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I guess I figure, not every client matches w/every artist. They SO did not mesh. She struck me as a harpy..a bit of "lookit me on tv putting this guy in his place" like she was far superior and more knowledgeable than he. And it's kinda hard to demonstrate proficiency in something if the client doesn't want it. Can't really show that you can do say...praying hands, if the client says yeaaaah no, can you put mittens on them?

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I guess I figure, not every client matches w/every artist. They SO did not mesh. She struck me as a harpy..a bit of "lookit me on tv putting this guy in his place" like she was far superior and more knowledgeable than he. And it's kinda hard to demonstrate proficiency in something if the client doesn't want it. Can't really show that you can do say...praying hands, if the client says yeaaaah no, can you put mittens on them?

praying hands with mittens.... that sounds like a hipster tattoo trend

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in that horrible chics defense, that johnny dangerously dude is a fucking moron. Anyone who has a mohawk and is not a punk is an idiot.

He should have maned....mand.....manned....im going with maned...maned up and just said "I'm a good artist I'll give you great tattoo. Shut up and sit down." he let his nerves get the best of him and he cracked. But that belle chick was horrible and I've been waiting for her to leave anyway.

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He should have maned....mand.....manned....im going with maned...maned up and just said "I'm a good artist I'll give you great tattoo. Shut up and sit down." he let his nerves get the best of him and he cracked. But that belle chick was horrible and I've been waiting for her to leave anyway.

Yeah, she was just awful.

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i think having the clients vote for the worst tattoo is a pretty rough idea. i understand they've chosen to get a free tattoo from some random ass artist who they don't get to pick and it's basically a crap shoot, but then to have all the other clients sit in a circle and talk shit about the tattoo you JUST got... still oozing... that's just gotta suck. "hey! our tattoos suck, but YOURS is definitely the worst."

at least, before, the unknowing clients could go home and enjoy their bad tattoos until they saw it on TV getting torn apart by the judges.

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Even the first tattoo she did at the "prison" was horrible. and i felt the same way. Like she was trying waaaay to hard to show that she was edgy and "cool".

It really gets me how people mostly women like her and the crazy bitch that walked out go on tv and think they have to fit into a stereotype in order to be accepted. You don't have to be loud and rude bc you're black and you don't have to be half naked to be attractive and you definitely don't have to shave your head to show that you can hang with the best of them. The biggest compliment i receive is "you don't look the type to....." We're not put here to fit into what everyone assumes we're suppose to be.

I laughed when she started talking about how it wasn't fair that Tatu baby....(?) was staying bc she(belle) was better then her. I don't Like Tatu Baby either but at least she has SOME talent.

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She looked like an alien.... now I'm all for people getting tattooed as they please, but didn't she kind of come off as the real try hard,

"look at me im so edgy with my face tattoos and bald head?"

She looked like an alien, and she couldn't tattoo for shit

I agree. Let me demonstrate my small mindedness - If you are going to look like that, you have better be able to back it up, otherwise it comes across as substituting 'the look' for 'the talent.' As they say in Texas, she's all hat and no cattle.

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My wife asked me if I would volunteer to be a canvas (hate that word) for that show. I thought about it, and NO...I would not. The artists seem to have way too much pressure to ever get into their zone. They're running on low sleep, they're getting harassed by their fellow artists, their getting harassed by the judges, and then they're getting it from their clients. On top of that, they may be assigned a bad tattoo by some dickhead who wants to get them kicked off the show.

I understand that they have to go through that BS just to make the show entertaining, but let's face it, tattooing in itself is a pretty boring activity. You're drawing on paper and then transferring that drawing onto skin. The clients are (mostly) cool, and if not, they leave and find someone else, or you kick them out. You set your own hours and work only when you want to get paid.

No wonder a lot of these artists on the show produce crap work. And would you volunteer to be a canvas knowing that you have a very good chance of getting a bad piece? I know tattooing is a craps shoot...there are no guarantees, but to me it's worth it to pay a few hundred bucks to stack the odds a little more in my favor. I would wash my artist's car, take his laundry to the dry cleaners, and bring him a cup of chamomile tea before bed if I thought it would improve my chances of getting a better tattoo.

