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Posts posted by mtlsam

  1. 3 hours ago, Kracov said:

    If you must get a tattoo with someone's name, make the lines as thin as possible.  If the relationship doesn't work out you could have someone tattoo over it with something else.

    No one ever must get any tattoo, well at least outside of Russian prisons. So if you are going to get someone's name make it bold as hell because you love you mom or kid that much!!! Or delicate and beautiful, just saying don't get a name thinking you may want to cover it one day, that's just dumb.

  2. Hi there. The skin in that area is quite thin and delicate, and that tattoo is in there.

    There isn't really much to be done unfortunately. You could try to find a skilled artist to re-outline it in white, but that will not likely accomplish much for you. A shadow in white will just make the whole thing seem bigger still.

    I recommend you just accept the tattoo as a reminder for where you were in life at the moment you got it, and move on to the next one.

  3. Hi there, this forum is going through a bit of a shakeup at the moment, so instead of giving you a smart ass remark, I will try to steer you in the right direction.

    My first suggestion would be to tell us where in the world you are. That way people can recomend good shops and artists near you. That is your next step, go talk to an artist whose portfolio you like. Have them create a design for you. What you draw is rarely going to be a good tattoo. Let them help you make a good decision.  

  4. Hi there, you've already posted a thread about your forearm roses which are quite nice. As was suggested there and here, go back to that artist and ask them. Or look at the many great tattoos that come up on instragram and get inspired. Then use words to tell your artist about what you saw. Let them do their thing with your idea.

    Also, a compass tattoo becomes feminine when you put it on a female body. Perhaps mention that you like a lighter line weight instead of a bold line.

  5. 1 hour ago, Dan said:

    so maybe that's why it's deserted here lately ,why shouldn't we welcome all these newbies ? won't they eventually hopefully turn into regular smarter about tattooing members ? as they learn when we tactfully and in a friendly manner try and answer their questions instead of being snarky,rude,or ignoring them ? so we can pass on our vast veteran knowledge to these people that will like I said,come here and learn,we have all asked stupid questions at one time or another and I'll guess you did too when you first started getting tattooed.

    anyway,for me,I don't believe there are stupid questions,there are just questions.


    so that's my .02

    Hi Dan, this was meant to be a somewhat tongue in check post. Got a bunch of attention for a bit and gave me more laughs than I've had here in quite some time.

    This is the age of the internet, where people ask questions without caring about the answers. In the past few weeks many new users of this forum have posted some really novel questions. I'll agree that there are no stupid questions, but there certainly are stupid people!

    People are welcome to ask if applying butter and dog licks to a new tattoo is a good idea, but they had better not get offended or keep defending their position of ignorance when everyone who replies tells them why they're wrong. That is called learning, and a lot of new posters don't seem interested in experiencing it.

    We the chosen ones on LST know that good tattoos may only be had in one or the other of the "two styles". So when we see anything else we are inclined to be down on it. People get easily offended when talking about art, which if we look at it, tattooing in essence is. So let's try to be nice to each other, but sometimes you just have to feed the troll.


  6. 1 hour ago, steve said:

    Hi Guys, sorry for not responding to this thread sooner. 

    This issue was caused by a server caching setting I had enabled to speed up the site. I turned it off as soon as I noticed what you describe above.

    Let me know if you still see it happening?

    No worries! Thanks for keeping things running here. I'll post here if I notice it again.


  7. I would recomend a scientific approach to finding out if this happens.

    The first step is to have a professional topographical survey done of the two full sleeves on both your arms.

    After that you will have to keep close track of any impacts that your arm's sustain. The g-force measuring equipment is heavy and hot, but in the name of science I feel you should person-up and wear it for the cause.

    Finally after each impact above the small bump level (impact force in kilonewtons as yet to be defined) you will need to re-survey both your two full sleeves on both your arms daily, perhaps twice, to look for fading. External variables, such as light exposure and aging will be hard to account for, but hopefully the measuring equipment will provide some sun protection.

    Best of luck in this scientific endeavor! I salute your bravery and willingness to devote your life to the furthering of our tattoo longevity factor knowledge.

  8. 1 hour ago, polliwog said:

    Also, did you ever share what you got from Chad K?

