just applied on becoming an Adjunct (Part-Time) College Professor. Hoping things work out so I can quit my current job and focus on getting my MBA degree.
  11. Like
    Patrick Bateman reacted to Beans in How DO you...   
    Contain the excitement pre tattoo? Hi all, My name is Nina and I'm so happy to fianlly be here. I'm a bit of a weirdo, so I've been planing my double 3/4 sleeve tattoos for about 23 years now. Sounds extreme but that's how I roll :). Actually, I have (with much pain) purposefully kept virgin skin for THIS one endeavor. Unfortunately severe health issues took over my 20's, paying off said medical bills took over my 30's. So now at 43, I have the health, time and money for a great artists. My first sitting is April 10th and I can hardly concentrate on ANYthing else. I am obsessed now that MY time is finally here. Lucky me!
    Any ways, thanks for listening to my newbie babble.
  12. Like
    Patrick Bateman reacted to Iwar in Instagram   
    Inspired by Bradley Tompkins' BRIGHT_AND_BOLD takeover, I decided to make an account that features good, healed and settled in tattoos.
    It's really niche I guess, but I have always enjoyed seeing tattoos that have been lived in, and I'm sure there's a few others out there like me. I am also hoping to maybe get some enthusiasts to do takeovers and show off a few of their tattoos, accompanied by stories about their experiences getting them.
    The account is called "Lived in Tattoos" (@livedintattoos). Check it out!

  13. Like
    Patrick Bateman reacted to DeathB4Decaf in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    I have a 2 year old high energy german shepherd and while I'm no dog trainer (not even close), I've been teaching her some fun things to keep life interesting in -25 weather. Also to help relieve my guilt over long work weeks, ha. We hike daily in the middle of nowhere. All my previous dogs have been rottweilers, so all new fun over here.
    We've been working on scent detection, hiding something the day before and retrieving it the next day on our hike, tracking followed by sit-stay, and random fun. All our hikes are mostly off leash, so obviously before we ventured to the harder stuff we had her basic off leash commands down (come, sit, heel, watch, stay, leave it, etc). Totally neat to see her react to scent and tracking in various temperatures and weather conditions. It's all I mostly post on IG, so apologies to anyone who started following me expecting tattoo related stuff.
    My lunatic.

  14. Like
    Patrick Bateman reacted to Graeme in Art Tattoo Quebec, May 29-31, 2015   
    Pierre and Val who run Tattoomania in Montreal and who are the excellent folks behind the annual Montreal tattoo convention, have partnered with Jay Marceau and D-Markation in Quebec City to hold the first annual Quebec City tattoo convention. Anybody who has been to the Montreal convention knows how good it is: there are plenty of world-class tattooers there working in pretty much every style, and it's just a really fun convention with a really good atmosphere. Quebec City is also a gorgeous city to visit. The lineup so far is looking to be great. I'll have to see where I'm at with my back and how much money I'll have available to get tattooed but I'd really love to get something from Deno.
    Here's the website, facebook, and instagram for the convention with information about attending artists:
    arttattooquebec | Art Tattoo Quebec
    Is anybody thinking of going to this? Me and @Pugilist will be there for sure, and it would be cool to have a little LST meetup if anybody else will be there.
    - - - Updated - - -
    I should also mention that you can get proper poutine in Quebec. I know that everybody who comes from out of province to the Montreal convention wants to eat poutine, but Montreal poutine is pretty crappy compared to the stuff you can get off-island.
  15. Like
    Patrick Bateman reacted to beez in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    @Mark Bee you can't seem to go wrong at The Pearl! Love seeing your already impressive collection grow.
    - - - Updated - - -
    I can't believe I haven't posted these here! I got my butt snake colored in at the beg of feb. Basically I got home from my tattoo trip, and my dog had a big sudden health issue that had to be dealt with STAT! So I didn't even think about it.
    Pics attached. I'm booked for more at the beg of Apr too!

  16. Like
    Patrick Bateman reacted to kimkong in Full Back Piece Thread   
    i flew out to london over the weekend and rich hardy did the second session on my back :)

  17. Like
    Patrick Bateman got a reaction from DeathB4Decaf in Upcoming Tattoos   
    Sweet. Love the pic, looks like an awesome Spring Scene
  18. Like
    Patrick Bateman reacted to Some Grass in Full Back Piece Thread   
    My back. Finished with Chris O'Donnell. Couldn't be more stoked on it.
  19. Like
    Patrick Bateman reacted to Badtaste in Full Back Piece Thread   
    I'm really just posting this to get my post count up haha. Apologies.
    I know most of you are into traditional here, but this was the first proper back I've done and I was fairly happy with it.

  20. Like
    Patrick Bateman reacted to Mark Bee in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    @Sean Sinha There will be, but not until tomorrow. I was in a rush when I left and I didn't bother taking a pic at that time. I'll post some after I get it cleaned up in the morning.
  21. Like
    Patrick Bateman got a reaction from bongsau in Upcoming Tattoos   
    good luck man. Keep it rolling!!!
  22. Like
    Patrick Bateman reacted to Mark Bee in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    I popped into The Pearl today and had a couple of little fillers in and around my right knee. My lower legs are really filling in nicely, and I've made a stab up into the thighs as well. I was speaking to Tim Pausinger today, and we are going to get back to work on my back-piece in the summer. It will be nice to have that beast taken care of.
  23. Like
    Patrick Bateman reacted to bongsau in Upcoming Tattoos   
    I'm getting the underside of my ass cheeks tattooed tomorrow.
    So yeah that should be interesting, like not in an erotic "shades of grey" interesting way (note, there will be many shades of grey) ibut more of a WTF this is dumb is this really necessary? Uh, onward with the bodysuit quest!
    Also, I'm at 197.5 hrs according to my tattoo spreadsheet...which means hitting the ass crack as I bust the 200hr milestone tomorrow hurrah!
    feeling pretty excited though, really, truly. Can't wait to burn my shirt in a firepit this summer. Cause I won't be needing that shit anymore! :cool:
  24. Like
    Patrick Bateman reacted to FMJacket in Clean Palette, Not for long.   
    Hey everyone,
    My name is Chris and i am from sunny southern california.
    i currently have no ink as of yet. but i am the process of getting
    a full back suit. been thinking awhile now about this, and figured
    i might as well go big or go home. and who else to do it but the
    master himself, Jess Yen from MyTats in Alhambra. just recently
    had my consultation and really looking forward to proceeding with
    this piece. a bit nervous but more excited than anything else. from what
    I've already read on here, the back seems like it has many surprises lol.
    any advice or words of wisdom is greatly appreciated!
  25. Like
    Patrick Bateman reacted to FMJacket in Clean Palette, Not for long.   
    @hogg i am getting samurai, i told him how i wanted it to be and the main theme.
    and gave him pretty all the artistic freedom he wants lol
    @jen7 yeah, for aftercare, i have my girlfriend who can apply it on my back which is convenient lol
    @Cork haha yeah its always been an idea lingering in my head that i was going to get one. but didn't wanna make an impulse decision. been thinking long about who i wanted to get it from and what i wanted. funny that you mention that because my girlfriend is also getting her first tattoo from jess which is also gonna be a full body suit. we just kindve randomly came in one day to his shop and told him that, he called us crazy lol
    @xcom yeah thats what I've read, i think the excitement is over powering the nervousness right now though lol
    @bongsau haha thanks for the wooden spoon advice
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