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How do you react to stares??????


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I've found whenever people give me crap about something (although not about my tattoo yet, since it's small and not super noticeable), I say something friendly, but pointed about how they should worry about themselves (I tell my students to worry about themselves when they tattle and I wish I could do the same with adults).

For instance, to the lady at the store--"oh, I just felt like my temple needed a little decoration" or "well, it's good you haven't gotten any then!" in a nice, friendly way--not sarcastically. Stuff like that seems to really knock people over and make them think about their assumptions and about keeping them to themselves.

Also... teacher to teacher (I'm just starting my M. Ed), what is your sense of how schools view tattooed teachers? My former school was pretty cool and I've talked to other teachers--but I'd like to get more perspectives on the subject.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I can't really imagine any of my tattoos being offensive to anybody; unless that person has a pathological fear of ocean animals. Anytime someone is looking closely at any of my tattoos, I take it complimentary.

I suppose it would be different if I had more aggressive imagery, but my tattoos have never been a real problem for me. I've also had a white collar job for most of my adult life, so they are not obvious unless I choose for them to be obvious.

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Also... teacher to teacher (I'm just starting my M. Ed), what is your sense of how schools view tattooed teachers? My former school was pretty cool and I've talked to other teachers--but I'd like to get more perspectives on the subject.

I'm a teacher. I imagine it varies school to school, admin to admin...

I work in the inner city, L.A. Most of the parents in this community have several tattoos themselves. They don't mind. My principal doesn't know I have them though because I have chosen to wear long sleeves. My students see them because I pull up my sleeves from time to time inside the classroom. They do not mind at all ?.

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Stares don't bother me. Touching does. There is no reason to come up to me in the store and start rubbing up and down my arm. It's funny, it seems to be a difference in region. When I'm in Dallas, where is seems like everyone has a tattoo, there is less staring and more people coming up and talking to me about it. In St Louis, when we go visit my father in law, it doesn't seem to be as common, so there are a lot more stares.

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I'm a teacher. I imagine it varies school to school, admin to admin...

I work in the inner city, L.A. Most of the parents in this community have several tattoos themselves. They don't mind. My principal doesn't know I have them though because I have chosen to wear long sleeves. My students see them because I pull up my sleeves from time to time inside the classroom. They do not mind at all .

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I teach inner city New York. You win... Lol

I'm aiming to become an administrator asap I already have my second dual masters in school based and school District leadership.

My kids will touch my arm and get confused trying to figure out how it's on there. It's too funny to me but it's also innocent. The only time a tattoo would become an issue is if it was offensive or on the face/throat/hands I think (the obvious spots that are frowned upon most )

I get looks until people get to know me usually and as far as I'm concerned we can't teach kids how to be individuals if we all look and act the same.

Now the weirdos at the gym that try to touch my tattoos... Well I just wished the stared

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My kids will touch my arm and get confused trying to figure out how it's on there. It's too funny to me but it's also innocent.

Smile :-) I can't wait until summer when my small granddaughters realize they can find Nemo on my back! There will be a lot of wonderful innocent touching then.

Now the weirdos at the gym that try to touch my tattoos... Well I just wished the stared

Now that's just screwed up. Maybe you can just look at them and say, "ehhh, I'm not really that into you."

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Smile :-) I can't wait until summer when my small granddaughters realize they can find Nemo on my back! There will be a lot of wonderful innocent touching then.

Now that's just screwed up. Maybe you can just look at them and say, "ehhh, I'm not really that into you."

Yea on a few occasions I've had guys and girls touching my arm at the gym like straight up rubbing it and telling me how much the like it. I was so weirded out I had almost no response other than like a quick thanks as I pulled away. Girls who complain about unwanted attention, yup I now understand lol

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@taylorn My school is in a fairly nice suburban Philadelphia district, and I make point to wear a shirt and tie every day to stay covered. My principal knows I have tattoos and doesn't care, but I don't think he'd be happy if I wore short sleeves. I do wear short sleevs and shorts while coaching (track and xc), and at this point most kids know I'm pretty covered. They're middle schoolers, and they ask a ton of dumb questions. Haha. But overall it's not a huuuuge issue in my school. I did have one mom tell me I set a horrible example during cross country season. I sort of laughed at her.
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Stares don't bother me. Touching does. There is no reason to come up to me in the store and start rubbing up and down my arm. It's funny, it seems to be a difference in region. When I'm in Dallas, where is seems like everyone has a tattoo, there is less staring and more people coming up and talking to me about it. In St Louis, when we go visit my father in law, it doesn't seem to be as common, so there are a lot more stares.

Women can touch me all they want. Which happens rarely so its ok. I had one lady on the beach a couple years ago... total stranger but cute... touch some on my arms.


