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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/12/2011 in Posts

  1. That bear tattoo just makes me think, "Ms Rad by name, Ms Rad by nature", haha. Here's a new one from me! This was done just yesterday, so my arm is pretty swollen. It's by Thomas Morgan, who is just finishing a guest spot in Inkslingers in Newcastle. I think he told me he'll be in Paris next, so if you live near there, I'd recommend getting some work from him! Oh yeah, and I kind of thought this was obvious (I'm sure it will be to you guys), but since a couple of friends have asked me- the gypsy head isn't from yesterday- Ian Parkin did that, and it looks FAR better when my arm isn't at a funny angle :P Anyway, here you go, sorry for the bad picture. I never did put that picture of my tattoo from Charlie on here, did I? If anyone wants to see it, I'll gladly put that up too :)
    8 points
  2. Here: Fallingapartart "Fall Out: San Francisco '11"
    6 points
  3. Iwar

    Your Latest Tattoo Story

    You got tattooed for nine hours straight in your dining room by someone who doesn't work out of a shop? You should have read some threads and watched some interviews here before posting... But by all means, since you ask, bring on the pictures. I'm sure I'm not the only one who's curious to see this.
    3 points
  4. Often times people resist, ignore, or fight back without a solution to a problem except in hopes of extinction or wanting change without offering another alternative route. This can have its strengths and opportunities for changes. So in response to the new thread on TLC's new show, Spike TV spamming LST with their new show, and all the other talk that has occurred in the short life of LST we have come up with an idea...... We understand those shows are going to do what they do but how about using your social networking sites to show those new to tattooing and/or unfamiliar with tattooing outside of what the media feeds them some other options? We noticed some people were blogging, tweeting and/or status updating LST instead of TLC (which was a nice compliment, thanks) so people saw an alternative. Also we noticed people on here saying they would not give these networks and/or production companies their time. Also we saw what we believe a large amount of people were doing, posting/tweeting the hell out of mentions of fighting these companies. It was insane to see how much resistance was to this new show and seemed like every second or third news feed mentioned this. Which what this does is make it viral and it is free press causing more "trainwreck" material for the network, show, and production company fueling their venture. There is no right or wrong way to fight this as you need to do what you believe in. We, LST, have come up with a few motos that we have been using on our networking sites to post rather than give them any more of our time and thought we would publicly put it out there for anyone else who wishes to try a alternative route to showing the public what tattooing is really like (thanks for the RT & Repost by the way already). LST was developed and continues to be developed to try to help build a real, positive, and helpful bridge between tattooers and customers both long time and new, so REAL conversations can happen hopefully equating to better tattoos and more informed respect and perspectives on tattooing. We believe in the less than a year we have been around we have done an alright job but continue to work on making it better and could not do any of it without all of you, so thanks! Below are some of the mottos we are status updating, tweeting, etc and if you feel inclined please use some of the below and/or make up your own so we can try to take back some of the power large tattoo tv has been given.... Fuck TLC and Spike TV SUPPORT LST, Tattoo Artist Interviews http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/6-tattoo-artist-interviews.html Get your Tattoo TV Sanity & support LST, Tattoo Artist Interviews http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/6-tattoo-artist-interviews.html Take back the power from large tattoo tv & SUPPORT LST. RT & show the public what U really support!! http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/6-tattoo-artist-interviews.html RT so the people can see real reality tattoo tv! Don't give Spike & TLC your time or energy!! http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/6-tattoo-artist-interviews.html +plus other variations but the point is to try and get people to see real talk from tattooers in the tattoo artist interview area (or if you have another area that you think is informative have at it). Thanks for your help, continual support and participation with us to try and make a better resource on the internet for tattooing! This site is nothing without all of you & your positivity, respect, and passion for tattoos!
    3 points
  5. Ursula

    Suggestions please

    Mel's given the best advice on this one for sure! I wish I had someone tell me that when I started getting tattooed
    3 points
  6. gougetheeyes

    Ed Hardy Toilet Paper

    My boss has a neverending supply of Ed Hardy/Christian Audigier shirts. He also drives his "lambo" (lamborghini) to and from work each day. He also has no tattoos, but "has designed some" for friends. He also doesn't know anything about the actual Ed Hardy. At first, I thought, "Oh, maybe not a douchebag indicat––– oh.. yeah. Yeah, it is. Always. Without fail."
    3 points
  7. I got this Baphomet head from Tim Lehi last month. Why? Easily my favorite tattooist, and I think he understands what I am going for. He has tattooed me a few times and always gives me suitable tattoos for me, like he knows me, ha.
    3 points
  8. hahahahah
    2 points
  9. This and Failblog.org are some of the only things on the internet that make me cry with laughter.
    2 points
  10. s33ktruth

