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Since after my perhaps fifth tattoo I've always done it the same way:

Leave the wrap until next day morning

Semi-warm shower to get rid of the blod, ink and plasma

Air dry, apply thin layer of Bephanten, air dry, put on clothes

Continue washing with just water 2-3 times a day and apply thin layer of Bephanten

On the 4-6 day, depending on how it looks, I stop using bephanten and just let i dry heal out

After 10 days I use some organic body lotion, as short list of ingredients as possible and no perfume. Apply this after each shower and every morning until the skin is no longer dry and back to normal again.

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I keep the artist applied saran wrap on for the first 4 hours,then wash & apply new saran wrap & cocoa butter,then wash and one more clean saran wrap to sleep that night,then start with

washing with this soap every 4 hours for the next day in a warm shower scrubbing with the palm of my hand,

after each wash I apply a very light coat of the cocoa butter,

starting the next day, shower normal once a day and keep a very light coat of the cocoa butter on 24/7 for the first 4 or 5 days,

once it starts peeling & itching after the first 4 or 5 days I start using the fragrance free Lubriderm.






Palmers is good post heal, but I stay away from it for the first week because it has petroleum in it.
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I keep the artist applied saran wrap on for the first 4 hours,then wash & apply new saran wrap & cocoa butter,then wash and one more clean saran wrap to sleep that night,then start with

washing with this soap every 4 hours for the next day in a warm shower scrubbing with the palm of my hand,

after each wash I apply a very light coat of the cocoa butter,

starting the next day, shower normal once a day and keep a very light coat of the cocoa butter on 24/7 for the first 4 or 5 days,

once it starts peeling & itching after the first 4 or 5 days I start using the fragrance free Lubriderm.






Your crazy. If you are using the correct creams and washing it consistently it probably won't even end up stabbing and getting itchy. Cocoa butter has to be the worst thing to put on it as its fragranced and is really bad for an open wound. Stick to Bapenthem or something someone else above has suggested like the OP has suggested above.

By the way the less you wrap it the better as it needs air to heel. Your basically doing everything you shouldn't

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  • 3 months later...

Come to think of it, what is the purpose of switching from aquaphor to lotion? I've just done it because everyone else does it. Also, maybe aquaphor is too thick? Just got home from watching Star Wars, and the back of my shirt is littered with black flakes of scabs. LOL.

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After my last sesh I forewent the Aquaphor for the first time in years and got a much better heal. I was definitely slathering it on too thick to the point where I was getting breakouts on my arm though the tattoo healed fine in the end. This time (after doing the wrap and rewrap two nights in a row which is the subject of a different thread) I did much better washing with Dr. Bronner's liquid soap twice a day and using a thin layer of Eucerin original healing fragrance free before bed. Never going back to Aquaphor which can clog the pores and I think is petroleum based.

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Your crazy. If you are using the correct creams and washing it consistently it probably won't even end up stabbing and getting itchy. Cocoa butter has to be the worst thing to put on it as its fragranced and is really bad for an open wound. Stick to Bapenthem or something someone else above has suggested like the OP has suggested above.

By the way the less you wrap it the better as it needs air to heel. Your basically doing everything you shouldn't

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Palmers is good post heal, but I stay away from it for the first week because it has petroleum in it.

thanks guys,but I know my skin and I know what works for me ,this method works great for me.We all heal differently.

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Never going back to Aquaphor which can clog the pores and I think is petroleum based.

I actually always thought that Aquaphor was not petroleum jelly and better to use for tattoo aftercare since it wasn't supposed to leach off the ink. After reading your post and googling, I guess that Aquaphor is 41% petroleum jelly versus Vaseline which is 100% petroleum jelly. Now, kind of makes me wonder whether Aquaphor is the best to use or not for aftercare.

