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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/13/2016 in all areas

  1. Just got this ship done by Daniel Albrigo at Port City tattoo in Long Beach
    5 points
  2. congrats ! that's your good karma coming back, btw,I have a really good job prospect finally happening too,it's been a 2 year journey,when I see an official offer,I will post.
    3 points
  3. Got this tonight. Five points go to the person who knows who drew the original tattoo! :-)
    2 points
  4. I'm about 2/3 packed. I will leave Dallas on the 23rd, visit family in Indiana for Thanksgiving, and then head to NH to start on 12-1
    1 point
  5. @Boiled Dove Awesome!!! Congratulations!!!! When do you start the move? And, @Dan - I am so happy to read this!! Can't wait for your official post!!!
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. Stoney on Ed. Where do i claim my points?!
    1 point
  8. Found out there were open auditions to be on Survivor in Dallas yesterday so I had to go, right?
    1 point
  9. @oboogie Regardless of what you apparently think, you have no bearing on my digital world. I have literally replied to you in one thread prior to this one. In this instance, I was addressing a three page thread and said absolutely nothing about or to any of your comments. I've been here for years and have never made it my style to call people out or anything of the sort. Feel free to check any of my posts. Additionally, It's also hard to not comment on threads you post in - you post in almost every thread.
    1 point
  10. I treat the internet exactly the same way I try to live my "real life." If I don't have anything nice to say, I really try not to say anything at all. Also like "real life," I do my best to ignore idiots. If I see a thread from a by a poster I don't particularly like or don't know or I see that they're the most recently reply, I skip it (or save it for true boredom). I don't have to read everything on here just because it's there. And I sure as shit don't have to reply to it just to hear my own digital voice. Just because I (think I) have pretty ok tattoos doesn't mean I can talk down to someone who has crappy tattoos. It doesn't mean I'll be high fiving them or whatever someone said, but I'm not here to shit all over clowns online, either. It seems there are a few people on here lately who think they're the gatekeepers to either good tattooing or this website, when in reality they're just a joker with a keyboard and some tattoos. Back to mostly browsing the lowdown, upcoming, and contest threads almost exclusively.
    1 point
  11. Poorly written article that was barely fact-checked and actually doesn't talk about the real reason the client's tattoo wasn't gone. The article simply says the new laser called picosecond, which is the technology, not the laser, but indicates new technology in 2012 which I believe they meant to say PicoSure, as that is a brand name of a laser sold by Cynosure. At present, there are at least three picosecond capable lasers on the market. The real reason (I'm assuming) the author was able to continue and get her tattoo removed is not due to the picosecond technology but due to the 755nm wavelength the PicoSure operates at. That specific wavelength destroys blue, green and blue-based purple pigments. The only laser on the market that gets close is the Quanta Q+C at 694nm, but it's not a picosecond laser and the picosecond technology doesn't play into why it's not as effective. Also, the mention of money is also slightly skewed too. The author started tattoo removal seven years ago, when the technology wasn't being used as much (demand wasn't where it is now) so few clinics bought machines because the ROI was so terrible on them. The fact she paid $400 / treatment for what appears to be something the size of a quarter seems more of a rip to me.
    1 point
  12. we had a great time as always there.we both got good tattoos.
    1 point
  13. mtlsam

    Full Back Piece Thread

    Was stoked to see this pop up on instagram! Very cool to see all the phases.
    1 point
  14. Want to know what 1000 backpacks filled with school supplies destined to be given to needy elementary and middle school children look like? Here they are Our College's Registrar Office has been doing internal fundraisers for the past 4 years to fund giving the backpacks out - as well as other supplies when possible - to schools that have needy students. We started with one 3rd grade class and are now up to 3 schools and multiple classes in each. We've given out over 450 backpacks so far this year. But, a local church, Parker Hill Church, contacted us recently to say they wanted to help. Today, the delivered 1000 backpacks filled with supplies. This will allow us to outreach to schools that surround our 4 extension campuses - something we've not been able to do before. It took about an hour for us to carry them in to the storage room - but what an experience. If this doesn't put a smile on your face, nothing will.
    1 point
  15. That's a great second tattoo! Seriously, soooo many people come onto this forum with this anxiety. My advice is, let it develop. You have two pieces on one arm, flowers and The Virgin of Guadalupe. Nothing wrong with that. If you really get too concerned about flow, you can have your flowers redone to flow better with the virgin. They look like they need a bit more black to hold up over time anyway! But, even if you left them untouched, you could still create flow, because you have so much upper arm space left
    1 point
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