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Best/Worst of 2011


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I know its a little premature, but Im bored as shit at work, so this is what I decided to do on a cold Oakland morning:

BEST/WORST of 2011:

1.) Personal high of 2011?

2.) Personal low of 2011?

3.) Best LST Thread?

4.) Worst LST Thread?

5.) Favorite tattoo (on you):

6.) Favorite tattoo (on someone else):

7.) Favorite artist?

8.) Best/Worst movie:

9.) Best/Worst album:

10.) Biggest guilty pleasure:

11.) Best show/concert you did and did not attend:

12.) Sum up the year in one word:

Add whatever questions you want. Lets get to postin.

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BEST/WORST of 2011:

1.) Personal high of 2011?

Fishing nearly every weekend of the 2011 summer/fall.

2.) Personal low of 2011?

I lost some good friends, and some not good ones. Mostly good ones though.

3.) Best LST Thread?


4.) Worst LST Thread?

I got bored with the hipster thread a while ago.

5.) Favorite tattoo (on you):

Its like picking a favorite kid... but eagle chest piece.

6.) Favorite tattoo (on someone else):

@hogg and his two tigers... fucking perfect

7.) Favorite artist?

Tim Lehi blows me away every year. I scored a High on Fire shirt he drew up this year. I try and wear it every day.

8.) Best/Worst movie:

Best: Midnight In Paris

Worst: Fast Five (didnt see it, im just guessing.)

9.) Best/Worst album:

Best: Chuck Ragan - Covering Ground

Most Disappointing: Fucked Up: David Comes to Life

10.) Biggest guilty pleasure:

Copenhagen wintergreen and hot wings (at the same time)

11.) Best show/concert you did and did not attend:

Did: Sheer Terror

Didn't: Powerhouse/Doomsday Device reunion show

12.) Sum up the year in one word:


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I´ll play!

1.) Personal high of 2011?

San Francisco trip by far

2.) Personal low of 2011?

Not sure if I want to share that on a public forum

3.) Best LST Thread?

Latest tattoo lowdown

4.) Worst LST Thread?

Whatever threads Bubbleberry started

5.) Favorite tattoo (on you):

I love all the tattoos I got this year equally believe it or not

6.) Favorite tattoo (on someone else):

@hogg ´s Lehi tigers

7.) Favorite artist?

Since I bought IRON WILL earlier this year I´ve been puring over it every other week, so if I have to pick only one I´ll have to go with Grime

8.) Best/Worst movie:

I´ve seen a ton of crap this year, but the only good one I can think of at the moment is Red State

9.) Best/Worst album:

The best is probably City and Colour - Little Hell. I don´t know which is worst, but I´ll say the Metallica/Lou Reed album even though I haven´t heard a single song from it.

10.) Biggest guilty pleasure:

Fuck dude, you had to ask... Okay, I´m sort of enjoying the latest season of Desperate Housewives. I feel like I´m setting the bar pretty high on this one.

11.) Best show/concert you did and did not attend:

Not sure. Didn´t attend too many concerts this year unfortunately.

12.) Sum up the year in one word:

Pretty, pretty, pretty good.

Oh, and I´m adding one:

13.) Best television series (I´m a television series whore!)


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You almost just replaced sirblazealot in my signature.

I need to stop posting on here while drinking... An ex girlfriend of mine made me sit through the first couple seasons of it, and I tell you man, that shit´s like heroin. I´m just glad it´s in its final season so I can lay it to rest soon and never speak of it again.

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1.) Personal high of 2011?

Getting my mom to come to japan, which has yet to happen, but she is on her way here on December 30th.

2.) Personal low of 2011?

Went crazy for a long while cause of a woman, still have feelings for her but it's all good. Best of all we are still on very friendly terms.

3.) Best LST Thread?

Slang terms you hate

4.) Worst LST Thread?

Anything with bubblebutt

5.) Favorite tattoo (on you):

A Jinki (turtle with ears) on my shin.

6.) Favorite tattoo (on someone else):

Iwars battle royale

7.) Favorite artist?