    palm tattoos

    Here is mine I got done 3 years ago, Adam Shrewsbury flash
    2 points
  11. ShawnPorter

    palm tattoos

    Keep us updated on the healing? This is going to sound odd out of context, but it worries me that it didn't hurt. I know everyone's pain tolerances are different, but if done 'correctly' (loathe as I am to put it that way) it should hurt. If it was just done as a 'normal' (loathe as I am to put it that way) tattoo, there's a good chance it's not going to stick. So if you don't mind checking in with healing updates, I for one would be interested to see the progress. Oh, and I'm going up to NY on 08/03 to have Hooper do my fingers and light touchups on two spots on my right palm. Sadly, I know it's going to hurt.
    2 points
  12. gougetheeyes

    Lower leg tattoo

    FIRST OFF, thank you for resurrecting SQUID PANTS/SLACKS. Echoing, here, it's totally normal, especially the longer healing process. I freaked out the other month when I had my other wrist tattooed -- hand swelled up like a goddamn softball and then figured out it was totally normal! Didn't expect that. Always forget that it's your body's response to TRAUMA -- then when I remember, it all makes sense.
    2 points
  13. I remember a post from a tattooer friend on facebook where he and his girlfriend were having dinner with Ed Hardy and she posted the picture and one of her friends commented something like "you mean the guy from the clothes" and Doug Hardy saw it and posted something like " I didn't think Ed Hardy was a real person, I thought he was a figurehead like Sara Lee". Maybe it was funnier to see it in person but I still smile about it today.
    2 points
  14. Mel Noir

    Suggestions please

    What I found helps is first finding someone really great you can be tattooed by- then you'll probably realise why you like them, by thinking, "yeah, that guy does a great snake", or "she does a wonderful dagger"- then you could ask them to do something like that, while filling in the space. Worked for me anyway, just today! :)
    2 points
  15. Just got back last night from a trip to Chicago. Got tattooed by Mario Desa (skull with butterfly wings). Saw Archers of Loaf play. Ate at Chicago Diner. Weekends away don't get much better than that. I don't have any decent pictures of the tattoo yet, but there are a couple up on Mario's facebook.
    2 points
  16. Mel, all your stuff is really nice!
    1 point
  17. Wow that sounds really cool, MsRad! You'll have to keep us filled in, I really want to see it when it's done! :) Thanks about the new tattoo.. well, I say thanks, it's not like I did anything, lol. I always feel weird saying thanks when someone compliments my tattoos, it's like I'm saying thanks for someone else's work. But you know what I mean :) I love it. Didn't have a picture on my computer of my tattoo from Charlie, but thankfully everything's on the internet these days anyway. Hope this isn't too big...
    1 point
  18. MsRad

    Damn You Auto Correct..

    1 point
  19. Mel Noir

    TLC sneak peak preview

    To be honest, none of it makes a difference when your autoclave is an Easy Bake oven, haha.
    1 point
  20. Ursula

    TLC sneak peak preview

    Toilet = best place for tube scrubbing. I mean at least you can sit down, you don't have to keep the sink tap running and you can just flush all away instead of disinfecting the sink and counter when you're done!
    1 point
  21. Wedge

    Suggestions please

    I like Sarah Schor's work, she's definitely on my list. I actually saw an owl head on this site done by Stefan Johnsson which is pretty much what I'm looking for with some minor changes. Thanks again for the replies.
    1 point
  22. David Flores

    Beer Wars

    I love Lagunitas so much I got one of their logos tattooed on me. The attached tattoo done by Mike V at Mr Tattoo Portland. Picture was from when it was freshly done.
    1 point
  23. Hi Michelle Welcome! Enjoyed reading your blog
    1 point
  24. AHHH FORGOT ABOUT THE PITS. 0 desire to tattoo my armpits.
    1 point
  25. Wedge

    Suggestions please

    Thanks for all the replies. I'm pretty familiar with local tattoo artists but I'm always open for more suggestions. I'm in CT but always willing to travel a couple of hours if needed. Obviously NY is loaded with good traditional style artists but not as many do the newer traditional I think. I've thought about Erick Lynch in Mass ans Justin Weatherholz in NY. I may go with an owl head but since my arms get a LOT of sun I wanted to stay away from real bright colors because I down't want them to fade. I thought about keeping darker colors and maybe some black and reds to match the german eagle above.
    1 point
  26. If you look in the front of the magazine they reserve the rights on all photos submitted to them. The site is designed to not allow downloading of images. If you don't want an image reproduced you probably should not send it in to a magazine, or post it on Facebook, or your website or anywhere besides your portfolio. That seems like kind of a no brainer. Tattoo life's new site is a great resource and they credit the artists and list their shop and city they tattoo out of. Tattoo Life hosts two of the best run largest attended tattoo conventions in the world (Milan, London) Milan has been going for 16 years. These guys have been around a long time they aren't some hacks and they are one of the publications that deserve to be supported by the industry they have always represented well. JMHO :)
    1 point
  27. Scott R

