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Tegaderm/Saniderm/Tatuderm healing process


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@oboogie I can't say I have massive experience with 'derm healing after just two tattoos, but personally I'd do one of two things depending on how old your tattoo is:

-if it's done oozing, I'd just patch the edge with another piece;

-if it's not,  I'd remove the 'derm, give the tattoo a thorough cleaning & reapply.

One thing I found really helpful was to round the edges of the 'derm from the start since it always seems to start to roll up from the corners.

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Thanks for the help, you guys. I ended up taking it off, and I'm just keeping it clean and trying a dry heal. I think the saniderm would work great, but the upper arm is an awkward place for it with all the movement in that area. I probably would have patched it up if it I had some more at home, but I didn't. May order some for next time, though.

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I'm on my 3rd day of using Saniderm, and I'm so happy with it I want to call all my tattoos friends and make them try it.  This has been amazing so far!  I've got a large back tattoo from the small of my back to almost between my shoulders.  It's a cover-up at the very bottom, and so far done 12 hours in 3 sessions over the past two months.  The first two times I did normal dry healing, and then two weeks ago I found Saniderm.  

My tattoo artist was super hesitant because she's had two instances where things went badly when people have used 'derm.  She said if you aren't careful when you reapply, and you do get bacteria in there the infections can go bad quickly.  I promised to be as clean and sanitary as possible, and so far so good.

I went home in saran-wrap, washed really well with soap and water and then applied the Saniderm (with help of course, I can't reach the whole tattoo myself).  Left the first one on for about 12 hours and then replaced because it was lifting and curled.  Weirdly enough removed it just fine.  I kept expecting it to hurt and it didn't at all.  Applied the second round and it's secured really nicely.  I'm going to leave it on until the morning of day five (makes more sense than removing it right before I go to sleep).  

I can wear clothes, lean against a chair, drive, move... all things that were extremely painful the first two sessions!  Usually the first 2 days are extremely painful, the 3rd day is uncomfortable, and the 4th day I'm feeling close to normal.  I would say even after the first application of the 'derm I was at a pain level compared to the end of day 3.  It does feel a bit weird because it covers such a large section, I can "feel" it pulling as I turn and move... I keep expecting it to be painful, but it's not at all.  

The only thing I'm worried about is that I won't have enough fluid in there to prevent it from sticking to the tattoo.  I'm going to just keep my fingers crossed and believe, because I don't think that's actually possible.  When I look at the tattoo through the 'derm it doesn't look like there is any fluid build up at all, but there has to be... right?  It's pure color on the tattoo, no line work this past session, as that was done the first session.

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The only thing I would advise from experience is not to leave it on so long that the tattoo dries out (as if it's approaching the flaky stage) underneath. Makes removal far more painful and tricky.  I left Saniderm on my largest thigh tattoo for about 5 days and had to peel it off slowly and painstakingly, and now I like to take it off when there's still some moisture under the bandage, after maybe 48 hours.  Weirdly enough, even after it's off, my skin still feels far less tender than with a dry heal.  You do you of course, just butting in.

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2 minutes ago, polliwog said:

The only thing I would advise from experience is not to leave it on so long that the tattoo dries out (as if it's approaching the flaky stage) underneath. Makes removal far more painful and tricky.  I left Saniderm on my largest thigh tattoo for about 5 days, and now I like to take it off when there's still some moisture under the bandage.  Weirdly enough, even after it's off, my skin still feels far less tender than with a dry heal.  You do you of course, just butting in.

Well... I put it on the first time at about 5pm on Sunday, and then second time about 12pm Monday (So it was closer to 18 hours the first time, not 12).  So the second 4 days that Saniderm recommends would be Friday around noon.  I guess I can watch it for the flaking and see how it goes and take it off if I see any flaking/cracking going on.

First session with dry healing I had no flaking for scabs.  Second session I had crazy, crazy peeling and still no scabs.  Used the exact same method with washing and applying Aquafor for both of those dry heeling sessions.  So I have no idea if I'm going to even have any flaking this time or not.

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My tip for removing Tegaderm which I learned from an ICU nurse: put pressure on the area directly in front of where you will start to remove the bandage then pull directly out (not up). This method seems to work very well so far.

I also found that using smaller pieces with overlapping edges works better than large sheets which have lifted or gotten wonky over three days. I tested this out when I had my right ribs done. For the outline I used smaller pieces patched together and it worked very well. After Mike did the color, I used just a few large sheets that lifted a bit. I guess it may have something to do with the movement in the area but thought I'd share my experience.

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I'm with @polliwog, you definitely want to remove the 'derm before the tattoo fully dries out (unless you are able to keep it on until it's gone through the whole peeling stage but I have no idea how you'd be able to estimate that). On my first 'derm heal I removed it at 5 days, if I remember correctly, and boy it was dry/flaky/difficult to get off. Also, from the outside it seemed like the tattoo was cracking but I don't think it was done peeling at that stage. Happily the tattoo healed great.

