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Posts posted by mtlsam

  1. Sweet thread! Fun to see other people's choices.

    I have these three little birds, that I got with two of my lady friends. It's a bit of a funny story;

    A friend and I had planned to get a pun tattoo of a lucky "whore's" shoe. A third friend wanted in, before both moved away. They got to looking for images and it went from whore's shoe to fancy ass, high fashion designer concept shoes. I put my foot down! We then brainstormed and came up with a meaningless but agreeable design for all, the birds. Didn't heal great on any of us, maybe because we rubbed them raw hiking two days later. But we've got them, and we'll be friends for ever;)

    Looking forward to more silly little ones with other friends in the future!

  2. I just got back from getting my chest piece outline done by Tim Pausinger at The Pearl. Poor guy - I was the worst client of the month. For whatever reason, I just couldn't settle in. I couldn't find my groove at all. That he could still turn out such a high quality tattoo with me flailing away underneath him speaks to the talent, skill, and professionalism of the guy. It was not my best moment, but it's a truly great tattoo. I've posted it on my instagram, and I'll probably post it here as well, but not until I've battered my brain with gin. Lots and lots of gin.

    The whole torso seems to be a brutal area. Nice going on getting it done though! I find, and hopefully you do as well Mark, that the shading and colour is always much less unpleasant.

    My neurologist friend said it likely has to do with the fact that the wider shading needle stimulates multiple nerve endings. The multiple signals are less clearly delivered to the brain thus, less pain. I have no science to back this, but it sounds good to me.

    Post up, I'd love to see what you got!

  3. I think that you pose an interesting question. When I started getting tattooed about 6.5 years ago it was a one at a time, semi spontaneous thing. As I got more informed and interested I started collecting more quickly. I wanted to finish my sleeve, and when I traveled I would get multiple tattoos each trip.

    After finishing my right arm and my chest, people around me (mostly plain skins) started to mention that I seemed to be rushing things. I decided to take a break for the year 2013. I was really doing well at resisting temptation until I found out the Chad the traveling tattooer Koeplinger would be in town. I couldn't pass that up. So now I'm booked for Feb as well.

    I would like to get tattooed twice a year, one bigger or a couple of smaller pieces. As to placement, well that's my new obsession. Do I go for something big and cohesive, such as a squid pant leg, or keep with the small traditional style? It's fun to think about, and I can only say for sure how it will play out as I get more work done.

  4. I work as a carpenter on commercial sites. Tattoos (usually bad) are quite common and fairly accepted in non-leadership positions.

    I just started with a new company this week and I'm slowly meeting my co-workers. Today a lead laborer showed up. It was chilly this morning so he was wearing a hooded sweatshirt. Looked like he might have a body suit because his throat was done as well as some hand and knuckle tattoos. As the day warmed up he took off his sweatshirt and low and behold Warped Tour Body Suit!!! It was pretty awesome, I tried not to laugh out loud. Highlight of the day.

  5. As someone who is really into the bands who's disks I buy, I have always taken the time to look through the liner notes. Sometimes I find hidden gems.

    This is a thread where I hope to hear about the cool list of people who your favorite bands recommend you get tattooed by.

    I have found 3 really good lists in my collection. The Gallows first two albums, as well as Afi's Sing the Sorrow.

    The majority of my tattoos come from artists who I first heard of from these lists! I'm pretty thankful for that, I feel like I got a cheat sheet. Smith Street, Black Heart, Spider Murphy's... The list goes on.

    Anybody else have an experience of this sort?

  6. I got this gorilla & rose situation from Chad Koeplinger last Friday at the Montreal Art Tattoo convention.

    Believe it or not this was done in an hour and a half of tattooing! He actually broke a mag shading needle partway through. I've never heard of this happening before, but seemed routine for to him.

    Chad's a super nice guy, and made this a fun experience.

    He'll finish it up early next year, when he comes back to town.

    I'm super stoked!

  7. When's your appointment? Mine is Friday at 6pm. Hopefully I will be able to fit my legs into my work boots by Monday.

    I think I'm in right after you, at 8:30pm. He has a reputation for being fast. We'll see how it all works out time wise.


    It really does look that way. I guess that we know a good opportunity when we see one. Beats flying out to California, well, actually it doesn't.

  8. As you can see, I have one arm completed and a start to the other. I'm feeling a drive to get more work done on my front. Saving the upper shoulders for one day when I get on to my back.

    I'm pondering whether to get large rib pieces that will leave a strip down my stomach, or go huge on the stomach and let the back piece wrap onto my sides.

    I feel really lucky to be at the stage I find myself in, and have a resource like LST to get inspired with great ideas! It sure beats the awkward moment when you get caught staring at someone's tattoos.

    (edit, spelling)

  9. As a spoiled Montrealer, I can say that a poutine would likely be a good pre-tattoo meal. You must be careful in choosing the size that you order, or you may fall into a food induced coma, then you run the risk of waking up with 56 stars tattooed on your face ;) Just don't pair it with a Coke, I suspect that the cafeine makes the tattoo process less pleasant.

  10. Hi Keepcalm,

    I wouldn't worry too much about the planning right now. The beauty of old-school designs is the you can just "stamp" them on and have a great sleeve. My sleeve came together from a bunch of bigger and smaller tattoos placed a bit haphazardly. I had ideas of what I liked, but was open to getting classic designs that filled the spaces I had to work with. An arm has a lot more space than you might think!

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