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    thats super pretty mel
    1 point
  28. Mel Noir

    Ed Hardy Toilet Paper

    I am so glad it wasn't just me. I was starting to lose faith in Newcastle, haha. I get the whole, "they look like an Ed Hardy shirt" stuff as well, I think because my tattoos are traditional, mainly. I think those people are living proof of that old phrase- "it's better to keep your mouth shut and be thought of as smart than open it and remove all doubt", haha. Or however that phrase goes, anyway- I've heard a billion variations of it.
    1 point
  29. andrea

    Ed Hardy Toilet Paper

    This one time I was getting an iced tea and my barista said "I really like your tattoos! They look like an Ed Hardy shirt!" All I could come up with was "Well, they are tattoos."
    1 point
  30. Ursula

    Beer Wars

    watched beer wars this evening and it was pretty good! makes me feel good about drinking yuengling
    1 point
  31. slayer9019

    Is this even legal?

    I do not no how easily this transfers over to the world of tattooing/art but in the computer industry we commonly display code/programs that have very explicit terms of use around its distribution/use. I am not talking about massive Fortune 1000 companies but people like me who do it as a hobby after work. There are a TON of pre-made templates for terms of use out there that were written by lawyers but released for the every day guy to use. I have one that I attach and it is just a game of fill in the blanks. These Terms of Use are strong enough to hold up in court 90% of the time.
    1 point
  32. MsRad

    Is this even legal?

    maybe, but maybe not. depends on the agreement which was signed. my primary job at the museum is rights and reproductions, and while i don't usually work with tattoo artists, we do work with artists on a fairly regular basis (and own the collections to a few who have passed on). while sure, for a publication such as Tattoo Life, you're welcome to send in your image, unless you sign a contract giving them full publishing disclosure, if they are posting your image anywhere outside of the designated issue/web publication that you have agreed it, it IS illegal and against copyright law (unless the image was published pre 1978 here in the states, as copyright laws do not apply to any sort of work that was not registered as being copyrighted beforehand, and international rules are slightly different.) Also, usually magazines approach artists (again, not consumer contributors) to ask to use their work (or an estate/gallery that is in charge of their works and any legal ties to them). Once it has been confirmed with an artist that a given work may be used for a specific article, technically the magazine would need to re-apply for permission again for web use, unless the negotiated contract specified otherwise (and a broader range of distribution). if you ar sending in your work, the publication knows who the creator or contributor is, and therefore can't technically claim ignorance or "due dilligence", which can be claimed for a lot of found, anonymous works (think fliers and snapshots). So what does this mean for tattoo artists? GET EVERYTHING IN WRITING. number one thing i can't stress enough. if you get asked to have your work published in a book, magazine, website, whatever, don't agree on a verbal contract, and rather negotiate terms through email. at least then it's dated, time stamped, and in text. never, again NEVER, sign a contract without completely reading it. you may agree that someone can use your image to make millions of dollars (as with Ed Hardy), and not even realize it, and there is very little retribution to be gained once a contract has been signed (it is a legal binding document). if you want only one image to be used, at a small size, in one blog post, or one article, then tell the magazine that; the same can be said for 20 images. this is your right as an artist. just make sure you and the publication are on the same page. while i'm not a copyright lawyer (THANK GOD), this has been my job for the last 3.5 years. here's a great quick reference to copyright laws in case you are interested as well. Also, the safer bet is anything created before 1923 is public domain, anything after that is questionable.
    1 point
  33. s33ktruth

    Suggestions please

    Well honestly, when you are wearing shirt nobody will see that going on. Go for what you like, it all doesn't have to match. But if you start something on your arm, think about what you want on your other arm. Tradtional...Japanese...Realism... depends what your into. You still have a lot of space to work with.
    1 point
  34. hogg

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    YYYYYESSSSS! That is so killer, Ms. Rad!
    1 point
  35. s33ktruth

    Is this even legal?

