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1 month old tattoo has blurred line, artist calls it migration not blowout


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Tattoos are imperfect b/c they are done by a human, which in and of themselves are imperfect. I have some blown out lines from really rad and reputable tattooers. Skin is a weird and funny thing. Lots of different depths, lots of variables. Don't sweat it too much. If you continue to dwell on every imperfection you'll go crazy.

There really isn't anything you can do to fix this sans lasering or getting it covered. I would consider that if you wanted to, but the tattoo isn't ruined by any means. It's just an imperfection done by an imperfect person.

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because blow out means they're at fault, migration means they're not. i can't tell if they're just trying to cover their asses or what. and that affects whether or not i pay for a touch up as well as my review.

What exactly could they touch up? Where would you expect them to add ink? It is what it is, unless you do decide to do a coverup, and that's not a touch up. Yeah, it sucks because it looks like it's supposed to represent measurements and the "problem" detracts from the clean look I imagine you wanted. I wouldn't bother going back to them for anything. Go see someone good and let them design something around it to detract from that area you don't like.

I don't know where you are reviewing, but if you feel the need to vent, just show the picture. You don't have to explain anything or type out who-said-what or figure out who was "at fault." Let people make their own assessments based on what you asked for and what you got.

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1. This is your first tattoo - relax.

2. This was done in September, it is now the end of October, why don't you wait a few more weeks and see what's happening?

3. Tattoos were never meant to be perfect, they are done on humans by humans. If you can't handle that, then well...

4. There's nothing that can be done to "fix" the tattoo as it stands now aside from lasering or covering it up (as others have said.) What are you expecting the tattoo shop/artist to do to fix it?

5. Don't go back to that shop, find somewhere else to go to next time. Ask for a recommendation here on LST!

6. I agree with SeaSee - if you are going to review a place, don't bother venting the back and forth, just post the photo as your review. That's all that people need to see.

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it's my one tattoo and it's not cleanly done...and it was so so simple. of course i want to get it fixed

One could argue that your tattoo was not "so so simple." You wanted a perfectly straight line with even width and perfectly perpendicular cross bars. It takes some talent to pull nice lines like that. Don't underestimate the talent required to do that - there is no room for error, as you can see. A "simpler" tattoo would have lots of shading and shadows to hide imperfections that you'd never realize were there.

Go to someone else and get the proposed "fix" done by someone who does solid line work.

...and of course i want to know the root of the problem.

I don't think you'll ever know for sure, so I recommend that you take a deep breath, assume the fault lies with the tattooer, don't argue with him, and go find a different one.

Good luck!

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I'd spend less energy trying to decide who's fault this is and more energy on how to have a tattoo on your arm that makes you happy. If you are unsatisfied with the artist and/or shop go to a different one and figure out what your options are.

Wait a while for the healing to be complete and keep an open mind. Tattoos are permanent and often come with some amount of initial remorse.

Your arm is far from ruined.

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If they explained how it can be fixed, then just ask them when they can do it. Regardless of there being a "fault" or not...most tattooers want their work to look good and represent them well. Blow outs and migration are things that happen sometimes. Either way, I'd want to fix it if it were something I'd done. So it comes down to how everyone in the situation conducts themselves as to how it gets resolved.

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Ya don't need to be a professional to know a blown line when you see one.

My skin hits blow outs from time to time. Even my tattooer mentioned to me he has to take extra precaution because my skin is so transparent that it's easy to hit a blow out from time to time.

I had some full lines on my calf that blew out real thick, that pulled back into line after time, which is cool...I like bold as fuck line work anywhere we can slam it in.

I've also had the blow outs where the ink has spread out, mainly on my fingers & hands where you know that spread is blown for good.

By the picture I saw of your blow out, it reminds me of a blown spread that won't reverse.

I like my blown lines, they add character, and some of my blow outs are of Runic symbols consisting of straight line work. Nothing that can be done about it now. At first, with those Runic symbols & me wanting them to be perfect, it annoyed me for 2 weeks, now I don't give a fuck...I like them the way they are.

We understand, this is your 1st tattoo, and if it's the 1st of many more to come, believe me...in time it won't bother you one iota.

Suit down...that's the answer!

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because i was under the impression that this site had tattoo artists...

As an apprentice, I've made plenty of blown out lines. @JAllen is tattooer and he responded to you. Plus the people who have talked to you thus far have tattoos from incredibly top notch tattooers so they know what to expect.

Migration is a bullshit term if it is so new. Yes, that is them covering up the idea that is was a blow out. But it doesn't matter. There is nothing to fix this tattoo to get what you originally wanted. You're not a tattooer, therefore you have no idea how hard it is to do something that perfect. If all you're going to do is bitch and moan on Yelp, then that is not the type of community we foster around here. Talk to your tattooer, let them know, that yes, it is a blown out line. If they still push against you, then I'm not sure what you can do. Like @JAllen noted, most tattooers want to have good work out there and fix their faults. If they don't, then you chose poorly in regards to the quality of their scruples.

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