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Un-planned tattoos

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Reading @slayer9019's List thread got me thinking about all the great un-planned tattoos. Maybe you popped in and decided on something else, maybe it was a goofy day at the shop, hell, maybe you were wasted and don't even remember your tattoo and it was a complete surprise the next morning.

What comes to mind for me, I'd just met my buddy Jake when was doing a guest spot where I was working the counter and we started bullshitting, and he said he'd be down to tattoo me, so I asked him if there was anything he'd been wanting to do. He said he hadn't gotten to do much Japanese themed tattoos, so I said go for it. Next day he had an Oiwa head drawn up, I said, "Fuck yeah," and he probably said something like, "Fair dinkum mate, wallaby damned," and he put it on that night. Fun times, great dude, and now he's coming to my wedding!

My leg was pretty much empty at that time! Here's the photo. It was incredibly nice of him and just a good goddamned time.


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It is funny that Smith Street has been mentioned in both responses to this thread. I think they set out to be the premier street shop in the world, and I would say they have accomplished it.

There is nothing cooler in my mind than a place you know you can walk in and get a top notch tattoo that day. Same reason I love Chicago Tattoo Company. My wife wants to go to New York next year just for fun little does she know my ulterior tattoo motives. Also there are so many people in New York doing such amazing large scale stuff, I don't think I would run out shops to go see on my visit.

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I have a buddy at the shop I work at that really epitomizes this thread. A slow day always meant closing up shop early and a trip to the corner sports bar for some beers. More than once a tattoo idea has been inspired by a night of drinking PBR tall boys and sometimes can't even wait till morning and caused us to open the shop back up for some after hours tattooing. He has been in New Zealand the last 2 years but talked to him this weekend and should be back at the shop permanently by Thanksgiving. Also he has sent about 20 new sheets of flash for the shop that he painted during his winter and I can't wait to get some tattoos.

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It is funny that Smith Street has been mentioned in both responses to this thread. I think they set out to be the premier street shop in the world, and I would say they have accomplished it.
There is nothing cooler in my mind than a place you know you can walk in and get a top notch tattoo that day. Same reason I love Chicago Tattoo Company.

i have about 20-25 tattoos from the guys at smith street. 7 were planned and the rest came off the walls for the most part. getting tattooed there is the best/most fun tattoo experience every single time.

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Here's my unplanned tattoos. It was one of those days when I felt I just had to get a tattoo, I'm assuming most people here know what I mean. I called up my artist and asked if he was available, he said come on in. When I got there he asked what I wanted, I said I want the tops of my feet done. I had no idea what I wanted so I asked if there was anything he had been wanting to do. He said as a matter of fact I do, have a seat and let me draw it up. Here's the end result. (Of course it took two sittings but I still consider them both unplanned)skull_and_mask_thumb.jpg

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Shit, I'm about a 10 minute walk from Radegast.

Yea sister lives in Clinton Hill, so its a quick cab to Radegast. Love that place simple due to its smallest beer size is half a liter. It's the way it's supposed to be!

There is a possibility I might move back to Brooklyn soon for a little while until I decide on San Francisco. Probably Clinton hill or Williamsburg.

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I have many unplanned tattoos due to sometimes just hanging out at a shop and/or swinging by to say hello with a few hours to kill and before I know it I'm getting tattooed. Way different from how I thought getting tattooed was supposed to be when I started. I thought you had to plan it out and it had to mean something but soon learned this was societies myth. At some point I just realized/learned the random tattoo is often times the most meaningful and fun.

For instance, getting out of class early now on Saturday so going down to the SF tattoo convention to say hi to some friends and introduce myself to some LSTers that I haven't met...no appointments like I wanted to do but didn't think I was going to make it due to school so just an idea of people I'd like to get tattooed by and if they have the time I'm going to let them have at it...........try to collect a bunch of small tattoos....

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  • 2 weeks later...

The only one I've ever got that was unplanned is this one.


I got it in 1995, in Harker Heights, Texas. I was stationed at Ft. Hood at the time. I walked into a tattoo shop (I think it was called Rooster's Tattoo) in the middle of the week when the place was empty. It was on a sheet of flash tacked to the counter as soon as you walked in the door. As soon as I saw it I knew I had to have it.

It had a touch-up a year or so ago, but it's never been altered.

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The only one I've ever got that was unplanned is this one.


I got it in 1995, in Harker Heights, Texas. I was stationed at Ft. Hood at the time. I walked into a tattoo shop (I think it was called Rooster's Tattoo) in the middle of the week when the place was empty. It was on a sheet of flash tacked to the counter as soon as you walked in the door. As soon as I saw it I knew I had to have it.

It had a touch-up a year or so ago, but it's never been altered.

So great! Been itching for a burly reaper tattoo myself.

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