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I know tattooing is a craps shoot...there are no guarantees, but to me it's worth it to pay a few hundred bucks to stack the odds a little more in my favor. I would wash my artist's car, take his laundry to the dry cleaners, and bring him a cup of chamomile tea before bed if I thought it would improve my chances of getting a better tattoo.


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I do have to say I also find it interesting hearing folks who modify their appearance have so much to say judging others appearances. Really it does crack me up. I could give a shit what other people look like from cookie cutter banana republic folks to those with eyeball tattoos and split tongues. Sometimes the modified commenting on the modified comes off even harsher than the unmodified comments. As to the quote "don't look the part unless you can back it up" I'm pretty sure 95% of this forum can't "back up" our tattoos. Im sure that LSTers that frequent other forums on such topics have picked up on this elitism and judgement. As @Stewart Robson said "we are all tattooed freaks" (I paraphrased that).

End rant.

OK that being said in my opinion she was a bad tattooer.

Also @ShawnPorter I also need to find a way to stop watching this damn train wreck. If you find one please let me know.

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I do have to say I also find it interesting hearing folks who modify their appearance have so much to say judging others appearances. Really it does crack me up. I could give a shit what other people look like from cookie cutter banana republic folks to those with eyeball tattoos and split tongues. Sometimes the modified commenting on the modified comes off even harsher than the unmodified comments. As to the quote "don't look the part unless you can back it up" I'm pretty sure 95% of this forum can't "back up" our tattoos. Im sure that LSTers that frequent other forums on such topics have picked up on this elitism and judgement. As @Stewart Robson said "we are all tattooed freaks" (I paraphrased that).

End rant.

I have a twenty-sided die tattooed on me and if you want to go toe to toe in a game of Pathfinder I'm pretty sure I could critical hit you, motherfucker.

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As Stewart Robson said "we are all tattooed freaks" (I paraphrased that).

I remember saying that but probably in a slightly different context. I pretty sure I didn't mean that because I chose not to part of 'normal' society that I feel any kinship with others who choose, at a cursory glance, a similar path. I choose my associates by different criteria than if we 'modify' our appearance or not.

My enemy's enemy isn't necessarily my friend.

When somebody decides to become heavily tattooed, I WILL judge them on their tattoos and overall appearance as I expect to be judged on mine. This does not mean that my judgement is always correct but I can make an educated guess that, for example; if someone has 99% crappy tattoos of whatever/every fad and movie-star tattoo of the last two decades that we won't be discussing the symbolism of Kafka and the spirit of Burroughs. Conversely, just because someone has mostly buddhist or various theological themes that we will have an enriching and enlightening discussion. Appearances can be deceptive but serve as an indicator or advertisement of our intent. I feel justified on reading the signals presented and making a judgement call to allow this or that person to take up space and time in my life. I'm sometimes wrong and enjoy the surprise but it happens so rarely that it won't make me re-consider.

Kinda reminds me of being a teenager and meeting people with obscure tastes in extreme metal, only to be disappointed when that was the only interest we shared. Or that they liked it for different reasons.

Sorry to derail the flow of a TV based thread. I just wanted to make it clear that I'm not a crusader for acceptance. Actually, I'm all for elitism and critical thinking (especially with regards to quality) when it comes to tattoos.

The being able to 'back up' tattoos thing - I don't really care, it's not my argument but... I know I'm a tourist with regards to Japanese tattooing. I wear it, I do it, I'm not Japanese etc, etc. I love it but I'm still another foreigner dazzled by the 'exotic' nature of tattooing. I guess most of us are, just some of us spend a lot more time thinking up retroactive excuses for authenticity.

I haven't seen any Ink Master since the first episodes of season one but I'm glad it exists. Friends, colleagues and customers of mine get to goof off and air their opinions on TV while still showing that they care about tattooing. One of them said to me that Ink Master isn't for 'us'. It's for people who want to watch reality TV. At least the judges, guest judges and host give a shit about good tattoos. They get to represent 'us' to the people who watch reality TV. I'm cool with Oliver, Dave, Seth Ciferri, Forrest, Jack Rudy etc etc representing 'us'.

