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Scott R

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Posts posted by Scott R

  1. get two sessions of laser treatment, to lighten the tattoo. wait 6 months to let the skin settle, find a competent artist, and maybe get a rose tattooed over the top, classic, timeless, represents love and could possibly tie to growth etc. a colour tattoo will work way better to cover this design than a black & grey one. that's what i'd recommend

    @severgirl3 you recieved good advice by @CultExciter and @Graeme IMO. I am quoting valerie in hopes you read this a few more times and seriously consider . You just got an honest opinion from one of the best tattooers out there.

  2. I was reading through some of the older pages of this thread the other day and was startled by how many members here, who I'd assumed had been getting tattooed for a long time owing to their knowledge and the quality of their tattoos, got their first tattoos while on this forum. I was sort of surprised anew by what a cool community you all have built here.

    I wish I'd spent more time here lurking and less time posting, particularly as a new member, but thanks for letting me hang around.

    i had my first good tattoo while learning on this forum and owe it and subsequent tattoos to the fine people on LST

  3. I know its not for everyone but I have had pretty good success with carb cycling. RIght now I am tinkering with keto 6 days a week and free for all 6-8 hrs one day a week. I recently had hip surgeries and my activity level has declined considerably but have been able to thwart weight gain (i usually do not weigh maybe even lost some fat though) with this approach and I really like food.

  4. ^ agree

    I did mma for a number of years, and your first day sparring was quite the wake up call. I have the itch to get back into it, at least BJJ and muay thai again. Budget is tight, but it's always worth it.

    Anyone new to a bag, learn to properly wrap your wrists up and get some proper gloves. That investment will save you some pain as your body adjusts to the new demands placed on it.

    I wish I would have realized sooner gloves protect hands not head. I luckily have very little hand issues and what i do have i attribute from from checking kicks. But please any those that are interested in sparring wear head gear. I never did until told to do so by a coach several yrs ago. It was too hard to get used to (felt like a squid attached to my head) 10 + years of bad habits are hard to break

  5. damn. you took real well, real fast to the treatments!

    did you get any blistering?

    I'm getting Pico treatment and my first 45 min session was last Saturday and I am dying from all the blisters and swelling right now. Lucky for me, the actual treatment wasn't bad. It's just the "side effects" *sniffle* Any advice on what to do with my blisters or how to prevent such severe ones in the future?

    I believe I have pictures in this thread with some gnarly blisters @CampB as far as care treat with general wound care for a few days, you should be fine. I had no scarring or ill effects proper hydration and good diet could lessen healing time along with some vitamin C and zinc( I never added this during my treatments)

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