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Parlor Romances...


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gougetheeyes started a great thread not too long ago about dating and tattoos, and id like to further it abit. I know Ive heard many a story of romances starting in tattoo shops, weather it be between artist and customer, or even between co-workers. In the spirit of the soon celebrated Valentines Day, I was hoping some of you could share such stories, or maybe even offer an opinion of weather such things should be permissible...

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I was tattooing at a busy shop outside of Ft Benning Ga.

Don was stationed there working as a Ranger instructor. He got tattooed at the shop and soon became my client.within a few months he began working there also learning how to tattoo and working the 10-3am shift. We were friends , he had a girlfriend and I was married to another tattooer at the shop and had a little boy.

Don became a close family friend, a trusted coworker and I know that we really bonded during the hours spent tattooing him.

I guess we were friends and coworkers for about 2 years or so when I became single again.

I can't say that we had a wild romance but just that we were such good friends and we really liked and respected one another.

Our first date , so to speak, was in June - and we were married at the end of November.

For the next 10 years we tattooed wherever Don was stationed ( he worked in the army and tattooed till he retired from the military, almost 10 years ago) We also went on to have 5 more children.

this November we'll be married 20 years.

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I was tattooing at a busy shop outside of Ft Benning Ga.

Don was stationed there working as a Ranger instructor. He got tattooed at the shop and soon became my client.within a few months he began working there also learning how to tattoo and working the 10-3am shift. We were friends , he had a girlfriend and I was married to another tattooer at the shop and had a little boy.

Don became a close family friend, a trusted coworker and I know that we really bonded during the hours spent tattooing him.

I guess we were friends and coworkers for about 2 years or so when I became single again.

I can't say that we had a wild romance but just that we were such good friends and we really liked and respected one another.

Our first date , so to speak, was in June - and we were married at the end of November.

For the next 10 years we tattooed wherever Don was stationed ( he worked in the army and tattooed till he retired from the military, almost 10 years ago) We also went on to have 5 more children.

this November we'll be married 20 years.

great story deb!!! perfect for v-day!

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Petri: Feb. 14th. Useless fucking day.

I got to know my husband partially through dinners with mutual friends, and also from being tattooed by him. I had to flirt with him really, really hard to get him to ask me out, he just thought I wanted a discount on my tattoos. Six years later, I still can't get an appointment.

HA! Dari, Scott totally called it when some girl gave me her number at the convention. I asked how the hell he did it and he said he could always tell when it was with other people but he was clueless when it came to figuring it out for himself. Guess he wasn't lying!

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here's my story..

i had a tattooer that was going with this girl and he asked me if i would finish her apprenticeship. i met her and said sure, 2 months later i got a hold of her on myspace (remember that place?) to see if she was serious because i hadn't talked to her in months.. she said she wanted to do it but thought i wasn't going to because the she wasn't dating that guy anymore. i told her i didn't care and "do you want the dang thing or not", so she says yes and we met the next day and spent the whole time talking. just talking about backgrounds and all.. well we were talking about where we had come to vegas from and found it was the same area, total population of 100,000+. but it got weird, she used to work at this jiffy lube in a strip mall.. i had a shop in this strip mall and would watch this long black haired girl walk by everyday to go to the quicky mart. come to find out it was her!! we talked more and hung out almost everyday, while learning her some tattooing for the next 4 months. we went to primer nationals and the night we got home and went to the local bar, had a few drinky poos and then we decided that we're gonna get together. 4 years later, married 3 and a 2 year old beautiful daughter and my 2 step daughters..

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i met my girlfriend/future wife in brooklyn 2007. i was doing a guest spot at saved tattoo, she was my final appointment on my last day there...we immediately knew we'd be together. after visiting her every month for 9 months, she moved here form new jersey in 2008. i owe EVERYTHING in my life to tattooing.

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i owe EVERYTHING in my life to tattooing.

same here. met stewart 6/7 yrs ago when i got tattooed by him, we finally got together 4 years ago and i'll happily spend the rest of my days with him. he's pretty awesome and we work together so well. i havent, up to this point, met many couple tattooers who work in the same shop and usually when i explain our situation people raise an eyebrow. i love the way its worked out and i thank my lucky stars every day. tattooing is so awesome.

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i think the valentines " holiday" is stupid and useless ( weird thing for a cake decorator to say, seeing as its a day when lots of people spend lots a money on chocolates and cakes and stuff) but i love all the stories going on here and it makes me so happy for everyone that met their special someone as a result of their job!

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A former client of mine really liked my work and got me to tattoo a 13 on him. He introduced me to his girlfriend and told her I should do her work. Long story short we ended up getting together on the 13th and now were going on our 13th anniversary. AND, an ex-employee of mine met and married our shop helper.

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I was tattooing at a busy shop outside of Ft Benning Ga.

Don was stationed there working as a Ranger instructor. He got tattooed at the shop and soon became my client.within a few months he began working there also learning how to tattoo and working the 10-3am shift. We were friends , he had a girlfriend and I was married to another tattooer at the shop and had a little boy.

Don became a close family friend, a trusted coworker and I know that we really bonded during the hours spent tattooing him.

I guess we were friends and coworkers for about 2 years or so when I became single again.

I can't say that we had a wild romance but just that we were such good friends and we really liked and respected one another.

Our first date , so to speak, was in June - and we were married at the end of November.

For the next 10 years we tattooed wherever Don was stationed ( he worked in the army and tattooed till he retired from the military, almost 10 years ago) We also went on to have 5 more children.

this November we'll be married 20 years.

you guys rule.

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