This year, that honor would have to go to Stefan Johnsson

8.) Best/Worst movie:

Best: Hot tub time machine (i just watched it)... Worst: I don't know

9.) Best/Worst album:

Who knows... anything for either

10.) Biggest guilty pleasure:

Kirin, or X

11.) Best show/concert you did and did not attend:


12.) Sum up the year in one word:


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1.) Personal high of 2011?

Getting engaged. Opening a retail shop with my mother in my hometown.

2.) Personal low of 2011?

it was a multiplex of getting denied entry to the USA (where I'd been living for three years and have my dogs, house, fiancé) coupled with the death of my grandfather and a few months later my grandmother. I say this was a multiplex because I came back to Canada for my grandparents and then was unable to return to America, so it was one long shitty event. Not seeing my dogs for almost a year and my fiancé for months on end is fucking shitty.

3.) Best LST Thread?

ICP, Random Photos, Hip Hop Thread, full back piece thread

4.) Worst LST Thread?

The one where Bubbleberry wrote a novel about how shitty and sad of a person I am. That was pretty tight. (just as a side note, he tried to add me on Facebook a few weeks ago, according to his profile he actually owns a shop in where ever the fuck he lives and he was the one doing those awful tattoos that he claimed his "wife" did. it also appears he has stolen other people's tattoo work and put it on his shop's page. I wish i could meet him so I could kick his balls off, and then show him what a real tattoo is supposed to look like)

5.) Favorite tattoo (on you):

Is this tattoos I got this year? If so I guess none cause I didn't really get tattooed except for a little souvenir one. If it just means overall out of everything on me at this point I'd have to go with my back even though it's not done

6.) Favorite tattoo (on someone else):

way to hard to choose, nothing instantly comes to mind as 'the one'

7.) Favorite artist?

again, there isn't just one person who I could pick.

8.) Best/Worst movie:

worst movie I watched all year was "Rubber" total fucking useless bullshit. I can't even believe I watched the whole thing.

best movie I watched was ummm.... probably Bridesmaids.

9.) Best/Worst album: No idea.. I'm not even sure if I listened to any new albums this year. I've fallen off the new music band wagon as of late.

10.) Biggest guilty pleasure: these gourmet chocolate bars we sell at my mom's store. They are about 600 calories and taste like it. Headache inducing amounts of sugar.

11.) Best show/concert you did and did not attend: Actually I don't think I attended one show this year. That's what happens with you get stuck in a tiny town in Canada. Oh wait actually I went and saw TV On The Radio and it was amazing. And the worst concert was the opening band for TV On The Radio, Lissie Trully or some shit. Whoever they were, they sucked.

12.) Sum up the year in one word: Frustrating.

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1.) Personal high of 2011?

Big one is getting my sleeve completed in Kyoto next week (yay!) tied with that is it'll be my third trip to Japan this year, and I completed my degree

2.) Personal low of 2011?

My Mum is really sick with her heart & emphysema and my younger brother was recently diagnosed with osteoarthritis and will be in a wheelchair within 6 months, he's 25.

3.) Best LST Thread?

Latest Lowdown, ICP great for laughs and Old tattoo photos

4.) Worst LST Thread?

@Ursula reminded me of bubblebutts thread about her, that was some bullshit

5.) Favorite tattoo (on you):

My sleeve from Horinao once finished

6.) Favorite tattoo (on someone else):

@hogg his back by Jill Bonny (haha hoggs' all up in this category)

7.) Favorite artist?

Horinao (Cat Claw Tattoo-z) obvious personal reasons for that one ;) and I'm sure it'll change next year

8.) Best/Worst movie:

Best - Didn't really see to many this year that I can think of... but for now we'll say Kung Fu Panda 2

Worst -"A Serbian Movie" @dcostello I always kept forgetting to mention this to you homie, but I read up on it on IMDB... I could barely read through the description lol. Seriously, there was no way in hell I was watching it!!

9.) Best/Worst album:

Best: 'Trem - For The Term of His natural Life'

Worst: To many to list...

