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    tay943 reacted to bongsau in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    well. i did not get my touchups. but i did get a new tattoo which did involve a tear-out:

    My pug. Winston. Riding the red rocket. Which was really hilarious. Until I got a call 3/4 of the way through the tattoo that my mother passed away. Shout out to my pal Ollie for working like lightning to finish the tattoo before my ride showed up to go see my family. So some more to add to the arguement that a tattoo is more than just a silly picture on your skin. It's not just about "what" the tattoo is of or the "why"...but the "where" and "when" and "who" of the experience is of equal importance. A colourful timestamp for this lifetime. And now I'm left with a lot of sorrow to deal with, a good laugh and a great tattoo. Laughter is the best medicine. And my Mom really loved my idiot pug. But I think my next tattoo will be little more serious and carry a lot more weight. Peace.
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    tay943 reacted to SeeSea in The ladies thread   
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    tay943 reacted to omeletta in Upcoming Tattoos   
    Oh, see, I'm so excited I even forgot to include the important bits of info...I'm planning to get a lynx head by Anthony Cole from Silver Needles in Southend. Was looking for a bit more of a neo-trad style but not too painterly, if that makes sense.
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    tay943 reacted to omeletta in Upcoming Tattoos   
    Whoa, I did it and booked an appointment for my first tattoo! It's not until early November, but the inevitable 'what have I done' feeling is setting in already...I'll probably scrutinize instagram hourly to make sure I've made the right decision. I wished it wasn't soooo long!!
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    tay943 reacted to Piers Suckling in July 2014 Tattoo of the Month Contest   
    Can't remember if I posted this here
    Sundancer but Valerie Vargas, Frith Street Tattoo
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    tay943 reacted to Phil in July 2014 Tattoo of the Month Contest   
    Thought I'd throw this in. I hope no one minds as I've not posted too much on here.
    Done by Stewart Robson - Frith Street Tattoo
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    tay943 got a reaction from LadyGabe in "So you wanna be a Tattoo Artist?"   
    While I agree on a lot of the points the article brought up, the overall tone of assuming that every 'wannabe' tattoist wants to live the rockstar live and kids themselves about their drawing skills is harsh. Besides, in my opinion, those types of people wont be searching around the internet for what is required of the job. Articles like this, while with good intentions about bringing potential apprentices down to earth could actually be driving the more serious people away because of some articles generalizing that everyone is not worth it and to stay out of their way.
    Not trying to offend anyone and I do greatly respect the business and the hard work that goes with it, but this is just my thoughts.
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    tay943 reacted to hfs40000 in Aging realism and what lasts   
    well that's the last thing I want. Thanks for the warning.
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    tay943 reacted to heathenist in Telling My Parents   
    Dude, you've thought about this way too much. Just go get some cool tattoos.
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    tay943 reacted to bongsau in Telling My Parents   
    Before I got tattoos I got nipples pierced. Months went by and one day my mom was doing some housekeeping and was flipping all the mattresses in the house. And she found this bag of epsom salts and shooters I was using to soak/heal. Mom was very concerned, thinking I had a cocaine stash and was on the drugs. It was an awkward conversation...lol
    Tattoos...so much disappointment when my parents found out. They always said if I had money to waste on tattoos then I could afford to pay rent, bills and their share of my tuition. So I waited until the week after I got my engineering degree and got tattoo. In retrospect, I probably would have stopped with one tattoo if I had just got one in defiance. But instead I waited patiently, just as they wished, and then got in way deeper than they could have expected. "Oh Lord help us, it is so big"...which eventually became "Oh Lord help us, well at least they are well done and colourful". I wore long sleeves for 2 years whenever hanging with the family. They thought it was bizarre how everyone was in shorts and hawaiian shirts in the hot summer weather and here I was, Clark Kent, all covered up. They've finally come around after 10 years and expressed how I should be able to feel comfortable, be myself around the family. So that's great. The pink elephant is in the room still. I think it makes them uncomfortable how I volunteer myself to undergo the pain. But I love it, it's cathartic and I think they understand my dedication. Nowadays I think they are more curious but still don't know the extent of how I've covered myself. I'd actually love to talk about my adventures in tattooing but very rarely does the curiousity last long enough to have a meaningful conversation about it. They weren't as disappointed when I chopped my neck as I had hoped, hardly shocking! What a rip!
    My Mom just got her first tattoo...3 dots across her torso for radiation therapy (yknow that pesky thing called advanced stage pancreatic cancer). I told her don't worry, we can coverup the black dots with a party panther! And we all had a good laugh :)
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    tay943 reacted to Dog Bite in How do you react to stares??????   
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    tay943 reacted to Anak in Upcoming Tattoos   
    Update my tattoo. Two more hours and it will be done. Seriously thinking of going to sleeve, but have no idea what except I want to continue the Japanese theme.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    tay943 reacted to idyllsend in Squidpants/Leg Mania; or, where we're at with our leg tattoos.   
    Here are some shitty -sorry, no S.O. to take pics for me- photos of my legs so far. The holes I've created on my right calf are beginning to bug me. I'll be filling most of the shin area next month with a chubby pinup. Can't wait to fill the rest.
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    tay943 reacted to SStu in Squidpants/Leg Mania; or, where we're at with our leg tattoos.   
    signature line
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    tay943 reacted to rozone in Hand Tattoos   
    I know I already posted this picture when I first got these done, but I figured I'd include a photo in the actual "Hand Tattoo" thread as well.
    Here are my hands. Applied by Thomas Hooper.