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Is it me, but after reading all the differing opinions on aftercare of a new tattoo, it seems like it doesn't matter what you do except to just keep it clean and wash it everyday? Some say use this ointment or that ointment, this lotion or that lotion, and some profess nothing at all and just dry heal. Seems like if you aren't a total idiot about it, the tattoo is going to heal over time if you just keep it clean? So many conflicting views and opinions on the subject.

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My rule of thumb- better to use no ointment/lotion than too much. I have done the dry healing and used the ointment. Seems dry healing takes longer for me to heal. But I once had someone put ointment on my back so think it made it burn.I guess because it wasn't able to breathe? Only advice I give is to keep it clean and for God's sake don't pick at it when it starts peeling.

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Is it me, but after reading all the differing opinions on aftercare of a new tattoo, it seems like it doesn't matter what you do except to just keep it clean and wash it everyday? Some say use this ointment or that ointment, this lotion or that lotion, and some profess nothing at all and just dry heal. Seems like if you aren't a total idiot about it, the tattoo is going to heal over time if you just keep it clean? So many conflicting views and opinions on the subject.

I honestly think that everyone heals differently, and different techniques are better for different sizes and placements. Plus everyone has different skin! I feel like there are a lot of voodoo magic myths about healing..."if you do x y and z, it'll be great!" When healing it any of the different ways would have probably been fine anyway. I have also totally babied tattoos and they scar up a little because the skin got overworked. No one's fault per se, just the way it goes.

For me, when I get anything done on my legs I swell like crazy so sometimes I wrap it for the first few days to avoid friction if I have to wear shoes/pants. When I get super detailed tattoos I tend to leak more lymph because there is more trauma to my skin, so wrapping for a few hours at a time when I am out and about can prevent it getting gross and crusty from letting lymph dry on it, and I wash it and let it dry out a little when I get home. Other times and places, I just use lotion and let it air dry and it heals like a dream. Not a big ointment fan myself because it clogs my pores but others swear by it.

Basically, Dr. Bronner's, unscented Aveeno, and the occasional plastic wrap wrapping if it's called for. I also dry with paper towels for the first few days instead of a bath towel because I am paranoid about infection.

Keep it clean, moisturize it a little, don't swim, don't stand around in the sun, don't scoop the cat box naked, and don't wear anything that rubs on it and I think it's usually fine! :)

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What I did on my last chest tattoo was to keep the bandage on over night, then I washed it with green soap and let it air dry before I put on another bandage that I kept on for the entire 1st day and night (mainly because it was really cold outside). Washed it next morning again and put on some Aquaphor and washed again before bed. Been applying Aquaphor once a day since, and it's just flaking off skin so I think this is probably my best healing process yet.

I have used plain dry healing on my shoulders with great results, but I also have had some pretty bad scabbing when I've tried to dry heal on my arms, but that could be a million reasons for it..

I think that the soap I use is what matters the most to the healing process for me. That's where the parameters have changed in the past (and location). I'm pretty sensitive to most soaps and perfume, so that might be the reason for that.

One artist in Vancouver did mention his healing technique which was very complex, but he was usually all healed in 5-7 days. Never got the whole process told so I guess I just have to get tattooed by him and figure it out.

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I should've added this to my post on here but I've also used Tattoo Goo in the little tin. This was years ago but I found it to be more moisturizing than Aquaphor or Lubriderm & I didn't have to apply it as much either plus the healing time was pretty quick while using it.....I'd use it again.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Getting my first tattoo next month and was left confused by this thread, so I have questions...

-1. Is there anything I can do (or not do) before the appointment to help with the healing?

1. Can I use white Dove bar soap to clean it?

2. I don't want to use an after care product as they sound like a nightmare for a girl with lots of allergies. It there any normal first aid treatment I can use to help?

3. Which lotion (or at least what to look for in a lotion) and how often?

4. Does Bert's Bees make any products I can use?

5. How do I keep from having a nightmare situation when I wake up? (upper ankle piece) Do I wrap with sterile gauze and ointment or something?

Mind you, I want to know all this beforehand so I won't have to make a run to the store after.

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