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Pornography... In and around a tattoo shop, what's your take on this?

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it's not like you have to open them up and read them.


If every space you ever enter in life has to be completely culturally sterilized and cannot possibly offend any one of the billions of people on this planet then you would live a very boring life. Let there be some differences and if they're not to your taste, simply don't open the magazines, don't eat the food, etc. Different strokes for different folks.

Side note: I'm sure not every tattoo artist has an end goal of opening themselves to the largest possible customer base and making as much money as possible. Some people (not just tattoo artists) want to do their own thing how they want to do it-- and if it doesn't completely traumatize other people I don't see the harm in allowing them to live their life as they choose. Their choice does not have to affect you. Just don't open the magazine and your own life will continue on your own way.

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perhaps i'm just a square, but i can't understand why it's not possible to wait until you get home for said material... self control isn't that difficult.

mind you, i'm making no assumptions about anyone's skill/talent as a tattooer based on what's available to read in the main area, and would also ascribe to the "don't want to look? then don't" mindset were i to be in that situation. however, i could see that driving off the soccer mom market pretty easily, as well as some other folks. i can't be sure about where everyone else lives, but here in the middle of America, that's a huge demographic.

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Heh, sorry Irezumi; didn't catch the sarcasm in the first post the last time around. I was responding to a post written by "fuckhead," that's why I called him that. I don't want to judge or insult anyone; I'm just making a point about impressions made on outsiders.

If tattoo artists want to be considered professionals, they need to act like it. Porn in the lobby is not professional.

I keep seeing repeated references to how much the view of tattoos are changing in the public eye; more people are getting tattoos, and they're being viewed with less and less negativity. What that means is that there's a huge untapped customer base of people out there who want a really great tattoo, and who don't have the "bad ass bitch" persona to go with it. Classy ladies can get tattoos too.

If you're a tattoo artist this might be something to pay attention to.

This makes me want to put a bunch of porn out in the lobby. I can understand your point, but the whole world is filled is with people who want to tell you what's best for your tattoo shop or sell you their service or magic tattoo goo and it gets kind of old. There is a reason why their is no customer suggestion box.

Furthermore I would say that some things are actually done by design. If you have a bunch of porn out in the lobby, it's probably a good way to weed out the uptight, pain in the ass customers or demographic as some people put put it. Still not my thing, but what the hell it's a tattoo shop, not Macy's, it's supposed to be a little rebellious I suppose.

I mean we don't have porn in the lobby, but we have loud music playing and some of the guys tend to cuss like sailors and explore topics of conversation that involve pornography to some degree and Soccer Mom's are still lining up to get tattooed, if anything they just know not to bring their kid along next time.

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This makes me want to put a bunch of porn out in the lobby. I can understand your point, but the whole world is filled is with people who want to tell you what's best for your tattoo shop or sell you their service or magic tattoo goo and it gets kind of old. There is a reason why their is no customer suggestion box.

Furthermore I would say that some things are actually done by design. If you have a bunch of porn out in the lobby, it's probably a good way to weed out the uptight, pain in the ass customers or demographic as some people put put it. Still not my thing, but what the hell it's a tattoo shop, not Macy's, it's supposed to be a little rebellious I suppose.

I mean we don't have porn in the lobby, but we have loud music playing and some of the guys tend to cuss like sailors and explore topics of conversation that involve pornography to some degree and Soccer Mom's are still lining up to get tattooed, if anything they just know not to bring their kid along next time.

Gots to disagree on that, but hey-a lack of uniformity is a good thing.

Loud music, cussing, locker-room convo in general, all of that is different from real-live hardcore porn. Again, I'm not talking Playboy, all of that genre, but Hustler type stuff.

To me it's pretty simple.

Tattooing, as a whole, has moved out of the shadows and arcades of the world and into the supposedly "legit" business world. If you run an "underground" shop, one that caters to those who by choice are outside of societal norms, i.e.; hardcore scooter tramps, tattoo aficionados, and others who are part of one "scene" or another, then you can put out anything you want and you probably won't lose too many customers.

All depends on what your definition of "too many" is! If you want to have a guy walk out who is willing to spend thousands on some serious coverage, well, I wish I had your money!

IF you run a shop that is "professional", and caters to a diverse crowd, then it's probably better for you to have a professional atmosphere, at least in your waiting area. This is where people come in and form an impression of your shop, of you, and of your work. This is where they whup out that long green and hand it to the person at the counter. Not the place for crotch-shots and fuck-you's.