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Women can touch me all they want. Which happens rarely so its ok. I had one lady on the beach a couple years ago... total stranger but cute... touch some on my arms.


Some of your arms? Jesus dude how many do you have!?

Yes corny joke it's late cut me slack

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Some of your arms? Jesus dude how many do you have!?

Yes corny joke it's late cut me slack

I will pardon your misreading, but I think he said "on," not "of." I've found that knowing when to post on LST is a must. If I'm ever feeling like I'll make an ignorant post, then I shy away from this forum. And, that is not to say that you made a huge mistake, because I have definitely broken that rule a few times.

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I will pardon your misreading, but I think he said "on," not "of." I've found that knowing when to post on LST is a must. If I'm ever feeling like I'll make an ignorant post, then I shy away from this forum. And, that is not to say that you made a huge mistake, because I have definitely broken that rule a few times.

Like I said bad joke... Lol thanks(need the o an a car crash sound)

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Be proud of it and don't care what people think, and as for that woman i would simply say "your beliefs are not my beliefs" or nothing at all. If something like a tattoo offends people they can just look away and mind their own damn business, and as for you my friend you will get used to the stares, be they in awe or disapproval, but definitely having pride and love for your beautiful tat will make it easier to ignore.

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I got a ton of stares from someone who knows me from my other life (work). Eventually I address the stares with a jokingly "listen mister my eyes are up here". I made the opening for him to finally open the floodgates of questions/opinions/whatever. It is funny to hear what people think sometimes. Apparently until I showed my tattoos "I thought you were an über conservative, military type person, but apparently I need to reconsider that". I died laughing, and literally almost fell out of my chair laughing. Apparently in "work mode" I really come across as a strict Christian type with super right leanings that goes to sleep at 9pm. Far from the truth. The more you know...

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I got a ton of stares from someone who knows me from my other life (work). Eventually I address the stares with a jokingly "listen mister my eyes are up here". I made the opening for him to finally open the floodgates of questions/opinions/whatever. It is funny to hear what people think sometimes. Apparently until I showed my tattoos "I thought you were an über conservative, military type person, but apparently I need to reconsider that". I died laughing, and literally almost fell out of my chair laughing. Apparently in "work mode" I really come across as a strict Christian type with super right leanings that goes to sleep at 9pm. Far from the truth. The more you know...

That's fantastic, and because I'm

A shirt and tie guy I get the same. Oh well.

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Teacher chat eh?

I'm a teacher too, don't have any on display. Other teachers sometimes make the odd comment on 'training days' - I find it funny as they can only see two tiny bits if I have a short sleeved t-shirt on, insta-judge and comment. Little do they know how far it goes (not huge in tattoo circles by any means!)

One girl I knew at work had a tat on her wrist, and went to the manager who was in control of uniform and staff dress code, showed them it, and said 'is this ok?' Made me laugh as I wish they'd said... Nope!

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That's fantastic, and because I'm A shirt and tie guy I get the same. Oh well.

I also work in an office environment and keep mine covered. Some people know me out of work but most have no idea. I was in the bank yesterday, ran into a guy I work with so I'm sure he got a good look.

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Teacher chat eh?

I'm a teacher too, don't have any on display. Other teachers sometimes make the odd comment on 'training days' - I find it funny as they can only see two tiny bits if I have a short sleeved t-shirt on, insta-judge and comment. Little do they know how far it goes (not huge in tattoo circles by any means!)

One girl I knew at work had a tat on her wrist, and went to the manager who was in control of uniform and staff dress code, showed them it, and said 'is this ok?' Made me laugh as I wish they'd said... Nope!

That to me is the appeal of a body suit or extensive tattooing. It is only revealed to a select few. My friends all know, I guess that's my watermark for being comfortable with you.

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I don't mind the staring, and don't care about the negative comments, they have never, and will never bother me, from the moment I got my first tattoo, I felt more like myself than I ever had, I had been obsessed with tattoos since I was a little kid, and held off for years after I was legal age because I wanted to be 100% of what I wanted! and to do my research, anyway.

The dumb questions are more irksome than the staring, why'd you get that? did it hurt? what about when you're older? how will you find a husband?

But the most annoying thing is those people who will GRAB you and study your skin. So invasive and creepy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just got started on my second sleeve two weeks ago. It's funny but I have had more people walking up to talk to me than when I just had the one sleeve. I had three people come up to me yesterday. All positive comments.

However, I was down in Florida visiting my parents a couple of days ago and when we went into a nice restaurant I got the stink-eye from some older man. I'm not sure what he found most offensive, my tattoos, pony tail or jeans! My philosophy is you can look all you want, but open your mouth and you'll get as good as you give (or better).

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