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I remember saying that but probably in a slightly different context. I pretty sure I didn't mean that because I chose not to part of 'normal' society that I feel any kinship with others who choose, at a cursory glance, a similar path. I choose my associates by different criteria than if we 'modify' our appearance or not.

My enemy's enemy isn't necessarily my friend.

When somebody decides to become heavily tattooed, I WILL judge them on their tattoos and overall appearance as I expect to be judged on mine. This does not mean that my judgement is always correct but I can make an educated guess that, for example; if someone has 99% crappy tattoos of whatever/every fad and movie-star tattoo of the last two decades that we won't be discussing the symbolism of Kafka and the spirit of Burroughs. Conversely, just because someone has mostly buddhist or various theological themes that we will have an enriching and enlightening discussion. Appearances can be deceptive but serve as an indicator or advertisement of our intent. I feel justified on reading the signals presented and making a judgement call to allow this or that person to take up space and time in my life. I'm sometimes wrong and enjoy the surprise but it happens so rarely that it won't make me re-consider.

Kinda reminds me of being a teenager and meeting people with obscure tastes in extreme metal, only to be disappointed when that was the only interest we shared. Or that they liked it for different reasons.

Sorry to derail the flow of a TV based thread. I just wanted to make it clear that I'm not a crusader for acceptance. Actually, I'm all for elitism and critical thinking (especially with regards to quality) when it comes to tattoos.

The being able to 'back up' tattoos thing - I don't really care, it's not my argument but... I know I'm a tourist with regards to Japanese tattooing. I wear it, I do it, I'm not Japanese etc, etc. I love it but I'm still another foreigner dazzled by the 'exotic' nature of tattooing. I guess most of us are, just some of us spend a lot more time thinking up retroactive excuses for authenticity.

I haven't seen any Ink Master since the first episodes of season one but I'm glad it exists. Friends, colleagues and customers of mine get to goof off and air their opinions on TV while still showing that they care about tattooing. One of them said to me that Ink Master isn't for 'us'. It's for people who want to watch reality TV. At least the judges, guest judges and host give a shit about good tattoos. They get to represent 'us' to the people who watch reality TV. I'm cool with Oliver, Dave, Seth Ciferri, Forrest, Jack Rudy etc etc representing 'us'.

I can this starting off, I probably should stop posting while walking half-distracted on my phone in NYC. I also am much worse at wording my thoughts as well as you. (You also do a hell of a good job being clear). Also I did take that paraphrase from you out of context (you were referring to people who act confused/offended when they get heavily tattooed and people treat them different).

I can absolutely agree with quite a few points you made. I did not get tattooed to become a part of some group and do not immediately associate myself with modified people just for the sake that we both are modified. That goes for everything (metal, cars, guns, etc). Sometimes a shared interest is a good starting point to a possible good interaction but sometimes yes, it is just one shared interest and nothing more.

I can see your point on making assumptions in ones taste by looking at their tattoos, but I've also met some cool people and some good tattoo artists that have some pretty bad tattoos. So I guess it could be a good indicator but not always. I'd prefer if people only got awesome tattoos by great tattooers but I know in my case (my first tattoo) and in other's cases sometimes that doesn't always happen. It's not really about acceptance for me but more of me getting a bit annoyed at the constant negativity I see in most things (tattoos, metal, etc), when people could take the (in my opinion) better approach and try and educate people. This is why I am glad I am a part of LST, we give criticism to those who ask and steer people to get better tattoos. Hell it's how I got tattooed by you, and I am very happy that it happened. I've been on a few other tattoo forums before LST that was all negativity and promotion of bad tattoos.

As far as the "back up" thing, it was in reference to someone's post here talking about being able to back up having a certain look.

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He should have maned....mand.....manned....im going with maned...maned up and just said "I'm a good artist I'll give you great tattoo. Shut up and sit down." he let his nerves get the best of him and he cracked. But that belle chick was horrible and I've been waiting for her to leave anyway.

I'm still callin' it 110% staged. They bring the guy in at the start of the show as a shill, let him know the deal up front. I'd do it for the right $$$.

In the end, the artist still has the right not to tattoo anyone for any reason. I've seen people turned away before, "maybe this isn't the shop for you.".


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