Here's the thing. I'm what many describe as a "biker", am fairly heavily tattooed, engage in all sorts of behaviors that others may view as a bit sketchy, and I've even been know to look at porn now and then. All that said, I run a business, and when I'm working at my business, even if my tattoing is visible, which it usually is, I don't use profanity, and no way in hell would I ever allow a porno mag to come out of the shop area and into the offices.

It's all what you want. You want a big, fancy, wide-open shop, then you had best to be at least a tad professional about it. You want a more underground vibe, then hey, do what you will!

As a last note, I guess I never realized I'm an "uptight pain in the ass", thanks for setting me straight on that.

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As a last note, I guess I never realized I'm an "uptight pain in the ass", thanks for setting me straight on that.

Not out of context in the slightest? I guess I just think you can cater to a lot of types of customers and still be the quintessential street shop. People come back because they get a good tattoo and they don't have to deal with other shops that think they are better than their customers. They might be willing to deal with loud music and a grumpy shop owner who is actually excited to tattoo them, even if it's a tribal arm band instead of being blown off by the gallery shop serving espresso down the street. Porn was the subject of this thread and while I still wouldn't put it in my shop, I can understand on any given day how a hustler or some other hardcore magazine might show up in the lobby. But for me this thread has evolved into a discussion on how people should run their shop. I would consider Chicago Tattoo a shop that still operates on "old school" principles for the most part but still caters to the masses and doesn't take any bull shit.

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I would consider Chicago Tattoo a shop that still operates on "old school" principles for the most part but still caters to the masses and doesn't take any bull shit.

They have other ways of bouncing dipshits out the door...I was in and out of there within an hour (got a small piece) and the number of stupid people with stupid requests or questions in that amount of time was pretty astounding.

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They have other ways of bouncing dipshits out the door...I was in and out of there within an hour (got a small piece) and the number of stupid people with stupid requests or questions in that amount of time was pretty astounding.

I have had one substantial conversation in my life with Nick and we talked a little bit about that kind of stuff, it was really cool to hear his take on the subject. Who did your piece?

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Gots to disagree on that, but hey-a lack of uniformity is a good thing.

Loud music, cussing, locker-room convo in general, all of that is different from real-live hardcore porn. Again, I'm not talking Playboy, all of that genre, but Hustler type stuff.

To me it's pretty simple.

Tattooing, as a whole, has moved out of the shadows and arcades of the world and into the supposedly "legit" business world. If you run an "underground" shop, one that caters to those who by choice are outside of societal norms, i.e.; hardcore scooter tramps, tattoo aficionados, and others who are part of one "scene" or another, then you can put out anything you want and you probably won't lose too many customers.

All depends on what your definition of "too many" is! If you want to have a guy walk out who is willing to spend thousands on some serious coverage, well, I wish I had your money!

IF you run a shop that is "professional", and caters to a diverse crowd, then it's probably better for you to have a professional atmosphere, at least in your waiting area. This is where people come in and form an impression of your shop, of you, and of your work. This is where they whup out that long green and hand it to the person at the counter. Not the place for crotch-shots and fuck-you's.

Here's the thing. I'm what many describe as a "biker", am fairly heavily tattooed, engage in all sorts of behaviors that others may view as a bit sketchy, and I've even been know to look at porn now and then. All that said, I run a business, and when I'm working at my business, even if my tattoing is visible, which it usually is, I don't use profanity, and no way in hell would I ever allow a porno mag to come out of the shop area and into the offices.

It's all what you want. You want a big, fancy, wide-open shop, then you had best to be at least a tad professional about it. You want a more underground vibe, then hey, do what you will!

As a last note, I guess I never realized I'm an "uptight pain in the ass", thanks for setting me straight on that.

like you said, i think it depends on the shop and what kinds of people they want coming through the door. there are shops and tattooers that i know i want to get tattooed by, and i couldn't care less if they shot porn in the shop. but, that's because i know what i want and where/whom i'd like to get tattooed by. as you mentioned, if a shop is looking to bring in regular folks off the street that may not really know what to look for or all that much about tattoos, it would probably be a good idea to not have that sort of stuff out. sucks that people have to get bent outta shape about something as stupid as fucking porn. not you guys, just people in general.

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like you said, i think it depends on the shop and what kinds of people they want coming through the door. there are shops and tattooers that i know i want to get tattooed by, and i couldn't care less if they shot porn in the shop. but, that's because i know what i want and where/whom i'd like to get tattooed by. as you mentioned, if a shop is looking to bring in regular folks off the street that may not really know what to look for or all that much about tattoos, it would probably be a good idea to not have that sort of stuff out. sucks that people have to get bent outta shape about something as stupid as fucking porn. not you guys, just people in general.

My goal is to find a tattoo shop where they are shooting porn in the lobby now.

