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Posts posted by hogg

  1. I've seen tattoos of various Japanese lucky charms, like Uchide-no Kozuchi (the lucky mallet or Uchide's hammer, seen here in a tattoo by Benjamin Sacks):


    You often see Daikokuten holding that hammer. I've also seen a wish-granting jewel called a houju or houshu, like these:


    My question is: does anyone here know of a similar charm of a drum? I have no idea what it's called, so I can't search for it. Maybe @taaaro san can help. Thanks!

  2. I'm always amazed by the awesome tattoos that are posted in this thread, I thought I'd have a go myself. Apologies for flashing so much of my underwear.

    This was done by Paul Dobleman while doing a guest spot at Frith Street.


    Fantastic! But that's not surprising, considering the source. I have two tattoos from Paul that I absolutely love. Doesn't hurt that he's a great guy, too.

  3. ^all it does is bleed

    *not that I've tried; I just know better

    This is a fact. One tattooer went RIGHT over a raised mole I've had forever. It would not stop bleeding, and it hurt like hell. Then I went in for the final session so he could add some dots and extra details, and I'll be damned if he didn't put a solid black dot right over that mole again. So now it has two layers of ink on it, but I haven't had any issues.

  4. I'll try to put this as nicely as possible: asking for free tattoos is not a good look. If you can't afford good tattoos, do what the rest of us did and make that a priority. It may take time to save up enough to get something good, but it's worth it. Definitely not easy, as most of us can attest, but you'll be glad you did. Good luck.

  5. I am almost positive that niagara falls tattoo is photoshopped...

    And you are correct.

    Check it out, @bongsau:

    "This Is That is a current affairs program that doesn't just talk about the issues, it fabricates them. Nothing is off limits--politics, business, culture, justice, science, religion--if it is relevant to Canadians, we'll find out the "This" and the "That" of the story.

    Each week, hosts Pat Kelly and Peter Oldring introduce you to the voices and stories that give this country character in this 100% improvised, satirical send-up of public radio."

    It's a pretty funny show, but definitely all fake. I, for one, am relieved; that tattoo looks like she fell and got dirt on her face.

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