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Posts posted by Dan

  1. 15 hours ago, Gingerninja said:

    Bumping this thread... Trying to figure out what I'm doing for a lady head in March. Let's see 'em!

    speaking of lady heads,I would like to have one from Valerie Vargas,she goes to the SF show,I may give her a shout this year and see if I can get in with her.

  2. On 10/26/2016 at 0:04 AM, Dan said:


    reposting these because of broken links.

    so here are mine again, :) 

    Dave Gibson @ Quarter Horse Tattoo in Stockton CA


    and these are all Oliver Peck,2 done at a Fresno CA show,and one done at SF show.






    and since my wife doesn't post here,these are hers from Oliver Peck at the same 2 shows as me,we love getting tattooed at conventions.




    thanks for looking,and happy new year !


  3. my opinion is I wouldn't give a F*** what anyone else thought about it if it's what I want.

    " cultural appropriation ",  it seems to me with all the political correctness gone wrong,everything people do offends somebody !

    If I like a tattoo,I either like the art or it means something to me personally,I don't get it to offend anyone,I have several tattoos that are from other cultures,so what ?

    I think people need to lighten up a little.nobody owns a style or art form.



  4. 1 hour ago, jvince1230 said:

    I love the Saniderm healing process! No worries of anything sticking to it. No washing and reapplying of ointments. No mess! Best healing process I have fouND. Plus you can show off your new piece without worries of getting contact with germs.

    I love that stuff too,best ever healing,(as long as it's on a good spot on your body),I thought it would be cool if they made an opaque version to be worn in the sun,I spoke with them and suggested that.anyway,it's the coolest shit ever,I do a lot of traveling and getting tattooed,and it is for sure the best on a plane coming home.set it and forget it ! LOL


    PS,the places on your body I was referring to is places like hands and neck that doesn't work so well.

  5. 55 minutes ago, Synesthesia said:

    So spoilers I guess...


    Ryan won. I'm irritated. Almost every episode it seemed like she did black and gray stuff, her specialty. I thought Gian was overall the strongest competitor (never in the bottom, versatile in every style) and thought he deserved the win. The girls in general imo were way too egotistical and their skills just didn't match up. I am really irritated though that they didn't even show Kelly's final chest piece. Why ask her to do all that work and put in all that time and make the client suffer all those hours if it won't even appear on TV. And the fact that they penalized Kelly for doing new school when AMERICA VOTED FOR HER TO DO IT.

    I agree.

  6. On 11/29/2016 at 2:27 PM, Hands On said:

    My pup passed away back in June. Last Sunday, Jeff Rassier just so happened to have some time available for walk-ins, so I went and got his tiny tatt version of Huckleberry on my wrist. None of my tattoos has made me smile more!

    I don't think there are enough loved animal tattoos in this thread or perhaps I just haven't skimmed it in a while. Post 'em if ya got 'em!



    not a portrait ,but I had my girl walk on an ink pad then paper,so these are her exact paw prints.



  7. On 12/8/2016 at 10:35 AM, bongsau said:

    so...logistics...this really dumb (and awesome) tattoo idea is starting to manifest...do you think it is realistic to get both armpits at once ? in terms of pain threshold but also healing both at once? i'm considering a 3 session strategy ... line both at once / colour fill one / colour fill the other. if i go out of town that means scheduling/cost of 3 trips. or i could be an idiot and try and do it all at once. 


    hell ! if you're going to do both anyway,and the artist has the time,just do them both at the same visit,may as well !   see how it feels and go from there  ?

    it's going to hurt the same now or later.

  8. welcome !

    post tattoo remorse is a common and real feeling,I have had it many times,and I still get it to this day ! IMO it's a "buyers remorse" in a way.

    my post tattoo remorse is always about the money not the tattoo though, LOL

    but it always quickly goes away after a week or so,then I start planning my next one ! LOL

    you're screwed now ! it's an addiction worse then any drug ! but WAY better !

    my addiction started in 1985 and has only gotten worse !

    P.S. that's the beauty of "tattoo remorse" ! what's done is done,and it's on you,so love it,like it,live with it,try and learn ,and go on to the next one.

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