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Scott R

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Posts posted by Scott R

  1. Dammit! I was hoping you wouldn't post those ;)

    You make for some stiff competition!!

    I couldnt let that jondix goodness go unchecked!

    The new LST shirt is so good but I think if I won It could go to someone on east coast

    - - - Updated - - -

    What you have is a ROAYL FLUSH of tattoos!! Each of those deserve heavy consideration for this month. All in one post they are unbeatable. REALLY NICE pieces.....

    yeah I should post seperate 4 tattoos against most peoples one isnt fair. Also how do I insert without thumbnail? and do you have those pics?

  2. Great work this month!

    On a side note, this has been on my mind since joining, by the way. I might be completely out of line here, but I gotten the impression that some people, and I am not gonna name names, nor can I think of a specific example, vote solely for the Name of the artist rather than the art itself.

    I will just add that some one might post a tattoo of some "no name" artist that is better than one of our favorites.

    Sadly, I think the votes would go to the tattooer that LSTers are familiar with.

    Again, just a thought from the "Community Prick" aka me! lol

    this month tristen bentley beat out Valerie Vargas so I dont think LST discriminates

  3. All I know is I saw two LSTers recent backs and I think we need to see some pictures.....Saw one at the convention then Scott showed me a picture of someone elses he did this week.....share up........pls!

    will load a pic soon, rocked the lst shirt saturday, I must have missed you friday. Scott gave me ride out there and i made a quick round and then went and ate.

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