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Posts posted by dirbab

  1. I've been avoiding my ditches as long as I could, but a few sundays ago I decided it was time. jason ochoa at greenpoint tattoo put this rose in there and now that it's healed, I'm stoked to do the other arm. it didn't hurt nearly as bad as I expected and it was pretty much healed within a week or so using tegaderm. definitely a believer in that shit. if there's a thread discussing that stuff, let me know and I can share my experience.

    anyway, here's a healed pic:


  2. @Iwar Thanks man! I got very lucky with that one. I had put my name down months ago in case Koji had any cancellations and I totally forgot about it. Happened to be randomly working from home and got a call from Adorned asking if I could be there in the next hour. Got the okay from my boss, jumped on my bike, and pedaled over. Even got a flat on the way, but still made it haha. Soo stoked that worked out. Particularly happy with the placement of that one. Really glad I had saved that spot!


  3. I was really blown away as to how bad it was. The idea that a supposed tattoo show consisted of 20 minutes of insulting folks for their bad art and about a minute-thirty of actual tattooing was a real surprise. It's a complete train wreck of a show.

    And how many cover-up shows do we need? At least the one on TLC focuses on the tattoo process, but it's getting ridiculous.

    yeahh. the episode I saw had this babe with a weird pam anderson tattoo near her butt crack. the 2 dudes perved out and made jokes for most of the episode, and then the coverup she ended up with was worse looking than the original tattoo.

    yikes, found a clip on the a&e website. wish they showed the tattoo she left with. so bad.

  4. Curtain thing sounds crazy!

    My first 2 tattoos were flash specials. $31 tattoos on Halloween and $13 tattoos on Friday the 13th. Got hooked after those two little guys. Around here, the flash special days get crazy and it's kinda difficult to get a spot, unless you've got the day off from work. Might vary by shop, but most likely there will be no alterations and you won't have a choice in who tattoos you. It's usually arms and legs only also.

  5. Sorry to those that have already seen it on Instagram, but I'm so stoked that I have to post it here also.

    Paul Dobleman is one of my favorite tattooers and I wanted to plan a trip out to SF to get tattooed by him; I've even been saving this spot on my arm for him. Saw that he was doing a guest spot here in NYC at Kings Ave, but he got booked up very fast. Luckily, I was able to grab one of his cancellations (thanks to @CABS for the heads up!).

    So I got my bike running over the weekend and took a rainy ride out to Kings Ave in Long Island on Monday.


    Rode home with this pretty lady from Paul.


    A very cool experience; couldn't be happier with this one!

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