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Post-tattoo blues anyone?


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@ttoosday have you posted a picture of this tattoo yet?

No, I haven't. I don't think I'm going to honestly. Number one bec I don't typically post any identifying info or photos in general on any sites, number two, I'd rather not hear the harsh critiques that would make me feel worse than I already do, and number three, I would feel terrible if it happened that my artist found a photo of his work on a forum with me or other ppl blasting negativity about his work. Or maybe he wouldn't give a shit, I dunno. As much as I would love some feedback, I think I will hold off on posting a pic until I have something good to say about it. But I will say I think the tat needs some attention but some parts will not be able to be altered (not in symmetry, slightly crooked looking). Some of the lines could probably be thickened to fix an issue and maybe MAYBE some shading could get the tattoo closer to the original reference pic, but I don't know. From what I read it sounds like I'll never be able to get a tattooist to copy another tattoo exactly.

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No, I haven't. I don't think I'm going to honestly. Number one bec I don't typically post any identifying info or photos in general on any sites, number two, I'd rather not hear the harsh critiques that would make me feel worse than I already do, and number three, I would feel terrible if it happened that my artist found a photo of his work on a forum with me or other ppl blasting negativity about his work. Or maybe he wouldn't give a shit, I dunno. As much as I would love some feedback, I think I will hold off on posting a pic until I have something good to say about it. But I will say I think the tat needs some attention but some parts will not be able to be altered (not in symmetry, slightly crooked looking). Some of the lines could probably be thickened to fix an issue and maybe MAYBE some shading could get the tattoo closer to the original reference pic, but I don't know. From what I read it sounds like I'll never be able to get a tattooist to copy another tattoo exactly.


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@ttoosday , Please pardon me for being blunt, but the best thing you can do accept it and move on. We can't help or make suggestions unless we see it. For all we know it may be perfectly fine, and you are having tattoo remorse.

It's not the end of the world, you can get it covered, lasered, added to, or just leave it alone and you might learn to love it.

Expand your tattoo horizons. Spend some time here, listen, find a good shop, go get an awesome tattoo. I guarantee you will feel better.

Unless you are a chronic sad-sack. Then we can't do anything for you. Cheers!

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Thank you for the honesty. That is what I'm trying to do...lurk a little bit, gain some perspective and maybe get a bit of advice and encouragement along the way. I didn't come here looking for a tattoo critique or find out what to do to fix mine, I want to learn how to love it by figuring out whether or not most tattoos are flawless and exactly what people expected. It sucks to be down about a tattoo especially when a person only has a couple and is surrounded by people who would never get any, and a tat like mine is the reason why. I don't want to feel embarrassed by it, I want to be proud. But I'm overwhelmed by feelings of disappointment so I'm just listening and trying to add my experience to the mix. :)

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the answer is to get more tattoos - this way your less than perfect tattoo won't be such on your mind

plus even bad is rad imo

Hey I like that attitude! I will try to embrace that. Tho mine is not actually bad, it just could have been better. I am already thinking of maybe adding color or adding some elements to it maybe. We shall see. I feel bad to tell the artist I want some changes to it. But also feel bad not to give him the chance to work on it. The truth is that my trust is shaken.

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Check my intro. It includes my first (only, for a few more weeks!) tattoo photos and critiques of it both + and -. I welcome and understand this. I still love the tattoo, and in fact have an appointment with the same artist for another. Yes, I see the flaws, and it faded too rapidly which was corrected. Maybe at my age, I'm a bit more pragmatic about it all. Expect not just art, but life to have flaws - and learn to enjoy the difference that reality brings!

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Far worse than regrets, I've had this nightmare two or three times where suddenly all my tattoos are gone, i'm a total pinky all over again....

It's caused me to wake up in a panic thinking "Oh God, now I have to go through getting them all over again".

I know this is a really old post, but it had me laughing and cringing at the same time!

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Just got my first at 50, only emotion is I love it and shouldn't have waited so long!

I waited until I was 50+ too. It reminds me of an old story I heard.

A man was walking through the desert one night when he heard a voice that told him to fill his pockets with the stones at his feet. The voice then said, “Tomorrow you will be both happy and sad.” So the confused man took a handful of pebbles and stuffed them in his pocket. The next morninghe examined the pebbles and discovered that the stones were really precious gems. He was happy and sad—happy he had obeyed and picked up some gems, but sad that he had not picked up more.

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I'll only have post tattoo blues once in my life. After the last session, after we exhaust all available space to fill.

Getting very close to that point now. Don't know what the fuck I'm gonna do at that point.

Hope I don't get all fucked up in the head and start blast lasering just to start all over again.

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I'll only have post tattoo blues once in my life. After the last session, after we exhaust all available space to fill.

Getting very close to that point now. Don't know what the fuck I'm gonna do at that point.

Hope I don't get all fucked up in the head and start blast lasering just to start all over again.

Write a book. You got a lingo and attitude that would make a fun read. I know you have stories lol

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@SeeSea. Good advice that. Can still appreciate the experience by touching up, drilling black & popping old colour I suppose. @misterJ. A few people I know have suggested this notion in the past. I've always been reluctant to do this. Mainly because most of the years were a haze, a lot of shit forgotten and probably for good reason.

More time behind bars, riding with solid brothers is probably the best remedy.

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Last night I dreamt that my most recent tattoo turned into a shite tattoo overnight and I couldn't see that it happened. It was bad news, like bad bad bad news (belonging in the worst of the worst section of the forum kind of bad news.)

I know this is a really old post, but it had me laughing and cringing at the same time!

@Mick Weder - I was going to say the same thing SeeSea said! I love a touched-up old tattoo, they have a special look about them that is magical in the best of ways.

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I have the blues a bit after my tattoo last weekend, I think because it was such a good experience, and a design I'd be looking forward to getting for a while. However, I already have another consultation and appointment booked (with a different artist) for February, so there's something to look forward to again! :)

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