10.) Biggest guilty pleasure:

Flying to Japan on the regular :D

11.) Best show/concert you did and did not attend:

Even though I work in the Music Industry, I didn't really 'attend' to many gigs that I wasn't working this year (don't really want to count those)... wait, I did see Tool & Rammstein again earlier this year. Lol forgot about that.

12.) Sum up the year in one word:

roller coaster (its two I guess?)

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1.) Personal high of 2011?

i didn't kill anyone

2.) Personal low of 2011?


3.) Best LST Thread?

latest tattoo lowdown has been pretty cool

4.) Worst LST Thread?

if it was that bad i've already erased it from my memory

5.) Favorite tattoo (on you):

i did a small jenson skull and anchor on the inside of my knee for my friend hans that was killed by a drunk driver at the beginning of the year.

6.) Favorite tattoo (on someone else):

that horrible slayer tattoo, you know the one...giant, scary, poorly executed, and glorious all at the same time.

7.) Favorite artist?

i don't know the guys name but he's an inmate at one of the local state prisons and he makes these incredible and detailed sculptures out of toothpicks, sometimes with moveable parts. thinks like a harley with moving wheels, etc. it's insane!

8.) Best/Worst movie:

best: "such hawks, such hounds" or "until the light takes us"

worst: anything that was described as "a box office hit" or "wildly entertaining"

9.) Best/Worst album:

best: these got played the most: the naked & the famous-passive me,aggressive you --black breath-razor to oblivion ep --mastadon-hunter --

worst: uhhhh....i didn't buy it whatever it was!

10.) Biggest guilty pleasure:

smoking way too many american spirits

11.) Best show/concert you did and did not attend:

best and only one i did: nashville pussy/supersuckers

didn't: eyehategod

12.) Sum up the year in one word:


13.) Best television series

since i don't have cable, i hadn't seen "dexter" until this year and watched the first 4 seasons 3 times. i've also watched all the "it's always sunny in philadelphia" series repeatedly all year.

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Fuck you all!

1.) Personal high of 2011?

Wedding reception #1 party USA rock n roll!

2.) Personal low of 2011?

Laid off. Again.

3.) Best LST Thread?

SiRbLaZeLoTTTTT! (Ok, the Latest Tattoo one is pretty great..)

4.) Worst LST Thread?

Bubbles, but that guy was great for entertainment.

5.) Favorite tattoo (on you):

Shit, right now it's the newest, the buffalo head from Bailey. Also super stoked on the stars and dots filler from Andy Perez, mostly because I can't believe I waited so goddamn long to get it mostly corrected.

6.) Favorite tattoo (on someone else):

Those Cripwell legs. I know that person isn't on the forum, but shit. SHIT. Also, @abees and @jade1955 get some killer work! ...also Ursula's dude is tough.

7.) Favorite artist?

This is way too hard. There are a ton here, but I'm most excited about the newly "found" folks I've been introduced to on here, like Matt Arriola, Bart Bingham, Ron Wells. Stewart Robson. Still riding a small high with my Scott Sylvia tattoo. Bailey is a super funny dude and does flawless tattoos, no matter what your opinion of him is. Robert Ryan has been growing in my brain as someone I have to get tattooed by. All those dudes at Electric. Yeah, this is too hard..

8.) Best/Worst movie:


Worst: Fast Five (didnt see it, im just guessing.) <<<<< I'll leave this one.

9.) Best/Worst album:

Best: I don't know shit about shit. But I've been listening to a lot of Koffin Kats FTW

Most Disappointing: Mastodon, The Hunter.. some good tracks but.. I don't know.. kind of a bummer.

10.) Biggest guilty pleasure:

That 70s show. Fuck that show... I always watch it..

11.) Best show/concert you did and did not attend:

Did: Descendents, Suicide Machines, X.. also unbelievably pumped for Lucero on Dec. 30th

Didn't: Missed Murder City Devils. Again. And again.

12.) Sum up the year in one word:


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1.) Personal high of 2011?