With my last piece I removed at 2 days and a half - the tattoo had basically dried up over the course of the last day or so but had not started cracking yet. I had applied at 3 hrs from finishing the tattoo but it weeped much less than the previous one for some reason. I think I hit the sweet spot because it was done oozing, not feeling tender either while removing the 'derm or after, and the skin wasn't overly dry. It started to and peel about 2 days later, and has been presentable (no flakes and was able to shave the leg) since day 10.

And guys & gals, do try rounding the corners of your 'derm before applying, it makes a huge difference later on when it tends to roll up and pull off the skin!

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  • 3 weeks later...

After having a tough time healing my ribs I decided to give 3M tegaderm a try for the final session on them. I removed the first bandage after about 4 hours then proceeded to clean the area with some soap and warm water. I slept overnight airing it out and then put on the tegaderm in the morning using two pieces, rounding the corners and overlapping them just a tad. I had it on for close to three days and probably would of went another day but I started to smell funky which worried me a little. Once I realized the funk was coming from the tegaderm that's when I decided to take it off. I cleaned the tattoo once again with soap/ water and then went on to apply a minimal amount of lotion once or twice a day. To my surprise only a few spots flaked on me and I had no scabbing. For the most part I completely skipped the flaking phase and had some shiny new skin with close to zero itching. Overall, I was definitely impressed and will give it another try for the next tattoo. 


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On 7/12/2016 at 4:35 PM, Hospitelli said:

... the funk was coming from the tegaderm ..


Oh yeah....  I don't get this every time, but sometimes I DO get it, and It is BAD. Like a mildew, rot kind of smell that is difficult for me to ignore, depending on where on my body it is and how easily I can cover it. This most recent time it was on my shoulder blade and I could not get away from the smell. I don't know if it is the plasma/ink/Tegaderm combo or what, but PEEE-YEW and yikes-a-hootie. On the leg, well, put on some pants and it would be far enough from my nose that I could ignore it, but I haven't used Tegaderm on my leg tattoos. Have to get some and try it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

How much fluid is too much fluid on your second wrap for Saniderm? Im on day 3 now for my second bandage and a good amount of fluid had collected on the tattoo under the bandage sinse the day I replaced ky initial bandage. None is leaking out, it is all contained ontop of the tattoo. Is all this fluid supposed to dry up by now? It doesnt hurt or feel uncomforable. Heres are photos of it now, and when I first applied the second bandage. (which was on the morning of the 7th.)






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@a_beukeveld That looks pretty much like my two 'dermed tattoos were on day 3. Mine dried up within the following day or two. Once it starts to dry up it does it pretty quickly, and it'll seem like the 'derm gets hard and you will probably see some fun looking cracks appearing underneath the 'derm. Mine also started to itch during this process. I personally found it better to remove the 'derm shortly after the fluid dried up - with the first one I waited until day 5 if I recall correctly (a couple of days after it had started drying in any case), and it wasn't fun taking it off, and the tattoo was extremely dry to the point that I probably should have filled the tub with lotion and kept it submerged for a day or two... The second one I removed as soon as the 'derm hardened, and continued with lotion from that point on. If you're going for a "full" derm heal you'll want to be sure to remove the 'derm only when the tattoo is done peeling - and no, I have no idea how to know when that is :). 

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@a_beukeveld I've used tegaderm twice and have been really happy. Mine have filled up with fluid as well and I was advised to just leave it alone. one of them filled up so much that it busted a leak out the bottom. Then it stopped seeping altogether and dried out like the poster mentioned above.  Once it finished leaking it sealed back up again. Yours looks no different than mine have.  I've left both on for 5 days. Seemed to work out fine. 

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I took the second bandage off at day 4 because the fluid had dried up. I washed all the crap away and they looked pretty good. Painless removal. No bleeding or scabbing. Although I did notice some tender spots where flakes have come off premature, and had that shiny, "wet" look to them. So I used some scraps and put a third layer on them that Ill keep on for a day or two. 

For my next saniderm heal, which will be this Saturday, ill leave the second bandage on for 5 or 6 days, instead of 4. Thanks for all the help!



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Anybody had experience with using saniderm for the first bandage and then crossing over to tegaderm for the next 5 days? My recent tattoo is much bigger than I thought and Ive run out of Saniderm.

Do I need to use ointment for tegaderm or is it essentially the same experience as saniderm?

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14 hours ago, a_beukeveld said:

Anybody had experience with using saniderm for the first bandage and then crossing over to tegaderm for the next 5 days? My recent tattoo is much bigger than I thought and Ive run out of Saniderm.

Do I need to use ointment for tegaderm or is it essentially the same experience as saniderm?

I just used a combination of tegaderm and saniderm on a large arm tattoo 4 weeks ago as neither were big enough by itself.  I couldn't tell the difference when I took them off, so I think you will be fine.