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Not out of context in the slightest? I guess I just think you can cater to a lot of types of customers and still be the quintessential street shop. People come back because they get a good tattoo and they don't have to deal with other shops that think they are better than their customers. They might be willing to deal with loud music and a grumpy shop owner who is actually excited to tattoo them, even if it's a tribal arm band instead of being blown off by the gallery shop serving espresso down the street. Porn was the subject of this thread and while I still wouldn't put it in my shop, I can understand on any given day how a hustler or some other hardcore magazine might show up in the lobby. But for me this thread has evolved into a discussion on how people should run their shop. I would consider Chicago Tattoo a shop that still operates on "old school" principles for the most part but still caters to the masses and doesn't take any bull shit.

Major out of context, for sure...just a small yank of the chain there!

I wouldn't go to a "boutique" shop, my only point is that maybe you want to go one step up from the arcade shop. Again, a lot of it is in the definition of "porn". I'm talking hardcore here, I don't think Maxim or Playboy are on anyone's radar, and I don't think one mag stuffed in a pile is a big deal. If I see that the SHOP is subscribed to, for instance, Hustler, yeah, I might have second thoughts. But again, as I said elsewhere, if I saw a bible in a shop I'd have second thoughts!

I agreee about CTC completely. They are a stone old-skool shop, they get all kinds of people in there all day and all night. Loud music, rough talk, but I've never seen any skin books laying around, not in any of their locations.

Guess it's all a matter of degree. I would never presume to tell someone how to run their bidness, I am only pointing out that to be seen as a professional outside of your own trade, you may have to make a few adjustments.

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I have had one substantial conversation in my life with Nick and we talked a little bit about that kind of stuff, it was really cool to hear his take on the subject. Who did your piece?

Josh Howard, it was just a little piece of Jerry flash. In that amount of time someone tried to bring their dog into the shop, some dude came by and got in an argument with Beatdown about a tattoo, another person complained about the cost of jewelry, a throng of (probably underage) girls walked in and turned around and walked out, probably some other shit I'm forgetting. Sundays are my favorite days to get tattooed at street shops (because they're always dead and I can get right in!) but got damn, shit was cray.

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Josh Howard, it was just a little piece of Jerry flash. In that amount of time someone tried to bring their dog into the shop, some dude came by and got in an argument with Beatdown about a tattoo, another person complained about the cost of jewelry, a throng of (probably underage) girls walked in and turned around and walked out, probably some other shit I'm forgetting. Sundays are my favorite days to get tattooed at street shops (because they're always dead and I can get right in!) but got damn, shit was cray.

Must have been a slow night...go in there on a late Saturday when there's a fresh batch graduating from Great Mistakes, then you'll REALLY see it jumping!

And believe me, they can handle any action that walks through the door. As noted elsewhere, that 'hood was stone ghetto not too very long ago, and once upon a time, there was a firearm very much in evidence when a stranger walked into the shop.

Gotta love that place.

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Must have been a slow night...go in there on a late Saturday when there's a fresh batch graduating from Great Mistakes, then you'll REALLY see it jumping!

I don't doubt it, I know that Sunday was just slow overall. But, yea, being in such close proximity to Wrigleyville I feel brings out the idiots in droves.

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I read this in the "Scottish Tattoo History" Thread. Thought it might be interesting to add here.

"Around the 1950's there was part-time tattooist who worked in Glasgow's famous Barras market called 'Dirty Dick'. Very little is known about him other that the fact that he worked in the back of a shop in the Spoutmouth area of the market that also sold pornographic magazines. It is this line of merchandise that earned him his nickname and not the fact that he worked under filthy conditions when tattooing as previously thought."

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Johnny McNeillie still tattoos in the Barras to this day :) Remember up until a few years ago hardcore porn was prohibited in the uk so you could only get "under the counter" vids in the right rental stores, or find a shady stall in the barras that sold it. I havent been to the Barras in ages its mostly head shops and bootleg games/dvd's there , I dont doubt someone is selling scratcher equipment there too , nothing would surprise me about that place !

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Having magazines with somewhat tasteful nudes is not a problem. Having gaping holes and chicks being sprayed with cum out in public is low class. Those mags are made for private viewing. Yeah I judge people. So what. Anyway, I have nothing against porn. But a smart business man/woman wouldn't have such red flags out in the open for "just anybody" to see. My 2 cents. I mean if you have hustler in your lobby, chances are some creep is gonna jagoff in your bathroom. You think they won't? Think again. You wanna clean that up? Most shops get playboy delivered free these days. We keep them in the office. They would just get stolen anyway.

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