Getting accepted to Medic school

2.) Personal low of 2011?

resigning from the Fire house

3.) Best LST Thread?

Funny picture thread (cheers me up after a shitty night at the squad)

4.) Worst LST Thread?

hell if i know

5.) Favorite tattoo (on you):

My dad's tattoo followed by the T-rex fossil

6.) Favorite tattoo (on someone else):

I wish I could find it.. It's this dark purple dragon huge back piece if i remember correctly, its amazing

7.) Favorite artist?

To many to list..

8.) Best/Worst movie:

is the 2nd Sherlock Holmes acceptable?/drive angry (that was this year right? damn I have no life)

9.) Best/Worst album:


10.) Biggest guilty pleasure:

Bones.. damnit Booth is mmm.. Excuse me I'll finish this later

11.) Best show/concert you did and did not attend:

Drop Kick Murphys Sham Rock-n-Roll was amazing @ the electric factory

12.) Sum up the year in one word: Roller Coaster

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1.) Personal high of 2011?

In general, some point during a trip to Japan with my GF - possibly when we were drinking in a little bar called Quasimodo's in Kyoto. The guy who runs it converted his garage into a bar after he retired, and he tends bar and plays jazz records all night. Great scotch selection. In tattooing terms, probably the point at which I had the bulk of my backpiece by Ching finished and I could see how the contrasts were going to pop out.

2.) Personal low of 2011?

Probably my GF breaking her hand at a martial arts seminar that I organised. These things happen, but it was pretty lousy because it's the third time she's broken her hand in two years (three different sports, three different kinds of accident). Because I was organising the thing I couldn't drop everything and go off to get it sorted out with her, which was less than ideal.

3.) Best LST Thread?

The backpiece thread inspires me.

4.) Worst LST Thread?

The Bubbleberry thread got pretty unsightly.

5.) Favorite tattoo (on you):

My back, I suppose. I like the homeward bound design on my thigh by Chris Smith (Deluxe Tattoo) also.

6.) Favorite tattoo (on someone else):

Tough one. I think probably one of Shige's backpieces - maybe the black and grey one that he did as a tribute to falconry.

7.) Favorite artist?

Sorry, a bit boring but probably Shige. I think he is in a league of his own.

8.) Best/Worst movie:

Drive = best. The last Resident Evil movie = worst.

9.) Best/Worst album:

I didn't buy a single newly released album in 2011 - amazing, I know. I wasn't illegally downloading either... I just had a non- new music year. Listened to a lot of Avett Brothers.

10.) Biggest guilty pleasure:

Craft beer.

11.) Best show/concert you did and did not attend:

Alison Krauss + Union Station in Dublin - missed it.

12.) Sum up the year in one word:


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  • 2 weeks later...

1.) Personal high of 2011?

Finding a Job !

2.) Personal low of 2011?

Being made redundant after 13 years

3.) Best LST Thread?

Latest tattoo Lowdown and the Artist recognition one

4.) Worst LST Thread?

Dangleberry's threads

5.) Favorite tattoo (on you):


6.) Favorite tattoo (on someone else):

Billy Hay Skull / Lotus sleeve

7.) Favorite artist?

Too many but Claudia De Sabe at the moment

8.) Best/Worst movie:

Best Harry Potter ! Worst dunno

9.) Best/Worst album:

Loved that RJD2 Insane Warrior lp so much Dont have a worst listened to a lot of prog this year ...

10.) Biggest guilty pleasure:

Thin Lizzy

11.) Best show/concert you did and did not attend:

Never made it to any wish i had got to the Zappa Plays Zappa in Edinburgh, but alas it was not to be !

12.) Sum up the year in one word:


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1.) Personal high of 2011?

Getting engaged, putting up two degree shows at the same time to get two BFAs, finishing college, getting to travel and cast iron and see lots of friends all over the southern States for my last semester, and starting to work at a tattoo shop recently.

2.) Personal low of 2011?

Hard times finding a job for a bit this summer, and having to deal with my fiancee living in Ireland. Skype eases that second one, though.

3.) Best LST Thread?