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So I had to run to the pharmacy and bought some tegaderm. They only had the smaller pads so I had to do piece work over this tattoo on my thigh that I got yesterday. This is the second bandage. I took the first one off this a bit before applying this one.

There are allot of overlapping areas to make it fit. Should I be fine? Are the areas where its overlapping 1 or 2 times not able to breathe because of the extra layers?

Right now it feels pretty warm to the touch.


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So I used tegaderm for the first time and really liked it. I'm a week from getting the tattoo today. Peeling a bit in the shower etc. I am going to a county fair with my kids tomorrow. My concern is going into the animal areas and on and off ride. Do you guys think putting some tegaderm to avoid any possibility of infection. Just being concerned.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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So I used tegaderm for the first time and really liked it. I'm a week from getting the tattoo today. Peeling a bit in the shower etc. I am going to a county fair with my kids tomorrow. My concern is going into the animal areas and on and off ride. Do you guys think putting some tegaderm to avoid any possibility of infection. Just being concerned.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

I wouldn't be concerned by the animals, but the rides are germ havens.

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hey people, i have been reading through all the posts, people seem to only put the tegaderm / saniderm on the next morning or 4-5 hours after the tattoo which makes sense to let some of the plasma come out first....... has anyone just put it on straight after the tattoo by the artist? i am having a full sleeve done and then flying home the next day, i will be by myself and i know it will be tricky to cover a full sleeve without any help so i was just hoping i can ask my artist to put it on and it will last around 48 hours until i get home? if thats a no no i guess i can always go back to the shop the next morning but he works alone and i don't want to get in the way of someone else appointment. thanks :)

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40 minutes ago, sa100 said:

hey people, i have been reading through all the posts, people seem to only put the tegaderm / saniderm on the next morning or 4-5 hours after the tattoo which makes sense to let some of the plasma come out first....... has anyone just put it on straight after the tattoo by the artist? i am having a full sleeve done and then flying home the next day, i will be by myself and i know it will be tricky to cover a full sleeve without any help so i was just hoping i can ask my artist to put it on and it will last around 48 hours until i get home? if thats a no no i guess i can always go back to the shop the next morning but he works alone and i don't want to get in the way of someone else appointment. thanks :)

This is what I do, and what was told to me by the saniderm website. I put on one piece right after the tattoo and leave it on for 8-24 hours. Then I remove that bandage, clean off all the gore with soap and water, let it airdry for 10 minutes or so and then apply a fresh bandage and leave it on for 4 or 5 days. 

You could use a normal tattoo meat bandage the first day as well, which is what tattooers normally do, but saniderm is a more comfortable option, personally. The first bandage, essentially, is to keep the new tattoo safe and to let all the blood, ink and plasma seep out, and saniderm does a good job of keeping all the juice in there and everything else out.

Atleast this is my impression. I know people that take off their first bandage within hours, but Ive always left it on atleast overnight, whether it be sanider or meat bandage. As for 48 hours Im not sure. Ive never left my first bandage on for more than 12.

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On 8/14/2016 at 9:54 AM, a_beukeveld said:

So I had to run to the pharmacy and bought some tegaderm. They only had the smaller pads so I had to do piece work over this tattoo on my thigh that I got yesterday. This is the second bandage. I took the first one off this a bit before applying this one.

There are allot of overlapping areas to make it fit. Should I be fine? Are the areas where its overlapping 1 or 2 times not able to breathe because of the extra layers?

Right now it feels pretty warm to the touch.


it looks fine,the overlapping is not a problem,I put mine on in pieces sometimes,as long as there is no pockets of fluid under it,I leave it on for 3 or 4 days after the tattoo,it will already be at the peeling stage,I love that stuff.the warm feeling is also normal.it looks fine.


Saniderm(the one I use) says this " For large areas, pieces of Saniderm may be overlapped  ".

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32 minutes ago, Dan said:

it looks fine,the overlapping is not a problem,I put mine on in pieces sometimes,as long as there is no pockets of fluid under it,I leave it on for 3 or 4 days after the tattoo,it will already be at the peeling stage,I love that stuff.the warm feeling is also normal.it looks fine.


Saniderm(the one I use) says this " For large areas, pieces of Saniderm may be overlapped  ".

Thanks for the reply. Its doing fine now. The swelling is gone and its not hot. The edge of one of the tegaderm pieces near my crotch got really irritated and left a big red mark. I rolled it back some and put a new piece ontop, which I applied poorly and had to tape down the edges with water proof medical tape. Figures. Ir does a good job of keeping water out of it while I shower tho.

This is on day 4 now and I plan on taking it off tomorrow. There is hardly any fluid underneath this time, strangely. Probably because I left the first bandage on for 13 hours, and it finished seeping. Hopefully it hardens up overnight.

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