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    tay943 reacted to suburbanxcore in Hand Tattoos   
    All-time favorite is on a friend of mine, mostly because of how silly it is. What do gorillas think about? Bananas, duh. By Drew Rash.

    Additionally, here are three I've seen on Instagram recently that I've loved.
    Another Tim Hendricks. Squeezing a readable ROA on there blows my mind.

    Grez. Does it get better than classic roses on a hand?

    Grime. And to totally tweak out the classic rose, a rose skull morph.

  17. Like
    tay943 reacted to Graeme in Hand Tattoos   
    Thomas Hooper does my favourite squidmitts. A couple of examples stolen from his instagram:

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    tay943 reacted to Mick Weder in Most painful spot to get tattooed   
    Fully agree. You'll find with most suited people, this spot is the, let's say..."most memorable"
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    tay943 reacted to astraelly in Most painful spot to get tattooed   
    I think I have a pretty shit pain tolerance because my entire thigh sucked, but dear lord, the area just above my knee, my kneepit, and right under my butt cheek were awful.
    I always see people saying that tattoos hurt less than you think they do. Liars, the lot of them!
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    tay943 reacted to Ditch Belgium in Most painful spot to get tattooed   
    I confirm the area of armpit crease was really hard for me during my sleeve elaboration... Probably the most tricky part for the arm but tattoing directly on the elbow top is also rockn roll I swear...
    I cannot say I have my ribs which are tattoed but my great white shark tattoo extends down to the ribs area and honestly these 10 minutes (the tattoo artist would probably say more 5 minutes only !!!!) were really horrible. I really hated this moment. That's why I have a deep respect for people which begin tattoos with a big piece on ribs... Respect guys..
    I planned also to tattoo the lower part of my back and I read this area is really sensitive so I will experience one day..
    I continue my tattoo on legs (bottom only) currently so I'm discovering pain on this area.. I had this week a new tattoo on my left calf... an ambulance (don't laugh please) but it was very acceptable but sure my legs will reserve more surprises. To be continued
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    tay943 reacted to Avery Taylor in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Picked this up from Bryan Burk. He was a great guy, and I love the tattoo. My wife got tattooed by Adam Warmerdam, they both are both at Darkhorse in LA, and Adam was super cool as well. Darkhorse is a great place to get tattooed, and I highly recommend it to anyone that is in Los Angeles.
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    tay943 reacted to Wilhell in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Filler done by Chad Koepinger a couple of months ago:

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    tay943 reacted to Kahlan in Do we really need apprentices?   
    Coming from someone that would kill for an apprenticeship...it's been rough.
    The excuses I get is that they're worried they won't *like* the person. (Which can be easily solved!)
    I also apparently need to become 'buddies' with these people first... and even then they get a million idiots like me asking for an apprenticeship. Kinda tough finding artists that don't have their nose in the air.
    My issue is if you seriously don't want me tattooing in my home then teach me!!!
    But until then, I'll continue to practice on fake skin & grow my own way. Not many options...
    One shop OWNER told me he's not able to teach another because he's only been tattooing for 4 years....yet you own a shop..... wow...
    This industry feels like a cult sometimes...
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    tay943 reacted to MissRaffix3 in Superstitions and Tattoos   
    My family is Jewish. And though we're not religious, my dad still tries to take it pretty seriously. It's against the Jewish religion to get tattoos, and if you get one you can't be buried in a Jewish cemetery. That's my dad's main argument against me having tattoos. But personally, being only 20 years old and considering myself agnostic, I'm not too concerned with where I'll be buried right now.
    I have heard that a Jewish person with tattoos could still be buried in a Jewish cemetery though, but they have to peel off the tattooed part of the skin.
    And interestingly enough, there are many young Jewish people, especially in Israel, who are getting their grandparent's/great-grandparent's concentration camp numbers tattooed in order to never forget the Holocaust. This has had mixed reactions. Some say it's good that the younger generations remember the Holocaust and their relatives who either survived or passed away. But others still want to stick to the traditional Jewish values and see getting the number tattooed as demeaning and a way to strip a person of his or her humanity. But if you change the meaning for yourself and see it as a symbol of strength, it can be a great commemoration.
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    tay943 reacted to David Flores in Superstitions and Tattoos   
    Not neccesarily just the eyes, but when somoene is getting a backpiece, usually work on filling in the background before the main image, because most people would be willing to walk around with a finished dragon and unfinished background but not vise versa.
    I personally like what @reverend1 said better though.
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