Latest Tattoo Lowdown, the funny picture one, and Slang Terms That Make You Cringe.

4.) Worst LST Thread?

Not sure... haven't read them all.

5.) Favorite tattoo (on you):

As for finished ones, the tattoo machine and banners on my left arm. Unfinished, the outline of my chest and stomach.

6.) Favorite tattoo (on someone else):

Waaaaaaaaaaay too many to name.

7.) Favorite artist?

Waaaaaaaaaaay too many to name.

8.) Best/Worst movie:

Hobo With a Shotgun was super rad... Not sure of a worst. Probably something I couldn't afford to go see in theaters.

9.) Best/Worst album:

best... William Elliot Whitmore's Field Songs and Touche Amore's Parting the Seas Between Brightness and Me.

i don't know of a worst... but i've grown to hate the entirety of dubstep as a genre this year.

10.) Biggest guilty pleasure:

not sure... i don't know if i have any guilty pleasures. i tend to be pretty upfront with what i enjoy.

11.) Best show/concert you did and did not attend:

I was low on going to shows, but i really enjoyed seeing Gallows with their new vocalist a few months back. As for ones i didn't attend, my friend's band played with Terror and Trapped Under Ice in May, but i skipped it so i wasn't dead when my fiancee flew in the next day.

12.) Sum up the year in one word:


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1.) Personal high of 2011?

Finishing some over due projects around my house!

2.) Personal low of 2011?

Having to sell our horses.

3.) Best LST Thread?

Any thread that I cant stop reading from start to finish. The random picture thread is really funny on days that I need a laugh!

4.) Worst LST Thread?

I dont think there are any but then I do not think I have read them all.

5.) Favourite tattoo (on you):

Part of my sleeve is a Turtle that I think I like the best. I like all my tattoos.

6.) Favourite tattoo (on someone else):

There are too many that I cant just pick one. I like too many different styles.

7.) Favourite artist?

I dont think I can say for sure one over another to be my favourite, there are many great artists out there.

8.) Best/Worst movie:

best: I liked part 2 to the deathly hallows. On a side note I just saw the trailer to "The Hobbit" and I cant wait for that to come to the movies. Just to be on the festive side National Lampoons Christmas Vacation has to be the best Christmas movie!!

worst: Not sure.

9.) Best/Worst album:

I have not had too much luck finding an album I am completely in love with just some songs from various artists and bands.

10.) Biggest guilty pleasure:

Listening to Christmas music on iTunes radio for the last 2-3 months. LOL

11.) Best show/concert you did and did not attend:

I have not been to a show or concert in a long time.

12.) Sum up the year in one word:


13.) Best television series

I really love the X-files.


Family guy.

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So I've tried to answer this thread a couple of times and haven't had a good response to post. I'm a few glasses of wine into the night so let's see if that helps....

BEST/WORST of 2011:

1.) Personal high of 2011?

Traveling to London twice and going to Frith Street. My wife and I really enjoy traveling and she's super supportive of my tattoo addiction.

2.) Personal low of 2011?

Unfortunately, my mother is very sick and this year has been stressful.

3.) Best LST Thread?

Tattoo Lowdown

4.) Worst LST Thread?

All the ones that I end :( I've nicked name myself "THREAD KILLER"..... I'm trying to get better on my contributions.....

5.) Favorite tattoo (on you):

Skull with Roses on my forearm

6.) Favorite tattoo (on someone else):

There is some great stuff in our gallery, the Valerie Vargas sleeve Gent with Lady.

7.) Favorite artist?

Stewart Robson

8.) Best/Worst movie:

Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, we have a little one and we haven't gotten out to the movies that much....

9.) Best/Worst album:

With iTunes I don't really do albums.... Just song after song....

10.) Biggest guilty pleasure:

Food.... I love all types, love restaurants and cooking!

11.) Best show/concert you did and did not attend:

Went to Phantom of the Opera in London.....It was fun and I have seen it a couple of times but it was my wife's first time and she loved it.

12.) Sum up the year in one word:


Add whatever questions you want. Lets get to postin.

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