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seriously.. your last pics made me cringe a bit.. i think talking to the laser dude, he could tell that i was a little worried lol.. my arms have been through hell and back.. i got a bad(?) degree burn on the inside of my forearm, thanks to some rad. tech dick hillbilly.. ive never felt pain from a tattoo.. i can sit in the chair for hours, and be swollen up like a football, and still be cool.. ive completely sober taken steel wooland pipe cleaners to a spot to try and lighten it (with SOME results).. i was at it for hours, didnt bother me the least.. i guess this will hurt though, even though all of the other articles and some of the discussions out there say that it will not be much worse than getting the tattoo.. boy i hope this is true.. but no matter what, its just one of those things that id be willing to sacrifice a crapload of pain for, just because i know id be happier with the results.. thanks for fucking with my head though, about "when the laser goes on".. my mind is gonna be fucked now asking myself "do i really want to do this".. haha..

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also, im aware of what the research says.. but in your guys' experience, do you feel like health and nutrtion helped this process along? did you guys do anything different, or switch up your lifestyles at all? i just heard on wnpr, some studies that indicated that removing tattoos from smokers is hard and sometimes not even possible (for full removal).. they were throwing out a bunch of wack percentage points..

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I'm currently in the process of having five tattoos removed. I had three sessions before I started using numbing cream and now wished I had used it from the beginning. The difference is night and day. The thing that most people don't warn you about is the itching. It wakes me up in the middle of the night sometimes. As far as nutrition, I just make sure to drink plenty of water and take a multivitamin. I'm a nonsmoker btw.

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cool, thanks.. thats probably what ill be doing.. ive also heard that *gasp*.. creams, in conjuction, helps the fading..

napalm, if you dont mind me asking, how much are you paying for 5?

i have two, mostly black.. they say they offer specials on multiple tattoos.. its a "laser specialist" in el paso, who also says that their prices are competitive..

i wouldnt mind going for three if i could afford it, or just get these two on the arm im most focused on, then wait for the other..

also, what CANT you do before a session? if i could get a couple of drinks in me, thatd be amazing.. or even a chill pill.. like a benzo.. nothing for the pain.. its not the actual pain that im worried about.. more so just the worry of it being painful, and rather be relaxed going into this..

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Four of my tattoos are about the size of my hand laid flat from wrist to finger tips, and one is about double that size across my shoulders. They are all black and I break them down into two separate sessions. I go one month for three ($350) and the next month for two ($250). My treatments on each tattoo are eight weeks apart. I was quoted $150 a piece for each tattoo, but get a discount for multiples at once. I definitely wouldn't drink any alcohol before because of the bleeding.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Great documentation of the process. You got some awesome results for just 5 treatments.

I'm compiling my tattoo laser removal process as well and will possibly make a thread on this forum after a few more sessions/more progress.

I sympathize with you getting laser on your full back though. Not fun at all.

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