    Release the kraken...
    1 point
  36. But dude if you buy the perfume you get a free handbag!!!!!!!
    1 point
  37. Well, its kinda funny you mention that, my Dad is going to go in with me to get a new tattoo (first since 1957) pretty soon and he is 74...so maybe I will end up with at least hands...I could get knuckles that said AARP LIFE or something...
    1 point
  38. hawk

    Ugliest Tattoos

    I can top that with a boneified "Professional Tattoo Artist"(as that is what it sez on the certificate) of an 80 hour graduate of the Tattoo Learning Center's back piece and this is truth and reality. Now the guy sportin this is as happy as a two petered pup but when he showed it to me he did the "curtain up curtain down" thing that I've come to recognize of the people who deep down know that it's not good work. Other than that he sounded like a PR rep for the shop. Jebus!!!
    1 point
  39. I'm also leaning in this direction, to not give it any further attention. Scott and I haven't even discussed it with eachother because there's no need to give it any more power. I also 100% understand Perez's point of view. I very much understand the concept of bearing witness, and have committed large chunks of my life to causes that I support and believe in. But I also think that TLC just sees dollar signs when their stupid show, before it even airs, causes this much of a stir. Tim might as well make a statement against MacDonalds or Big Oil or whoever else runs commercials during NY Ink. But I have to say, regarding this statement on Tim "but the average fan of NY Ink doesn't hold him in such regard," I think I disagree. I've watched two episodes of the show, I've made it through a dead baby, three dead dads, the shop helpers fighting about mopping, and a smeared eyebrow. Now I'm no expert on tattoo reality TV, I only saw 2 or 3 Miami Inks (and was told the cable would get turned off and the TV thrown in the street if I watched LA Ink), but I've heard that they never really show the person getting tattooed visibly hurting. In the last episode, the guy getting tattooed was done and crying, and Tim had an awesome bedside manner. Yes, it's true that I love him already, but he's certainly the only highlight on the show for me, so if someone is a fan of the show, they are a fan of Tim.
    1 point
  40. There is now a boycott petition, but I can't take anything serious that has so much random capitalization. Artist and Collectors Boycotting TLC's Tattoo School
    1 point
  41. Ok this is part of my leg after two days with Shige. Got two sessions in November for the next stage,colour!
    1 point
  42. David, I'd probably make you nuts, I intentionally overuse awesome all day long. It's actually intentional, it's like a personal joke between me and myself, I do know that it drives some people crazy. It's almost like how some people judged and discounted me 25 yrs ago when I got my nose pierced, I know that some people make a judgement about me for saying "that's totally awesome" all day long. Got to keep the haters away somehow. I also like to say hecka. You should try it, just for one day, you might find that you also enjoy the awesome lifestyle.
    1 point
  43. got this from Ben Grillo last month...
    1 point
  44. Bob Roberts and Leo Zulueta « Occult Vibrations
    1 point
  45. ShawnPorter

    palm tattoos

    Gloves? Cliff Raven didn't even wear pants.
    1 point
  46. dari

    Old Tattoo Documentaries

    That's how I felt when I saw the baby Freddy Corbin! It was funny to note that he had referenced that people in SF were most likely to "get a tattoo here," and gestured over the whole area on his face where he's now tattooed, like the thought was always somewhere in the corner of his mind.
    1 point
  47. all i can say is thank you....for reminding me how awesome this job is..and for bringin your a-game with these videos, the cholo don knotts cracked me up. then came the knit tie stage....wow.
    1 point
  48. I lived in Austin from 1990 to 1997, so I've seen more than my share of Dave Lum tattoos. That video was a time machine for me! I was really happy to see Waldo in it at about the 8:00 mark. I met him when I was just getting my first tattoos, around 1992. He already had his hands done, which, 20 fucking years ago, was out-of-this-world insane. But every time I ran into him, which was often, we'd talk tattoos and he would just light up. Even though I was just a kid with 2 or 3 tattoos, he never condescended to me and was always cool as hell. Here's are some then-and-now pics of him with Viktor the Viking:
    1 point
  49. One down. LOTS to go!
    1 point
  50. Perez

    Om Mani Padme Hum

    That's rad Bill, R.I.P. Sonny. I got mine from my buddy Adam Paterson who broke me into the business. I had just read Tattootime "Tattoo Magic" and thought it was so awesome, I had to add it to my magic. Got it across the top of my right hand, just below my wrist. Noticed recently that Stell has it in almost the exact same spot. I feel the same way, being nice is such an under-appreciated virtue in this business, I can't believe that in this day and age, in a service job, there's still so much bad-attitude pseudo tough-guy posturing going on. It's honestly why I don't have many tattooer friends. Some people just dont understand that you don't have to be a dick to be cool I guess. I mean look at Paul Rogers, of all the things he is remembered for the foremost two are, he was a exceedingly kind, and an incredibly hard worker. That's the kind of legacy I want to leave. A jerk who can tattoo is still a jerk.
    1 point
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