    I haven't posted it yet as I am not sufficiently flexible to get a good picture. At this point I'll put it up next week once the flake situation has passed.

    Btw is it normal that my new tattoo on my leg is a little dry looking? Should I use crisco or something on it? My tattooer said to leave it alone, but my buddy swears by shortening... ;)

  9. 37 minutes ago, marley mission said:

    I think there is a middle ground - i dont know if I come off snarky or sarcastic or what sometimes - i just try to be honest - sometimes honesty isnt what people want - there are def those threads where the OP is fishing for the validation of their idea - no matter how ridiculous - I would rather LST be but a ghost town then become a place where folks are high fiving over upside down blown out tattastrophes - just so they dont hurt each others feelings

    i'm rambling - but anyway - i hope the good folks here keep coming back and talking tattoos and posting their tattoos - we've had some good new members too 

    I think you have found a good balance. I enjoy reading your responses. You seem to shoot from the hip, call it like it is, but without malice.

  10. Greetings fellow longtime site users.

    I have been noticing an unfortunate trend in topics posted to the site of late. Everyone and their brother and sister too, want to know; Is this is a good design that I found on google image search? Is my brand new tattoo as messed up as I fear it is after staring at it all day? Can you help me decide what goes with this, but I don't plan to like any of your suggestions? I got a bad tattoo and then a worse coverup and now I want it gone, but can't afford laser, and I have no intention of talking to an actual tattooer about a better coverup, what should I do? 

    In light of this influx of close minded advice seekers, I have decided to begin responding more often, but with an increased snark factor. I will encourage posters to persue their pre-determined courses of action with great vigour! Most make it easy by stating their decision in their opening paragraph.

    I have noticed that some of you seasoned veterans of internet tattoo discussion, appear to be behaving likewise. For this I salute you. Let us make LST great again! A place where new users are cautious about telling us how it is, but where those who show a true interest can find a wealth of information.

    To the surly few, carry on fine friends. You know who you are, and may you respond well knowing that your wit and sarcasm are appreciated!



    Here is a picture of a tattoo I got, from Greg Christian, at the Art Tattoo show in Montreal this past weekend. I learned about him and many other greats through this site :)


  11. Cut it right out! Slice it off! Make it bleed!

    Seems like a lot of folks are coming here and posting "questions" after already having made up their mind. If you can't afford laser, wait until you can. If you can't wait cut it off. If a scar is nicer than the tattoo then go for it.

    Maybe think on this one for a while as you seem to have made two decisions you are unhappy with so far, getting tattoo #1 and then getting a non coverup cover up. 

  12. Tell people it a compass for the southern hemisphere


    People will be confused and drop the subject.

    Or more realistically the lettering used makes the w and e fairly similar, perhaps you could have the letters reworked a bit all around and by making them bolder you would be left with the right letters just strangely oriented...

  13. 3 hours ago, NihilNovum said:

    I was going to make a new topic but then i remembered this one exists...

    So, the strangest thing just happened. My girlfriend sent me a picture of her brand new tattoo and I was dumbfounded. Its upside down! Now, I'm a fairly tattooed guy and I never even considered she could make this mistake because her other work is quality stuff and we have talked about tattoos a bunch since its important to both of us. But there it is, and its upside down. I didnt even know what to say so I didn't mention the upside downedness of it immediately. I just wanted to let her be happy about her new tattoo, but to be honest now i dont know how to bring it up without insulting her. Luckily its a small thing near her wrist and easily covered if she want to do that, but I'm pretty sure just mentioning it is going to be a big fight and i cant hold my tongue either....

    Sometimes you just have to let it go. It's a tattoo and you well know that makes it permanent, so don't insult your girlfriend. Nobody wants to hang around the person who criticizes their tattoos. It's equivalent to pointing out someone's physical flaws, only you're calling them stupid at the same time, because they chose to do this.

    Say something like that looks solid, or nice linework and move on, for your own sake :)


  14. 2 hours ago, polliwog said:

    I'll probably be hanging around most of the day Saturday so am game for meeting whenever. Is it worth checking out on Friday when things are a little quieter, too?

    I enjoyed Friday night last year, but it was far from quiet! It was quite packed with a mega lineup to both buy tickets and get in the doors. The mad scramble for all the six pm appointment holders haha.

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