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So this is a tattoo I recently got, the artist drew it up and I was paying more attention to the design and the spelling of the words underneath. It wasn't until after I took the bandage off that night that I noticed the west and east are on the wrong sides... I have been brainstorming on ideas to cover them up, I've been told to maybe laser them off, but I'm not sure. I'm open to any suggestions or advice


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Tell people it a compass for the southern hemisphere


People will be confused and drop the subject.

Or more realistically the lettering used makes the w and e fairly similar, perhaps you could have the letters reworked a bit all around and by making them bolder you would be left with the right letters just strangely oriented...

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Thanks for the feedback so far. This mistake has been driving me crazy because its my first tattoo and I didn't want a stupid mistake like that, it's embarrassing. I've been thinking of ways to rework the lettering to make it look right, but I can't think of much. The tattoo artist that did it said they look like the right letters if you look at them at different angles, but its still obvious they are an E and W on the wrong sides 

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26 minutes ago, Devious6 said:

I think I'd go with the line option. Put some other tattoos around it...no onw will ever notice. In time, you'll appreciate the humor of it.

I think you meant to respond OP? 

I meant that I am personally considering excision for my tattoo. 

Edited by sister123
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23 minutes ago, sister123 said:

I just asked about getting laser on one small portion, and they said it would cost the same as me removing the whole tattoo...since they base their price on size and their smallest size is 4x4 when my full tattoo is 3x1

Thats my fear of doing laser, is that the price would be pretty high. I want to get it fixed, but I don't want to drop a lot into it. I'm new to the whole tattoo scene, does anyone have any guests on what it would cost to laser those two little spots?

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20 hours ago, cubsfan said:

Thats my fear of doing laser, is that the price would be pretty high. I want to get it fixed, but I don't want to drop a lot into it. I'm new to the whole tattoo scene, does anyone have any guests on what it would cost to laser those two little spots?

My guess ... at least 4 x the cost of the tattoo + whatever buddy charges you to redo the W and E afterwards. I don't have any experience with laser or coverups. Measure twice tattoo once.

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Lasering a brand new tattoo is going to take time. A lot of places wont even touch it until you've had it for at least six months.

I think the mistake is a funny story that you will only appreciate more and more with time... and it makes what is a pretty mediocre-to-average tattoo at best something to smile about. Paying a lot of money to laser and then retouch this piece is not nearly worth the time and expense of just chalking it up to experience, having a chuckle, and getting something much better nearby or elsewhere on your body.

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3 minutes ago, otisc said:

I think the mistake is a funny story that you will only appreciate more and more with time... and it makes what is a pretty mediocre-to-average tattoo at best something to smile about. Paying a lot of money to laser and then retouch this piece is not nearly worth the time and expense of just chalking it up to experience, having a chuckle, and getting something much better nearby or elsewhere on your body.

this x100

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On September 13, 2016 at 4:49 PM, otisc said:

One thing you could do is put a little line under the W and the E. Both lines would be on the outside and would re-orient the eye to make the W and E appear correct. See attached bad photoshop


This is a great and extremely cost efficient way to fix. Pretty clever. 

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